Minutes CivilCal. Super. - 3rd Dist.June 9, 2021#10 SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA, COUNTY OF PLACER MOTION AND CASE MANAGEMENT MINUTES ae Aumond, Karen Lu vs. Auburn Creekside Villa R-SC-0026094 E. Gavazos 10.ust Judge: Trisha Hirashima Clerk: Yanessa-Carroll Reporter:No Court Reporter Date: 09/27/21 Time: 9:00:00AM Department: Department 40 RGY of Proseed ings: Small Claims Hearira Additional Information: have rete present [ ]not present sworn Defendant [ ] presen} not present [ ] sworn Counsel for Plaintiff: Counsel for Defendamwt: Witness/s for Plaintiff [] sworn Witness/s for Defendant [] sworn Phstiouation to Commissioner/ Pro Tem ] Continued to [ ] Dropped [] Failure to Appear []Dismissed []With [] Without Prejudice [ ] Petition/Motion granted as prayed [] Petition / Motion denied Judgment: [] Judgment [] Granted as prayed []Denied [] Taken under submission [] Principal: _ []| Costs: [] Atty Fees: [] Hold Over: [] Interest: [] Rent and damages: __ Total: __ [ ] Forfeiture of lease/rental agreement [] Premises restored to the Plaintiff [] Writ to issue [ ] Stay of Execution is granted [] until [] upon the condition of posting rent in the amount of $ payable to the Clerk of the Court no later than [] p.m. [] a.m. on . Stay of Execution is lifted if rent is not posted. [] Posting of rent must be made in the form of cash, money order or certified check. Small Claims Judgment: [] Defendant/s shall pay Plaintiff $ principal and $ costs on Plaintiff’s claim. [] Defendant | does not owe Plaintiff any money on Plaintiff’s claim. [] Plaintiff shall pay Defendant $ principal and $ costs on Defendant’s claim. [] Plaintiff does not owe Defendant any money on Defendant’s Claim. Other Orders: [ ] Payable forthwith. [ ] Payments are to be made at the rate of $ per , beginning on (date): and on the day of each month thereafter until paid in full. If any payment is missed, the entire balance shall become due immediately. [ ] Debtor is sworn and retired with counsel for examination [ ] Civil Bench Warrant to issue in the amount of [ ] Settlement reached and recited. [] Parties are sworn and agree to terms of settlement. [] Settlement entered pursuant to CCP 664.6. [] Written stipulation filed. [ ] Judgment or Dismissal must be entered by the above date [] or Sanctions to be imposed or [] Case to | dismissed eae are imposed as follows: against, { 7t= LU | fale" Mee eee UCL AER Hach ecl (wt U( A dei UW yc eS VAG rou le KS hts Pectct [] [] Clerk [] Counsel to give notice. exit loi- loc (oy [ ] prepare Me order/judgment. [] submit to opposing party for approval fl 14 LY. and for Civil Minutes i | CRIVO003 | SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF PLACER EXHIBIT LIST Case No. R-SC-0026094 Case Name: Aumond, Karen Lu vs. Auburn Creekside Villa A:Petitioner | C: B:Respondent | D: Exh # Marked | Admit’ | W/drn Refused | Description 1 A {09/27/21 |09/27/21 Statement of Karen Lu Aumond with attachments Date exhibits released: Released to (signature): Date exhibits released: Released to (signature): Date exhibits released: Released to (signature): Received by exhibit custodian on: signed: *Counsel for the parties introducing the exhibit shall be responsible for maintenance, custody and safekeeping of that exhibit pending any post-verdict proceedings, appeals and final determination of the action or proceeding. Form Adopted for Optional Use www.placer.courts.ca.gov Superior Court of California, County of Placer Form Name: Exhibit List Effective 10-01-2013