WorksheetCal. Super. - 3rd Dist.June 8, 2021 DATE EVENT A-Z1-7\ Case called by: L] Judge:- (sig TRISHA HIRASHIMA [] Judge Pro Tem: (sign) Continued to: Plaintiff XPresent C1] Absent ClAppearance by: Vyas (6yns Defendant JxlPresent L] Absent CO Appearance by: Miké v Log Fs Of0 JUDGMENT IS ENTERED AS CHECKED BELOW ON: (date) JO Ui. B/2/ 1) Ki Defendant: (name) Lye vw JY EsC0tO shall pay plaintiff (name) Tomy (entuf $ 942.50 principal and$ //O costs on plaintiff’s claim 2) (J Defendant does not owe plaintiff any money on plaintiff's claim 3) O Plaintiff (name) shall pay defendant ( name ) $ principal 4) (] Plaintiff does not owe the defendant any money on the defendant’s claim 5) CJ Possession of the following property is awarded to plaintiff (describe property) 6) [] Payments are to be made at the rate of $ per beginning on___--C-CSCSCSCSC. AN ON the.___ day of each month thereafter until paid in full. If any payment is missed, the entire balance may become due immediately, and judgment will be entered. 7) (Dismissed in court [] with prejudice [] without prejudice 8) CJ Attorney-client fee dispute 9) Other Miki pondeed Cw. ole § 841 (y)(3) but divalp Mat attendant did not rebut 10)X|Payable forthwith 11) This is a Court Supervised Settlement pursuant to CCP 664.6. The Court will retain jurisdiction over this matter until the terms and conditions of settlement have been fully satisfied (_] Case dismissed before trial [ with prejudice ] without prejudice Evidence introduced is (] returned J retained by the court (J motion to vacate filed ] Satisfaction of judgment entered PLAINTIFF'S CLAIM ©-3 ~2\_ aMoUNT ASKING g 842.50 costs ¢ 30+ CO=|I0 DEFENDANT’S CLAIM _____ AMOUNT ASKING $_____SS-sCM COSTS $ CASE NUMBER RSCOO02G08% POS FILED @!l-2|(X2)_ [7] No POS FILED qT