Miller et al v. Davis et alMOTION for Injunction Pending Appeal of This Court's August 25, 2015 OrderE.D. Ky.September 2, 2015UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT FOR THE EASTERN DISTRICT OF KENTUCKY ASHLAND DIVISION APRIL MILLER, ET AL., Plaintiffs, v. KIM DAVIS, ET AL., Defendants. : : : : : : : : : : CIVIL ACTION 0:15-CV-00044-DLB DISTRICT JUDGE DAVID L. BUNNING KIM DAVIS, Third-Party Plaintiff, v. STEVEN L. BESHEAR, in his official capacity as Governor of Kentucky, and WAYNE ONKST, in his official capacity as State Librarian and Commissioner, Kentucky Department for Libraries and Archives, Third-Party Defendants. : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : EMERGENCY MOTION FOR INJUNCTION PENDING APPEAL Pursuant to Federal Rule of Civil Procedure 6(b), Local Rule 7.1, and Federal Rule of Appellate Procedure 8(a)(1), Defendant/Third-Party Plaintiff Kim Davis (“Davis”), by and through her undersigned counsel, hereby moves for this Court to enter an injunction pending appeal of this Court’s August 25, 2015 order (D.E. 58), which is the subject of Davis’ notice of appeal to the Sixth Circuit filed on August 31, 2015. See D.E. 66. In support thereof, Davis incorporates by reference the memorandum of law filed in support of her Motion for Preliminary Case: 0:15-cv-00044-DLB Doc #: 70 Filed: 09/02/15 Page: 1 of 3 - Page ID#: 1498 2 Injunction (D.E. 39-1), and the contemporaneously-filed memorandum of law that is attached to this Motion. WHEREFORE, Defendant/Third-Party Plaintiff Kim Davis respectfully requests that this Court enter an injunction pending appeal of this Court’s August 25, 2015 order, in the form of the proposed order attached hereto. DATED: September 2, 2015 Respectfully submitted: A.C. Donahue Donahue Law Group, P.S.C. P.O. Box 659 Somerset, Kentucky 42502 Tel: (606) 677-2741 Fax: (606) 678-2977 /s/ Jonathan D. Christman Roger K. Gannam Jonathan D. Christman Liberty Counsel P.O. Box 540774 Orlando, Florida 32854 Tel: (800) 671-1776 Fax: (407) 875-0770 Attorneys for Defendant/Third-Party Plaintiff Kim Davis Case: 0:15-cv-00044-DLB Doc #: 70 Filed: 09/02/15 Page: 2 of 3 - Page ID#: 1499 3 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I hereby certify that a true and correct copy of the foregoing was filed via the Court’s ECF filing system and therefore service will be effectuated by the Court’s electronic notification system upon all counsel or parties of record: Daniel J. Canon Jeffrey C. Mando L. Joe Dunman Claire Parsons Laura E. Landenwich ADAMS, STEPNER, WOLTERMANN & CLAY DANIEL WALTON ADAMS, PLC DUSING, PLLC 462 S. Fourth Street, Suite 101 40 West Pike Street Louisville, KY 40202 Covington, KY 41011 Attorneys for Rowan County William Ellis Sharp ACLU OF KENTUCKY William M. Lear, Jr. 315 Guthrie Street, Suite 300 Palmer G. Vance II Louisville, KY 40202 STOLL KEENON OGDEN PLLC 300 West Vine Street, Suite 2100 Lexington, KY 40507-1380 Attorneys for Plaintiffs DATED: September 2, 2015 /s/ Jonathan D. Christman Jonathan D. Christman Attorney for Defendant/Third-Party Plaintiff Kim Davis Case: 0:15-cv-00044-DLB Doc #: 70 Filed: 09/02/15 Page: 3 of 3 - Page ID#: 1500