NoticeCal. Super. - 3rd Dist.June 9, 2021 Superior Court of the State of Caltfornia Jn and For The County of Placer CASE NO. M-CV-0079274 A CASE MANAGEMENT CONFERENCE HAS BEEN SCHEDULED: DATE: November 8, 2021 TIME: (2:00 P.M. If your case number starts with “S-CV” (2:30 P.M. If your case number starts with “S-CV” and is deemed Complex 3:00 P.M. If your case number starts with “M-CV” DEPT: 40 - 10820 Justice Center Drive, Roseville, California IF YOU DO NOT HAVE AN ATTORNEY, READ THIS: The judge does not decide whether you win or lose your case at this court date. If you do not file an “Answer,” or other “responsive pleading,” you will automatically lose this case, usually before this court date. The Answer or responsive pleading must be given to the court clerk within 30 days of the day you received the Summons, along with a filing fee or application for waiver of court fees. You can get free help filling out your Answer or responsive pleading at the court’s Legal Help Center. For more information or to schedule an appointment, go to the court’s website at and select “Legal Help Center.” INFORMATION ABOUT CASE MANAGEMENT CONFERENCES: 15 calendar days before the Case Management Conference, you must file and serve a completed Case Management Statement (CM-110). You do not need to come to court for the first Case Management Conference. You can see the court’s proposed orders 12 calendar days before the Case Management Conference on the court’s website, Select “Tentative Rulings and Calendar Notes,” then “Civil Case Management Conference.” If you do not have Internet access, call the court at 916-408-6000 to get the information. The court does not provide a court reporter at Case Management Conferences or Law & Motion hearings. If you want the proceedings reported, you must provide your own court reporter at your own expense. IF YOU WANT TO APPEAR BY TELEPHONE, you must schedule your telephonic appearance through the court’s website, Select “Telephonic Appearance System.” For more information on the telephonic appearance system, please visit our “How to” guide on the website. YOU MUST PAY ONLINE TO USE THIS SERVICE UNLESS YOU HAVE BEEN GRANTED A FEE WAIVER BY THE COURT. Superior Court of California, County of Placer www. placer. courts. Form No. PL-CV901 Effective 09-18-2014