DeclarationCal. Super. - 3rd Dist.November 25, 2019P A T E N A U D E & F E L I X , A P C A T T O R N E Y S A T L A W 45 45 M U R P H Y C A N Y O N RO AD , 3® ” F L O O R S A N D I E G O , CA 92 12 3 TE LE : (8 58 ) 24 4- 76 00 FA X: (8 58 ) 83 6- 03 18 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 LAW OFFICES OF FILED PATENAUDE & FELIX, A.P.C. See urbe Raymond A. Patenaude, Esq. (#128855) . Michael D. Kahn, Esq. (4236898) NOV 25 2019 Stephanie J. Boone, Esq. (#160182) Jake Chatters Todd C. Simonson, Esq. (#224346) Executive Officer & Clerk Adam Michael Rivera, Esq. (#321236) By:M. Anderson, Deputy Angie Hong Hoar, Esq. (#212152) 4545 Murphy Canyon Road, 3rd Floor San Diego, California 92123 Tele: (858) 244-7600 Fax: (858) 836-0318 Attorneys for Plaintiff SYNCHRONY BANK SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF PLACER, PLACER CIVIL DIVISION SYNCHRONY BANK, CaseNo. MCV0075290 Plaintifl,) DECLARATION RE: VENUE Ni KATIDA DURIEZ A/K/A KATIDA W DURIEZ, and DOES | through 15, inclusive, Defendant(s). The undersigned declare: 1. That I am the attorney at law, duly licensed to practice before all Courts in the state of California. 2. Iam an associate with the Law Offices of Patenaude & Felix, APC, counsel of record for Plaintiff herein. 3. I make this Declaration based on my personal knowledge, except for those items which are stated to be based on my information and belief. If called to testify I could, and would, competently testify to the matters contained herein, based upon my personal knowledge, except for that which is stated to be based on my information and belief, and with the respect to those items, I believe them to be true. /// 1 DECLARATION RE: VENUE CA_105MI Dec Venue Cr Cd P&F File No. 19-45474 P A T E N A U D E & F E L I X , A P C A T T O R N E Y S A T L A W 45 45 M U R P H Y C A N Y O N RO AD , 3® ” F L O O R S A N D I E G O , CA 92 12 3 TE LE : (8 58 ) 24 4- 76 00 FA X: (8 58 ) 83 6- 03 18 10 1] 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 4. Based on the information in this office's file, this is the proper Judicial District because at least one Defendant resides in this Judicial District. 5. This Action is not subject to California Civil Code section 1812.10 or California Civil Code section 2984.4. 6. This Action is subject to California Code of Civil Procedure section 392 et seq. I declare under the penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of California that the foregoing is true and correct. Executed on October 17, 2019, San Diego, California. FF [ ] RAYMOND A. PATENAUDE [ ] MICHAEL D. KAHN [ ] STEPHANIE J. BOONE #@) TODD C. SIMONSON [ ] ADAM MICHAEL RIVERA { ] ANGIE HONG HOAR DECLARATION RE: VENUE CA_105M1 Dec Venue Cr Cd P&F File No. 19-45474