DeclarationCal. Super. - 3rd Dist.November 25, 2019 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 LAW OFFICES OF PATENAUDE & FELIX, A.P.C. Raymond A. Patenaude, Esq. (#128855) Stephanie J. Boone, Esq. (#160182) Angie Hong Hoar, Esq. (#212152) Robert W. Wright, Esq. (#276653) Dean Keshavarz, Esq. (#PL-496493) 9619 Chesapeake Drive, Suite 300 San Diego, California 92123 Tele: (858) 244-7600 Fax: (858) 836-0318 Attorneys for Plaintiff SYNCHRONY BANK SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF PLACER, PLACER CIVIL DIVISION Case No. MCV0075248 PLAINTIFF'S DECLARATION / AFFIDAVIT IN SUPPORT OF DEFAULT JUDGMENT [C.C.P. §585 (d)] 1 CA_41 Dec Cover P&F File No. 19-48575 SYNCHRONY BANK, Plaintiff, v. JENNIFER THOMPSON A/K/A JENNIFER M THOMPSON, and DOES 1 through 15, inclusive, Defendant(s). 03/15/2021 6128 XBH 1 3 15 190515 Z X PAGE 1 of 1 9606 1000 G001 O1DI6128 JENNIFER M THOMPSON Account Number 6746 Visit us at Customer Service: 1-866-794-8231 PAYMENT DUE BY 5 P.M. (ET) ON THE DUE DATE. NOTICE: We may convert your payment into an electronic debit. See reverse for details, Billing Rights and other important information. Summary of Account Activity Previous Balance $1,541.21 - Other Credits $1,579.21 + Fees Charged $38.00 New Balance $0.00 Credit Limit $1,370.00 Available Credit $0.00 Statement Closing Date 05/15/2019 Days in Billing Cycle 28 Payment Information New Balance $0.00 Amount Past Due $0.00 Total Minimum Payment Due $829.49 Payment Due Date 05/17/2019 Late Payment Warning: If we do not receive your Total Minimum Payment Due by the Payment Due Date listed above, you may have to pay a late fee up to $38.00. Transaction Summary Tran Date Post Date Reference Number Description of Transaction or Credit Amount 05/15 05/15 F9606004700999990 CHARGE OFF ACCOUNT-PRINCIPALS ($1,249.48) 05/15 05/15 F9606004700999990 CHARGE OFF ACCOUNT-INTEREST CHARGE ($329.73) FEES 05/10 05/10 LATE FEE $38.00 TOTAL FEES FOR THIS PERIOD $38.00 INTEREST CHARGED 05/15 05/15 INTEREST CHARGE ON PURCHASES $0.00 TOTAL INTEREST FOR THIS PERIOD $0.00 2019 Totals Year-to-Date Total Fees Charged in 2019 $190.00 Total Interest Charged in 2019 $19.30 Total Interest Paid in 2019 $0.00 Interest Charge Calculation Your Annual Percentage Rate (APR) is the annual interest rate on your account. Type of Balance Expiration Date Annual Percentage Rate Balance Subject to Interest Rate Interest Charge Regular Purchase NA 29.99% $0.00 $0.00 Phone Purchase NA 0.00% $0.00 $0.00 Cardholder News and Information Statement not provided to customer. .$ JENNIFER M THOMPSON 173 PINE ST AUBURN CA 95603-5246 Detach and mail this portion with your check. Do not include any correspondence with your check. Make Payment to: SYNCB/GOOGLE STORE FINANC PO BOX 960013 ORLANDO, FL 32896-0013 Account Number: 6746 Total Minimum Payment Due Amount Past Due Payment Due Date Overlimit Amount New Balance $829.49 $0.00 05/17/2019 $0.00 $0.00 Payment Enclosed: Please use blue or black ink. New address or email? Print changes on back. 00829490020494 000000000000000 000604597 1000936 74603 6128 XBH 1 7 15 190417 E X PAGE 1 of 1 9606 1000 G001 O1DI6128 JENNIFER M THOMPSON Account Number 6746 Visit us at Customer Service: 1-866-794-8231 PAYMENT DUE BY 5 P.M. (ET) ON THE DUE DATE. NOTICE: We may convert your payment into an electronic debit. See reverse for details, Billing Rights and other important information. Summary of Account Activity Previous Balance $1,496.79 + Fees Charged $38.00 + Interest Charges $6.42 New Balance $1,541.21 Credit Limit $1,370.00 Available Credit $0.00 Statement Closing Date 04/17/2019 Days in Billing Cycle 30 Payment Information New Balance $1,541.21 Amount Past Due $622.13 Total Minimum Payment Due $729.02 Overlimit Amount $171.21 Payment Due Date 05/10/2019 Late Payment Warning: If we do not receive your Total Minimum Payment Due by the Payment Due Date listed above, you may have to pay a late fee up to $38.00. Minimum Payment Warning: If you make only the minimum payment each period, you will pay more in interest and it will take you longer to pay off your balance. For example: If you make no additional charges using this card and each month you pay ... You will pay off the balance shown on this statement in about ... And you will end up paying an estimated total of ... Only the minimum payment 15 months $1,549.00 If you would like information about credit counseling services, call 1-877-302-8775. Transaction Summary Tran Date Post Date Reference Number Description of Transaction or Credit Amount FEES 04/10 04/10 LATE FEE $38.00 TOTAL FEES FOR THIS PERIOD $38.00 INTEREST CHARGED 04/17 04/17 INTEREST CHARGE ON PURCHASES $6.42 TOTAL INTEREST FOR THIS PERIOD $6.42 2019 Totals Year-to-Date Total Fees Charged in 2019 $152.00 Total Interest Charged in 2019 $19.30 Total Interest Paid in 2019 $0.00 Interest Charge Calculation Your Annual Percentage Rate (APR) is the annual interest rate on your account. Type of Balance Expiration Date Annual Percentage Rate Balance Subject to Interest Rate Interest Charge Regular Purchase NA 29.99% $260.43 $6.42 Phone Purchase NA 0.00% $0.00 $0.00 Cardholder News and Information YOUR ACCOUNT IS PAST DUE. PLEASE PAY THE MINIMUM PAYMENT DUE OR CONTACT THIS OFFICE AT THE PHONE NUMBER LISTED ON YOUR STATEMENT. .$ JENNIFER M THOMPSON 173 PINE ST AUBURN CA 95603-5246 Detach and mail this portion with your check. Do not include any correspondence with your check. Make Payment to: SYNCB/GOOGLE STORE FINANC PO BOX 960013 ORLANDO, FL 32896-0013 Account Number: 6746 Total Minimum Payment Due Amount Past Due Payment Due Date Overlimit Amount New Balance $729.02 $622.13 05/10/2019 $171.21 $1,541.21 Payment Enclosed: Please use blue or black ink. New address or email? Print changes on back. 00106890020494 007290200154121 000604597 1000936 74603