NoticeCal. Super. - 3rd Dist.September 14, 2018 SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF PLACER im Bi; mt aT Physical Address: Mailing Address: s 10820 Justice Center Drive PO Box 619072 -- Roseville, CA 95678 Roseville, CA 95661 11/28/2018 Jessica Garcia 1320 Willow Pass Rd Ste 730 Concord CA 94520 Re: American Express National Bank vs. Ukaegbu, Emeka M-CV-0071259 DOCUMENT: C) Complaint/Petition/Cross-Complaint/Amended C] Answer/Responsive C Default (1 Notice of Deposit of Jury Fees LJ Motion/OSC/Demurrer ] Proof of Service L] Judgment/Order L] Request for Dismissal L] Request for Trial Setting (UD) L} Notice of Entry of Dismissal C} Abstract/Writ (] Substitution of Attorney C] Notice of Unavailability of Counsel Other: Notice of Intention to Incur () Check # for $ Court Costs & Legal Fees By Filing Suit & Plaintiff's Summary of Case YOUR PAPERS WERE NOT FILED; REASONS FOR REJECTION: C) No filing fee/incorrect filing fee was tendered. The correct filing fee is $C per person. C) Proof of service must include a cover page with the case name, case number and name of the party filing the proof of service. (] Incorrect case number listed [1 No case number listed. L] Papers were submitted to the wrong county. No signature on papers. No original signature on papers and papers are not marked as filed by facsimile or electronic filing. (Conformed copy of Request for Entry of Dismissal must be attached to Notice of Entry of Dismissal. (J) Your papers do not comply with CRC §3.250. C] First pages of papers must include all the information required by CRC §2.111(1), including the name, address, bar number (if applicable), telephone number, and fax number and email address (if available) of the attorney or party presenting the papers. C1 Your papers are not in proper filing format . CRC §2.118(a) and §2.100-2.117. LJ Per Local Rule 10.9s, when submitting a Writ of Execution or Abstract of Judgment, a copy of the Judgment must be submitted. LJ Must answer as named in complaint/cross-complaint LJ Your name and/or law office does not appear as the Attorney of Record. LJ Per CRC §3.250(a)(21) Notice of Deposit of Jury Fees are not to be filed with the Court. J Notices of Unavailability (AKA Tenderloin Notices) for civil filing are no longer accepted. Carl v. Superior Court (Coast Community College Dist.) (2007) 157 Cal. App. 4" 73. (OTHER: [J Documents were placed in pick-up basket at the Historic Courthouse as no envelope was provided (Local Rule 10.9(N). CJ Documents were placed in pick-up basket at the Gibson Courthouse as no envelope was provided (Local Rule 10.9(N). LI) Documents were placed in pick-up basket at the Tahoe Courthouse as no envelope was provided (Local Rule 10.9(N). C) You may wish to obtain information from the law library or from an attorney or other professional. Jake Chatters, Clerk of the Superior Court oe E. Cavazos, Deputy Clerk 6 O o I D n oO F W DY FR FP F FP FP BP BP BP PB on uu F W H Y F O a7 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 JANET L. BROWN, ESQ.- State Bar #208602 JESSICA M. GARCIA, ESQ. - State Bar# 314298 TINA HUTSON, ESQ. - State Bar# 320537 ZWICKER & ASSOCIATES, P.C. 1320 WILLOW PASS ROAD, SUITE 730 CONCORD, CA 94520 Telephone: (925)689-7070 Facsimile: (925)689-7077 Attorneys for Plaintiff, AMERICAN EXPRESS NATIONAL BANK SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF PLACER AMERICAN EXPRESS NATIONAL BANK ) Case No.: MCV0071259 Plaintiff, ~- NOTICE OF INTENTION TO INCUR COURT COSTS AND LEGAL FEES BY FILING SUIT PURSUANT TO C.C.P. section 1033 (b)(2) VS. EMEKA UKAEGBU AKA EMEKAJ UKAEGBU , Defendant S S a e SS MII/ MINI MINI MII/ /II/ MII1 MINI MIT MIMI NOTICE OF INTENTION TO INCUR COURT COSTS AND LEGAL FEES BY FILING SUIT PURSUANT TO C.C.P. section 1033 (b)(2) THIS LAW FIRM EMPLOYS ONE OR MORE ATTORNEYS ADMITTED TO PRACTICE IN THE FOLLOWING STATES: ALASKA ARIZONA CALIFORNIA COLORADO CONNECTICUT FLORIDA GEORGIA IDAHO ILLINOIS INDIANA KENTUCKY MARYLAND MASSACHUSETTS MICHIGAN MINNESOTA NEW JERSEY NEW HAMPSHIRE NEW YORK NORTH CAROLINA OHIO OREGON PENNSYLVANIA RHODE ISLAND SOUTH CAROLINA TENNESSEE TEXAS VIRGINIA WASHINGTON WEST VIRGINIA DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA -_ Comal ZWICKER & ASSOCiaATES, P.C. ATTORNEYS AT LAW 1320 WILLOW PASS ROAD, SUITE 730 CONCORD, CA 94520 Tel. (925) 689-7070 Fax (925) 689-7077 07/19/18 Personal and Confidential EMEKA UKAEGBU 2172 PISTACHIO WAY ROSEVILLE, CA 95747 Creditor: AMERICAN EXPRESS NATIONAL BANK Account number ending in: 3100 Balance: $4,892.59 Dear EMEKA UKAEGBU: Pursuant to California Code of Civil Procedure Section 1033(b)(2), please be advised that our client has authorized this firm to file a lawsuit against you in order to recover the balance due on the above referenced account. We are required to inform you of this intended legal action. Such legal action could result in a judgment against you. Should a judgment enter against you it would include the costs and necessary disbursements. The costs and necessary disbursements shall be limited to the actual cost of the filing fee as well as the actual cost of service of process. Very truly yours, Zwicker & Associates, P. C. A Law Firm Engaged in Debt Collection aoe Janet L. Brown, Esq. / Jessica M. Garcia, Esq. o o n c o U N fF Ww W NY FS F N N NR RY NY NY NR N KN FP FP FP KP PP PP FP FP PF PB o N Of UW 8B Ww W NY FP CO 8b DO NN DO UW BP Ww NY KF OC JANET L. BROWN, ESQ.- State Bar #208602 JESSICA M. GARCIA, ESQ. - State Bar# 314298 TINA HUTSON, ESQ. - State Bar# 320537 ZWICKER & ASSOCIATES, P.C. 1320 WILLOW PASS ROAD, SUITE 730 CONCORD, CA 94520 Telephone: (925)689-7070 Facsimile: (925)689-7077 Attorneys for Plaintiff, AMERICAN EXPRESS NATIONAL BANK SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF PLACER AMERICAN EXPRESS NATIONAL BANK ) Case No.: MCV0071259 Plaintiff, ) PLAINTIFF’S SUMMARY mes OF THE CASE EMEKA UKAEGBU AKA EMEKAJ UKAEGBU , Defendant e e S a a s aS M11 MII/ MII/ MINI /II/ MMIII /II1 /II1 MINI /II/ PLAINTIFF’S SUMMARY OF THE CASE a. mel SHORT TITLE: CASE NUMBER: AMERICAN EXPRESS NATIONAL BANK v. EMEKA UKAEGBU AKA MCV0071259 EMEKAJ UKAEGBU ATTACHMENT (Number): ONE (This Attachment may be used with any Judicial Council form.) PLAINTIFF'S SUMMARY OF THE CASE 1. Plaintiff AMERICAN EXPRESS NATIONAL BANK extended credit, pursuant to the application of defendant EMEKA UKAEGBU AKA EMEKAJ UKAEGBU (hereinafter “defendant”) for a credit account, to be used for purchase of goods, wares and services. This action is for the recovery of the delinquent and outstanding balance due. 2. Defendant, through the use of his/her credit account on that certain account number 1004 (last 4 digits), incurred unpaid credit charges in the total sum of $4,892.59. Although regular monthly billing statements were sent to defendant, defendant failed to object to the correctness of the balance set forth therein and failed to make the required payments on the account. As of 10/23/18, there was due, owing and unpaid from the defendant to plaintiff the sum of $4,892.59. (If the item that this Attachment concerns is made under penalty of perjury, all statements in this Page 1 of 1 Attachment are made under penalty of perjury.) (Add pages as required) ‘orm roved for ional Us www. ‘ gies rsapah oh ceoris ° ATTACHMENT Aratican UegalNel es. MC-025 [Rev. July 1, 2009] to Judicial Council Form ene Ee ERAGE