DeclarationCal. Super. - 3rd Dist.August 3, 2017 MC-030 . i ATTORNEY OR PARTY | WITHOUT ATTORNEY Nara Sia of nr and address): +. ,| LAW OFFICES OF PATENAUDE & FELIX, A.P.C. : - {Michael R. Boulanger, (#226294) / Michael D. Kahn; (#236808): - | Stephanie J. Boone, (#160182) / Jessica F. Flynn, (#270304). eta? #546 Murphy Canyon: Road, 3rd Floor, San nie00, CA 92123 - TELEPHONE NO.: (858) 244-7600 FAX NO. (Optional): (858) 836-0318 EMAIL ADDRESS (Optional): Michael. Kahn@panat. us FS "y ATTORNEY FOR (Name): PLAINTIFF » FOR COURT USE ONLY SUPERIOR COURT. OF CALIFORNIA [SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA, COUNTY OF PLACER - COUNTY OF PLACER ba ; STREET ADDRESS: ‘ |. | J: MAILING ADDRESS: © 10820 JUSTICE CENTER DRIVE DEC 1 8 2017 ) CITY STATE AND ZIP CODE: ROSEVILLE CA 95661-9072 eo JAKE GH ATTE "BRANCH NAME: PLACER CIVIL DIVISION - 5 7 Lo “EXECUTIVE OFFICER &. ‘CLERK - By: C. Valle PLAINTIFF/PETITIONER: SYNCHRONY. BANK , aD: “Brown, ” Deputy I BeFENDANTiSnparonpen tile UAC SAINT A/K/A LAURA L KAINRATH, DECLARATION FOR REIMBURSEMENT OF costs Ic. CP. 1033) '|CASE NUMBER: ___Mcvooesis7 I, JESSICA FLYNN, declare as follows: 1. lam an attorney at law duly licensed to practice before all Courts in the State of California. Further, lam an associate with. the Law Offices of Patenaude & Felix, A.P.C. attorney: ‘of record for. Plaintiff herein.. 2. If called to testify as | a witness thereon, | could and would competently. testify as to all the facts stated inthis declaration, except as to those. matters testifi ed to upon information and belief, cand as to. those. matters, ‘| believe them. to” be true. ~ : 3 Prior to the eeniORgSNent of this action, and as: part ‘of our r usual course of. business, we » caused ‘to be mailed to the. Defendant(s) a letter pursuant to California Code of Civil Procedure section 1033(b)(2). 4. - A true and. correct copy of the letter which is attached hereto: I declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of California that ihe . _ Date: November 14, 201 7 JESSICA FLYNN, ESQ. ‘a > : (TYPE OR PRINT NAME ) : “ ~ (SIGNATUR ES D GLARANT) Attorney for . m Plaintiff / [7 | Respondent [_] Other ( PF ” Judicial Council of California MC-030 [Rev. January 1, 2006]. . CA_46A Dec Reimbursement Costs Ba ag a : P&F File No. 16-41875 Form Adopted for Optional Use DECLARATION FOR REIMBURSEMENT OF COSTS [C.C.P. 1033] . Page 1 of 4 LAW OFFICES OF “= PATENAUDE & FELIX, A.P.C. A PROFESSIONAL LAW CORPORATION 4545 MURPHY CANYON ROAD, 3RD FLOOR, SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA 92123 TEL (858) 244-7600 OR (800) 832-7675 FAX (858) 836-0318 ARIZONA NEVADA NEW MEXICO OREGON PENNSYLVANIA WASHINGTON 3260 NORTH HAYDEN RD #209 7271 W, CHARLESTON BLVD #100. 8500 MENAUL BLVD. NE #A-313 1618 SW Ist AVE., #205 501 CORPORATE DRIVE 19401 40th AVE. WEST, #280 SCOTTSDALE, AZ_.85251 LAS VEGAS, NV 89117 ALBUQUERQUE, NM 87112 PORTLAND, OR 97201 SOUTHPOINTE, SUITE 205 LYNNWOOD, WA 98036 TEL: (800) 832-7675 TEL: (702) 952-2032 TEL: (800) 832-7675 TEL: (503) 208-2676 CANONSBURG, PA 15317 TEL; (425) 361-1662 FAX: (480) 247-2783 (800) 867-3092 FAX: (858) 836-0318 (800) 832-7675 FEL: (412) 429-7675/4(866) 772-7675 (800) 832-7675 FAX: (702) 992-6286 FAX: (503) 954-3586 FAX:-{412) 429-7679 FAX: (425) 967-3508 December 23, 2016 765415/841758 LAURA KAINRATH 317 SAWTELL RD ROSEVILLE CA 95678-7149 RE: Our Client: SYNCHRONY BANK (7502-1) Issued as: Store Card Account Number: | XXXXXXXXXXXX81 31 Our File Number: - 16-41875 Balance Due: $1;736.31 Dear Laura Kainrath: Please be advised that the above-referenced debt has been assigned to this firm to initiate collection efforts regarding your delinquent outstanding balance to our client. If you wish to eliminate further collection action, please contact us at (800) 832-7675. Tn the event that legal action is pursued and judgment is ultimately obtained against you, the judgment may include ail court costs in addition to the principal amount currently owed. Unless you notify this office within THIRTY (30) days of receiving this notice that you dispute the validity of this debt, or any- portion thereof, this office will assume this debt is valid. If you notify this office in writing within THIRTY (30) days of receiving this notice that this debt, or any portion thereof, is disputed, this office will obtain verification of the debt, or a copy of a judgment against you, and mail you a copy of such verification or judgment. Further, if you make a written request upon this office within THIRTY (30) days of receiving this notice, this office will provide you with the name and address of the original creditor, if different from the current creditor. This is an attempt to collect a debi and any information obtained will be used for-that purpose. Very truly yours, LAW OFFICE OF PATENAUDE & FELIX: MICHAEL R. BOULANGER, ESQ. THIS COMMUNICATION(:IS FROM A DEBT COLLECTOR » This isan attempt to collect a debt, and any information obtained. will be used for that purpose. SEE REVERSE SIDE FOR IMPORTANT INFORMATION PRPFO03 . P&F File No. 16-41875