NoticeCal. Super. - 3rd Dist.July 31, 2017SA LV IO OS SY 29 SY TI M “VW L AA IO Y JO SA OL IG MV T S o O e Y T D W n FP W H O N O NY O NY N Y NO N O N Y DN D R e y e e oe ee Le o o N N H W F F Y W YN K F D O O o NI N D W H BR W D P H HK |S im 5177-040480217 2018040411:53 Page 20% Robert A. Wilks, Attorney at Law California Bar No. 47,256 fe I F f= D> Law Offices of Robert A. Wilks & Associates SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA 1801 E. ParkCourt Place, Suite F-102 COUNTY OF PLACER Santa Ana, CA 92701 (714) 838-2830 FAX: (714) 838-5990 APR 19 2018 _ " JAKE CHATTERS Attorneys for Plaintiff E CUTIVE OFFICER & CLERK By: C. Waggoner, Deputy SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF PLACER BILL SANTUCCI JUSTI TER THE HERTZ CORPORATION, Case No.: MCV0068152 Plaintiff(s), NOTICE OF DEFAULT PROVE-UP HEARING Vs. DATE: 6/11/2018 TIME: 11:00 a.m. GARY CLARK; DEPT: 40 VICTOR A. RODRIGUEZ, ORIGINAL COMPLAINT FILED: 7/31/2017 Defendant(s). | TRIAL DATE: TO ALL INTERESTED PARTIES AND THEIR ATTORNEYS OF RECORD: PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that the DEFAULT PROVE-UP HEARING in the above- entitled action will be held on 6/11/2018, at 11:00 a.m., in Department 40 of the above-mentioned Court, located at 10820 JU STICE CENTER DRIVE, ROSEVILLE, CA 95678. Dated: April 4, 2018 Tee A. “f é Esq. Attorney for Plaintiff NOTICE OF DEFAULT PROVE-UP HEARING Page 1 of 1 File By Fax 2 of 4 a 5177-040480217 2018040411:53 Page 2% PROOF OF SERVICE Iam a citizen of the United States, over the age of 18 years, and not a party to the within action. I am an employee of or agent for the Law Offices of Robert A. Wilks & Associates, whose business address is 1801 E. ParkCourt Place, Suite F-102, Santa Ana, CA 92701. On April 4, 2018, I served a true and correct copy of NOTICE OF DEFAULT PROVE-UP HEARING on VICTOR A, RODRIGUEZ GARY CLARK 2420 Pebble Beach St. 180 Recreation San Jose, CA 95125 Auburn, CA 95603 (X) MAIL, I deposited such envelope in the mail at Santa Ana, California, The envelope was mailed with postage thereon fully prepaid. (X) AS FOLLOWS. I am "readily familiar" with the firm's practice of collection and processing correspondence for mailing. Under that practice it would be deposited with U.S. Postal Service on that same day with postage thereon fully prepaid at Santa Ana, California in the ordinary course of business. I am aware that on motion of the party served, service is presumed invalid if postal cancellation date of postage meter date is more than one day after date of deposit for mailing in affidavit. () BY ELECTRONIC SERVICE. Submitting an electronic version of documents via file transfer protocol (FTP) on Case Home Page through the upload feature at ( ) BY PERSONAL SERVICE. I delivered such envelope by hand to the offices of the addressee via personal service. ( ) BY OVERNIGHT DELIVERY. I caused a true copy of each document, placed in a sealed self-addressed, pre-paid envelope, to be deposited in a box regularly maintained by Federal Express or Overnight Express. I am readily familiar with this firm's practice for collection and processing of documents for overnight delivery and know that in the ordinary course of The Law Offices of Robert A. Wilks & Associates business practice the document(s) described above will be deposited in a box or other facility regularly maintained by Federal Express or Overnight Express or delivered to a courier or driver authorized by Federal Express or Overnight Express or receive documents on the same date it is placed at The Law Offices of Robert A. Wilks & Associates for Collection. () BY FACSIMILE. By use of facsimile machine number (714) 838-5990, I served a copy of the within document(s) on the above interested parties at the facsimile number(s) listed above. The transmission was reported as complete and without error. The transmitting facsimile machine properly issued the transmission report. (X) STATE. I declare under penalty of peauEy under the Laws of the State of California that the above is true and correct. () FEDERAL. I declare that I am employed in the office of a member of the bar of this Court at whose direction the service was made. DATED: April 4, 2018 hdl Le. ROCIO BARBEAUX File By Fax 3 of 4