OrderCal. Super. - 3rd Dist.July 31, 2017u o o N T D H N BF W Y NR BS n v N N NY N N NM NS NR O U R hU rk PO lh Ur RP lU lU rh aP h u r l ka l l l e R o n O W P O U W e U L N U U h r R P l C U C O U l U C O C O C U C O C O U U N C U C U O U L U C U M U L U C U M R R C l U W w W D L U m N R D M C U r C O C O Facsimile: (925)689-7077 Attorneys for Plaintiff, DISCOVER BANK SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF PLACER DISCOVER BANK, ) Case No.: MCV0068138 ) Plaintiff, | ORDER PERMITTING THE USE OF vs. | COPIES IN LIEU OF ORIGINALS IN ; OBTAINING DEFAULT AND DEFAULT JOE HOLLAND , | JUDGMENT ) Defendant(s) ) CIVIL ) The Declaration of Plaintiff, DISCOVER BANK, for an order permitting the use of copies in lieu of originals in support of Plaintiff's request for entry of default and default judgment, having been brought regularly before this court, and having further considered the Declaration for an Order Permitting the Use of Copies In Lieu of Originals and the application in support thereof; THE COURT HEREBY ORDERS AS FOLLOWS: A copy of the original agreement subject to the above-entitled matter may be used in lieu of original for the purposes of entering default and default judgment in the above captioned matter. Dated: ms cia we EES. awn tet Judge of the Superior Court ORDER PERMITTING THE USE OF COPIES IN LIEU OF ORIGINALS IN OBTAINING DEFAULT AND DEFAULT JUDGMENT Superior Court of California JANET L. BROWN / JESSICA M. GARCIA, SBN 208602 & 314298 County of Placer ZWICKER & ASSOCIATES, P.C. 1320 WILLOW PASS ROAD, SUITE 730 AUG 31 2018 CONCORD, CA 94520 exec See os Telephone: (925)689-7070 By: B. Wake ‘an