DeclarationCal. Super. - 3rd Dist.July 31, 2017 ’ ATTORNEY. OR PARTY WITHOUT ATTORNEY (neue, “Siate, Bar number, and address): .Martin Hoffmann (248141) - Zwicker & Associates, P.C. . 1320 Willow Pass Rd. #730: Concord, CA’ 94520 ‘ TELEPHONE ‘NO: “925-689-7070 - FAX NO. (Optional): . E-MAIL ADDRESS. {Optional}: "ATTORNEY FOR (Name): DISCOVER BANK SUPERIOR: COURT OF CALIFORNIA, COUNTY OF PLACER “ STREET ADDRESS: *. 10820 Justice Center Drive MAILING ADDRESS: P.O, Box 619072 FOR COURT USE ONLY | FILE suP -RIOR COURT OF CRLIFORNIA COUNTY OF PLACER: DEC 04 2011 MAKE CHATTERS EXECUTIVE OFFICER & CLERK By: G. WEE DONE Deputy "CITY ANDZIP CODE: ROSEVILLE 95678 - BRANCH NAME: Santucci:Justice Center PLAINTIFFIPETITIONER: DICOVER BANK 3 "|| CASENUMBER: _ |DEFENDANT/RESPONDENT: SHAMIKIA FLEMING AND DOES 1-10, INCLUSIVE MCV0068137 - Ref. No. or File No,: DECLARATION OF NON SERVICE . 4996375 | SHAMIKIA | FLEMING I 8679 4 declare that | am and was.on the dates herein mentioned, a ditzen of the United. States, ‘over xr the age of 18 years, not a erty to ‘Nor interested in the above entitled action, and competent to be a witness therein: | received the following documents fot: service: ‘SUMMONS; COMPLAINT-CONTRACT; CIVIL CASE COVER SHEET; CAUSE OF ACTION ‘| attempted foseve ---SHAMIKIAFLEMING- at the address. of 5 Marcia ia Way Apt 106, Roseville, ¢ CA 95747. and was wndbie to effect service for the following reasons: 11/18/2017 1:02 PM: No answer at door, no noise inside and | no lights. 11/25/2017 12:07 PM: Per JANE DOE, WHO REFUSED:TO GIVE NAME, RESIDENT, a female contact; subject unknown. | " Wouldn't open. the door Stated. subject unknown neighbor didn't: answer X v i Ad Fee for service: a $ 64, 50 fama reistered California pregeais server, my name, address, phone number, and eaunty ‘of reghetiation and number are: Travis M Croft a . Far: ABC Lagat Services, Inc, 316W 2nd St. 3rd Floor, Los Angeles, CA 90012 - a Registration #: 6779 , 213-621-9999. oo, ‘County: - Los Angeles Sutter County, #120 , oe '- | declare under penalty of perjury under’ the: laws of the State of Colter the: foregoing is true. and correct. Date: 117. i (SIGNATURE OF DECLARANT) . Travis M Croft PRINTED NAME OF DECLARANT) Tracking #: 0020326802 DECLARATION OF WON -.. | “na ot ” i REF: 4996375 is SHAMIKIA Al FLEMING | 8679 Page Toft: