DeclarationCal. Super. - 3rd Dist.July 31, 2017o o mo a N n D n A n F P YW NY N O N O NO N O N O NY N V NN NO KF H F K F YF K F PF F O r O E S o N O W U N P R WY O N Y K H TO DO OH O H N Do n A F F W Y N Y KF OS -_ -- F\p# 17-14SUE Robert Scott Kennard, S.B.N. 117017 NELSON & KENNARD 5011 Dudley Blvd, Bldg 250, Bay G ourensfs McClellan, CA 95652 COUNTY OF PLAAEORMIA Telephone No: (916) 920-2295 FEB 0 Attorney for: Bank of America, N.A. 4 2019 JAKE CHATTERS EXECUTIVE OFFICER & By: Nene “lee SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA, COUNTY OF PLACER ROSEVILLE BRANCH - LIMITED CIVIL JURISDICTION BANK OF AMERICA, N.A., Case No. MCV0068135 Plaintiff, Vv. DECLARATION OF PLAINTIFF IN LIEU OF PERSONAL TESTIMONY AT TRIAL (CCP § 98) COLLEEN FEASTER, Defendant. I, Melinda K. Stephenson, hereby declare: 1. I am over 18 years old and competent to make this declaration. I am a Custodian of Records and an authorized Officer of Bank of America, N.A. (“BANA”) for purposes of this declaration. I am duly authorized to make this declaration, and because of the scope of my job responsibilities, I am familiar with the manner and method by which BANA maintains its normal business books and records, including computer records of defaulted accounts. 2. BANA is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Bank of America Corporation and the successor-in- interest to FIA Card Services, N.A., formerly known as MBNA America Bank, N.A. (“FIA”). FIA was merged into and under the charter and title of BANA effective October 1, 2014. {DN117110;1}Page 1 Declaration of Plaintiff in Lieu of Personal Testimony at Trial (CCP §98) 1.001 c o me a N N D n U O F F WY W N N N O N O N O N N N N N N N N N Y F F f F F F E F K F K F K F r e e S 6 S o N A O N W BB W w N H K F O O m O e N H D N n fF W NY YF C O an - 3. The contents of this declaration are taken from Plaintiffs business records. I have personal knowledge of Plaintiff's procedures for creating and maintaining these records. Such business records: (a) are made at or near the time of the occurrence of the matters set forth therein by persons with personal knowledge of the information in the business record, or by a computer or other similar digital means, which contemporaneously records an event as it occurs; (b) are kept in the course of Plaintiff's regularly conducted business activities; and (c) it is the regular practice of Plaintiff to make such records. 4. The books and records of Plaintiff show that Defendant opened an account with BANA, or a predecessor-in-interest, for the purpose of obtaining an extension of credit (the “Account”) and did thereafter use or authorize the use of the Account for the acquisition of goods, services, or cash advances in accordance with the customer agreement governing use of the Account (“Agreement”). Pursuant to federal regulations, periodic statements reflecting the amount due on the Account have been provided to the Defendant in the ordinary course of business. Further, Defendant has failed to make periodic payments as required by the Agreement. 5. The books and records of Plaintiff show that Defendant is currently indebted to Plaintiff on the Account, known as account number XXXXXXXXXXXX1581, for the sum of $6,523.20, and that all payments and credits have been allowed. The last payment to the Account occurred on or about January 4, 2019. The Agreement also authorizes Plaintiff to recover from Defendant costs to the extent permitted by law. 6. Plaintiff also submits a copy/(copies) of the itemized statement(s) supporting the outstanding balance owed on the Account. True and accurate copies of the itemized statements are attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference. Since the date of charge-off, there have been credits, payments, or other adjustments in the net amount of $100.00, leaving a present balance of $6,523.20 due, owing, and unpaid. The exhibits attached to this declaration are true copies from Plaintiff's business records (save for any marking clearly made to redact certain information or {DN117110;1}Page 2 Declaration of Plaintiff in Lieu of Personal Testimony at Trial (CCP §98) 1.001 S o S O e N D O n H FB WW L O N O N O N N K N N O N O w w m m m e m e m e e t -~ -_ any page numbers added at the request of Plaintiff's counsel) relating to the Account and were prepared in the ordinary course of business. 7. Wherefore, Plaintiff respectfully requests that the Court enter judgment in favor of Plaintiff and against Defendant COLLEEN FEASTER in the principal sum of $6,523.20 with costs to the extent permitted by law. 8. [hereby appoint Nelson & Kennard to accept service in this matter on my behalf. I am informed that the address where my appointed agent will be available for service of process for a reasonable time during the twenty days immediately prior to trial is 5011 Dudley Blvd., Bldg. 250, Bay G, McClellan, CA 95652. 9. I declare under the penalty of perjury under the laws of California that the foregoing is true and correct and if called as a witness I would competently testify, under oath, thereto. Given under my hand on; Dated: JAN 2 2 2019 Declarant Name (Printed): Melinda K. Stephenson Declarant Name (Signature): Whar de cf Title of Declarant: Officer {DN117110;1}Page 3 Declaration of Plaintiff in Lieu of Personal Testimony at Trial (CCP §98) 1.001 Exhibit t -_ i, BankAmericard | rewards: Bankof America Visa Signature® COLLEEN FEASTER Account Number: (i 1581. February 24 - March 23, 2015 Account Information: ey Prey ta Mail billing inquiries to: New Balance Total ..........ccccccccccecseesecsecsesessecsecssssecseesessessesasease $5,823.00 Previous Balance.................... $5,881.00 a of America Current Payment. Due \...:..0scccsssaseesesecscarsessssecsnavasiveesrsassavisonvsinnsearete $58.00 Payments and Other Credits................ -58.00 .O. Box 982235 OO Purchases and Adjustments..............0.006 0.00 5 - a Total! Minimum: Payment: Due ' 0:sciscccessceccsersssvesesscenvecciecsvcuesccesssess $58.00 Fees Charged...........scssese ...0.00 Mail payments to: Payment Due Date Interest Charged... .0.00 Bank of America P.O. Box 15019 Late Payment Warning: If we do not receive your Total Minimum Payment by New Balance Total ............cees $5,823.00 Wilmington DE 19886-5019 the date listed above, you may have to pay a late fee of up to $35.00 and Customer Service: your APRs may be increased up to the Penalty APR of 29.99%. Total Credit Line $6,500.00 1.800.421.2110 Total Minimum Payment Warning: If you make only the Total Minimum Total Credit Available .............cccceee $677.00 Payment each period, you will pay more in interest and it will take you longer Cash Credit Line ........ccccccccccecccueees $2,200.00 (1.800.346.3178 TTY) to pay off your balance. For example: Portion of Credit Available for Cash....$677.00 Statement Closing Date 3/23/15 lf you make no You will payoff And you will end Days in Billing Cycle ......... cc cceseeeeeeeeeeeeneeees 28 additional charges béptce Oye] tela 6 c1 up paying an estimated using this card yang anni oltalmeys Clem Tes m EL CRM emetic tic tailaicc|oce tis or Only the Total 20 years $12,048.00 Minimum Payment $191.00 36 months $6,876.00 (Savings = $5,172.00) If you would like information about credit counseling services, call 1-866-300-5238. Transaction Posting Reference Account Date Date Description Number Number Amount Total Payments and Other Credits 03/20 03/20 000003200028089 CO 12100035FEASTER C 0896 1581 --58.00 -$58.00 Interest Charged 03/23 03/23 INTEREST CHARGED ON PURCHASES 1581 0.00 03/23 03/23 INTEREST CHARGED ON BALANCE TRANSFERS 1581 0.00 continued on next page... MEE BANK OF AMERICA Account Number: _ 1582 P.O. BOX 15019 WILMINGTON DE 19886-5019 New Balance Total .........ccccccceeseeseeeeneeeeeeeeueeeeeeeueeseeeeeneeans Total Minimum Payment Due.... Payment DUC Date. .....5..cscsccccsscccecnsccetarsscersessseceesvensnss COLLEEN FEASTER Enter payment amount $ ' 5570 SUNSET BLVD W “ ROSEVILLE CA 95747-9774 L] Check here for a change of mailing address or phone numbers. Please provide all corrections on the reverse side. Mail this coupon along with your check payable to: Bank of America eee ae t ~ | IMPORTANT INFORMATION ABOUT THIS ACCOUNT CUSTOMER TIPS FOR DISPUTED ITEMS Many times disputed charges are legitimate charges that customers may not recognize or remember. Before disputing a charge, we recommend that you verify a few things and make every effort to resolve the dispute with the merchant. Often the merchant can answer your questions and easily resolve your dispute. The merchant's phone number may be located on your receipt or billing statement. + Has a credit posted to your account? Please allow up to 30 days from the date on your credit voucher or acknowledgement letter for the merchant credit to post. + ls the charge or amount unfamiliar? Check with other persons authorized to use the account to make sure they did not make the charge. It is possible that the merchants’ billing names and store names are different or amounts can easily be confused with similar charges or include tips. One way to check for the credits or to view transaction details is to look at your account statements online. If you are not enrolled in Online Banking, it is easy to enroll using the web address on the front of your statement or give us a call. Please remember: If you find an error on your bill, you must notify us no later than 60 days after we sent your first statement on which the error or problem appeared to preserve your billing rights. PAYING INTEREST We will not charge interest on Purchases on the next statement if you pay the New Balance Total in full by the Payment Due Date, and you had paid in full by the previous Payment Due Date. We will begin charging interest on Balance Transfers and Cash Advances on the transaction date. CALCULATION OF BALANCES SUBJECT TO INTEREST RATE Average Daily Balance Method (including new Purchases): We calculate separate Balances Subject to an Interest Rate for Purchases and for each Introductory or Promotional Offer balance consisting of Purchases. We do this by: (1) calculating a daily balance for each day in the billing cycle; (2) adding all the daily balances together; and (3) dividing the sum of the daily balances by the number of days in the billing cycle. To calculate the daily balance for each day in this statement's billing cycle, we: (1) take the beginning balance; (2) add an amount equal to the applicable Daily Periodic Rate multiplied by the previous day's daily balance; (3) add new Purchases, new Account Fees, and new Transaction Fees; and (4) subtract applicable payments and credits. If any daily balance is less than zero we treat it as zero. Average Balance Method (including new Balance Transfers and new Cash Advances): We calculate separate Balances Subject to an Interest Rate for Balance Transfers, Cash Advances, and for each Introductory or Promotional Offer balance consisting of Balance Transfers or Cash Advances. We do this by: (1) calculating a daily balance for each day in this statement's billing cycle; (2) calculating a daily balance for each day prior to this statement's billing cycle that had a “Pre-Cycle balance” -a Pre-Cycle balance is a Balance Transfer or a Cash Advance with a transaction date prior to this staternent's billing cycle but with a posting date within this statement's billing cycle; (3) adding all the daily balances together; and (4) dividing the sum of the daily balances by the number of days in this statement's billing cycle. To calculate the daily balance for each day in this statement's billing cycle, we: (1) take the beginning balance; (2) add an amount equal to the applicable Daily Periodic Rate multiplied by the previous day's daily balance; (3) add new Balance Transfers, new Cash Advances and Transaction Fees; and (4) subtract applicable payments and credits. If any daily balance is less than zero we treat it as Zero. To calculate a daily balance for each day prior to this statement’s billing cycle that had a Pre-Cycle balance; (1) we take the beginning balance attributable solely to Pre-Cycle balance (which will be zero on the transaction date of the first Pre-Cycle balance); (2) add an amount equal to the applicable Daily Periodic Rate multiplied by the previous day's daily balance; (3) and add only the applicable Pre-Cycle balances and their related Transaction Fees. We exclude from this calculation all transactions posted in previous billing cycles. PAYMENTS We credit mailed payments as of the date received, if the payment is: (1) received by 5 p.m. local time at the address shown on the remittance slip on the front of your monthly statement; (2) paid with a check drawn in U.S. dollars on a U.S. financial institution or a U.S. dollar money order; and (3) sent in the return envelope with only the remittance portion of your statement accompanying it. Payments received by mail after 5 p.m. local time at the remittance address on any day including the Payment Due Date, but that otherwise meet the above requirements, will be credited as of the next day. Payments made online or by phone will be credited as of the date of receipt if made by 5 p.m. Central. Credit for any other payments may be delayed up to five days. No payment shall operate as an accord and satisfaction without the prior written approval of one of our Senior Officers. We process most payment checks electronically by using the information found on your check. Each check authorizes us to create a one-time electronic funds transfer (or process it as a check or paper draft). Funds may be withdrawn from your account as soon as the same day we receive your payment. Checks are not returned to you. For more information or to stop the electronic funds transfers, call us at the number listed on the front. If you have authorized us to pay your credit card bill automatically from your savings or checking account with us, you can stop the payment on any amount you think is wrong. To stop payment, your letter must reach us at least three business days before the automatic payment is scheduled to occur. CE0201 Rev. 11/14 | ONLINE Online Banking is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week and allows you to view the most recent activity on your account. PHONE 1.866.266.0212 For prompt service, please have the merchant reference number(s) available for the charge(s) in question. L) MAIL Attn: Billing Inquiries PO Box 982235, El Paso, TX 79998 When writing, please include Your Name, Account Number, the Disputed Amount, Merchant Name, Transaction Date, and reference number of eA the disputed item and specific details regarding your dispute, including dates of contact with the merchant and the merchant's response in each instance. Please include all supporting documentation, including sales and credit vouchers, contract and postage return receipts as proof of any returns. TOTAL INTEREST CHARGE COMPUTATION Interest Charges accrue and are compounded on a daily basis. To determine the Interest Charges we multiply each Balance Subject to Interest Rate by its applicable Daily Periodic Rate and that result is multiplied by the number of days in the billing cycle. To determine the total Interest Charge for the billing cycle, we add the Periodic Rate Interest Charges together. A Daily Periodic Rate is calculated by dividing an Annual Percentage Rate by 365. HOW WE ALLOCATE YOUR PAYMENTS Payments are allocated to posted balances. If your account has balances with different APRs, we will allocate the amount of your payment equal to the Total Minimum Payment Due to the lowest APR balances first (including transactions made after this statement). Payment amounts in excess of your Total Minimum Payment Due will be applied to balances with higher APRs before balances with lower APRs. IMPORTANT INFORMATION ABOUT PAYMENTS BY PHONE When using the optional Pay-by-Phone service, you authorize us to initiate an electronic payment from your account at the financial institution you designate. You must authorize the amount and timing of each payment. For your protection, we will ask for security information. A fee may apply for expedited service. To cancel, call us before the scheduled payment date. Same-day payments cannot be edited or canceled. YOUR CREDIT LINES The Total Credit Line is the amount of credit available for the account; however, only a portion of that is available for Bank Cash Advances. The Cash Credit Line is that amount you have available for Bank Cash Advances. Generally, Bank Cash Advances consist of ATM Cash Advances, Over the Counter (OTC) Cash Advances, Same-Day Online Cash Advances, Overdraft Protection Cash Advances, Cash Equivalents, and applicable transaction fees. MISCELLANEOUS For the complete terms and conditions of your account, consult your Credit Card Agreement. This account is issued and administered by FIA Card Services. FIA Card Services is a registered trademark of FIA Card Services and/or its affiliates. If your billing address or contact information has changed, or if your address is incorrect as it appears on this bill, please provide all corrections here. Address 1 Address 2 City State Zip. Area Code & Home Phone Area Code & Work Phone t -_ BankAmericard | Rewards* Visa Signature® 1581 February 24 - March 23, 2015 Page 3 of 4 Bi gelitsrelea e s) sca eelaal ale ( =e a. - Bankof America 2 Transaction Posting Reference Account Date Date Description Number Number Amount Total Interest Charged 03/23 03/23 INTEREST CHARGED ON DIR DEP&CHK CASHADV 1581 0.00 03/23 03/23 INTEREST CHARGED ON BANK CASH ADVANCES 1581 0.00 TOTAL INTEREST FOR THIS PERIOD $0.00 2015 Totals Year-to-Date Total fees charged in 2015 $0.00 Total interest charged in 2015 $0.00 Interest Charge Calculation Your Annual Percentage Rate (APR) is the annual interest rate on your account. Annual Promotional Promotional Promotional Balance Interest Percentage Transaction Offer ID Rate End Subject to Charges by Rate Type Date Interest Transaction Rate Type Purchases 16. 24%V $0.00 $0.00 Balance Transfers 16.24%V $0.00 $0.00 Promotional APR 0.00% BT HJ8S-LQGTB 02/23/2016 $0.00 $0.00 Direct Deposit and Check Cash 17.99%V $0.00 $0.00 Advances Bank Cash Advances 19.24%V $0.00 $0.00 APR Type Definitions: Promotional Transaction Types: BT = Balance Transfer; Daily Interest Rate Type: V= Variable Rate (rate may vary); APR Type: Promotional APR (APR for limited time on eligible transactions) Chee d tid POINTS SUMMARY QO MONTHLY EARNINGS O BONUS POINTS THIS MONTH 951 POINTS AVAILABLE (8) You'll be seeing some changes to your rewards redemption as early as March 2015. Changes will be made to the available rewards redemption options to simplify and streamline your redemption experience. We are discontinuing the following underutilized reward redemption options: charitable donation, payment on a mortgage, contribution to an IRA or 529 and deposit into a non-Bank of America checking or savings account. Simply sign in to Online Banking, select your rewards credit card and then click the Rewards Tab to learn more. Thank you for being a Bank of America® customer. t -_ a, BankAmericard | rewards* Bankof America Visa Signature® COLLEEN FEASTER Account Number: in 1581. March 24 - April 23, 2015 Account Information: Mail billing inquiries to: New Balance Total .......0.ccccccccccseccsssscssessessccsessssesssssescasesesseeaas $6,431.09 Previous Balance ..............ecc.eeee. $5,823.00 Bank of America Current Payment Due Payments and Other Credits...........00 -58.00 te a sa 2035 -__ Purchases and Adjustments .............4. 657.93 aEO DeR6- Total Minimum Payment Due sissy $72.00 Fees Charged Mail payments to: Payment Due Date ......cccccccccccsccscscsesecscscsesesececsesesesesacsesesevavesensnens 5/20/15 Interest Charged Bank of America PO. Box 15019 Late Payment Warning: If we do not receive your Total Minimum Payment by New Balance Total ........:.sssssseserss $6,431.09 Wilmington DE 19886-5019 the date listed above, you may have to pay a late fee of up to $35.00 and Customer Service: your APRs may be increased up to the Penalty APR of 29.99%. Total Credit Line...........0... $6,500.00 1.800.421.2110 Total Minimum Payment Warning: If you make only the Total Minimum Total Credit Available ..............ccccsscesees $68.91 Payment each period, you will pay more in interest and it will take you longer Cash Credit Line ....ccccccccccsceceeseseee $2,200.00 (1.800.346.3178 TTY) to pay off your balance. For example: Portion of Credit Available for Cash......$68.91 Statement Closing Date .............068 4/23/15 lf you make no You will payoff And you will end Days in: Billing Cycle! sssesssccscivecsssessesesnscers 31 additional charges Rp rcy Oye) rola (ecg (ee eres i asaral pooch Bpiclccs8 | using this card shown on this ikohec iol and each month you statement in about eek Only the Total 21 years $13,571.00 Minimum Payment $214.00 36 months $7,704.00 (Savings = $5,867.00) If you would like information about credit counseling services, call 1-866-300-5238. Transaction Posting Reference Account Date Date Description Number Number Amount Total Payments and Other Credits 04/16 04/16 PAYMENT - THANK YOU 2417 1581 -58.00 -$58.00 Purchases and Adjustments 03/26 03/27 AISLE 1 #280 LINCOLN CA 3281 1581 47.40 03/26 03/28 LOWES #02499* LINCOLN CA 3734 1581 420.69 continued on next page... ROME aes niece ERN eB BANK OF AMERICA Account Number: IN 1582 P.O. BOX 15019 WILMINGTON DE 19886-5019 New Balance Totall............:cccccccceseeeeeeeeeeeneeseeeeseessaeseneesanee Total Minimum Payment Due.... Payment Due Date........::ccseseeeseeseseeeees COLLEEN FEASTER Enter paymen t amount $ | 5570 SUNSET BLVD W = ROSEVILLE CA 95747-9774 : im Check here for a change of mailing address or phone numbers. Please provide all corrections on the reverse side. Mail this coupon along with your check payable to: Bank of America ee Se yy - IMPORTANT INFORMATION ABOUT THIS ACCOUNT CUSTOMER TIPS FOR DISPUTED ITEMS Many times disputed charges are legitimate charges that customers may not recognize or remember. Before disputing a charge, we recommend that you verify a few things and make every effort to resolve the dispute with the merchant. Often the merchant can answer your questions and easily resolve your dispute. The merchant's phone number may be located on your receipt or billing statement. + Has a credit posted to your account? Please allow up to 30 days from the date on your credit voucher or acknowledgement letter for the merchant credit to post. + ls the charge or amount unfamiliar? Check with other persons authorized to use the account to make sure they did not make the charge. It is possible that the merchants’ billing names and store names are different or amounts can easily be confused with similar charges or include tips. One way to check for the credits or to view transaction details is to look at your account statements online. if you are not enrolled in Online Banking, it is easy to enroll using the web address on the front of your statement or give us a call. Please remember: If you find an error on your bill, you must notify us no later than 60 days after we sent your first statement on which the error or problem appeared to preserve your billing rights. CE0201 Rev. 11/14 | ONLINE Online Banking is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week and allows you to view the most recent activity on your account. 1.866.266.0212 For prompt service, please have the merchant reference number(s) available for the charge(s) in question. 2) Attn: Billing Inquiries PO Box 982235, El Paso, TX 79998 When writing, please include Your Name, Account Number, the Disputed Amount, Merchant Name, Transaction Date, and reference number of ry the disputed item and specific details regarding your dispute, including dates of contact with the merchant and the merchant's response in each instance. Please include all supporting documentation, including sales and credit vouchers, contract and postage return receipts as proof of any returns. PAYING INTEREST We will not charge interest on Purchases on the next statement if you pay the New Balance Total in full by the Payment Due Date, and you had paid in full by the previous Payment Due Date. We will begin charging interest on Balance Transfers and Cash Advances on the transaction date. CALCULATION OF BALANCES SUBJECT TO INTEREST RATE Average Daily Balance Method (including new Purchases): We calculate separate Balances Subject to an Interest Rate for Purchases and for each Introductory or Promotional Offer balance consisting of Purchases. We do this by: (1) calculating a daily balance for each day in the billing cycle; (2) adding all the daily balances together; and (3) dividing the sum of the daily balances by the number of days in the billing cycle. To calculate the daily balance for each day in this statement's billing cycle, we: (1) take the beginning balance; (2) add an amount equal to the applicable Daily Periodic Rate multiplied by the previous day's daily balance; (3) add new Purchases, new Account Fees, and new Transaction Fees; and (4) subtract applicable payments and credits. If any daily balance is less than zero we treat it as zero. Average Balance Method (including new Balance Transfers and new Cash Advances): We calculate separate Balances Subject to an Interest Rate for Balance Transfers, Cash Advances, and for each Introductory or Promotional Offer balance consisting of Balance Transfers or Cash Advances. We do this by: (1) calculating a daily balance for each day in this statement’s billing cycle; (2) calculating a daily balance for each day prior to this statement's billing cycle that had a “Pre-Cycle balance” -a Pre-Cycle balance is a Balance Transfer or a Cash Advance with a transaction date prior to this statement's billing cycle but with a posting date within this statement's billing cycle; (3) adding all the daily balances together; and (4) dividing the sum of the daily balances by the number of days in this statements billing cycle. To calculate the daily balance for each day in this statement's billing cycle, we: (1) take the beginning balance; (2) add an amount equal to the applicable Daily Periodic Rate multiplied by the previous day's daily balance; (3) add new Balance Transfers, new Cash Advances and Transaction Fees; and (4) subtract applicable payments and credits. If any daily balance is less than zero we treat it as zero. To calculate a daily balance for each day prior to this statement's billing cycle that hada Pre-Cycle balance; (1) we take the beginning balance attributable solely to Pre-Cycle balance (which will be zero on the transaction date of the first Pre-Cycle balance); (2) add an amount equal to the applicable Daily Periodic Rate multiplied by the previous day's daily balance; (3) and add only the applicable Pre-Cycle balances and their related Transaction Fees. We exclude from this calculation all transactions posted in previous billing cycles. PAYMENTS We credit mailed payments as of the date received, if the payment is: (1) received by 5 p.m. local time at the address shown on the remittance slip on the front of your monthly statement; (2) paid with a check drawn in U.S. dollars ona U.S. financial institution or a U.S. dollar money order; and (3) sent in the return envelope with only the remittance portion of your statement accompanying it. Payments received by mail after 5 p.m. local time at the remittance address on any day including the Payment Due Date, but that otherwise meet the above requirements, will be credited as of the next day. Payments made online or by phone will be credited as of the date of receipt if made by 5 p.m. Central. Credit for any other payments may be delayed up to five days. No payment shalt operate as an accord and satisfaction without the prior written approval of one of our Senior Officers. We process most payment checks electronically by using the information found on your check. Each check authorizes us to create a one-time electronic funds transfer (or process it as a check or paper draft). Funds may be withdrawn from your account as soon as the same day we receive your payment. Checks are not returned to you. For more information or to stop the electronic funds transfers, call us at the number listed on the front. If you have authorized us to pay your credit card bill automatically from your savings or checking account with us, you can stop the payment on any amount you think is wrong. To stop payment, your letter must reach us at least three business days before the automatic payment is scheduled to occur. TOTAL INTEREST CHARGE COMPUTATION Interest Charges accrue and are compounded on a daily basis. To determine the Interest Charges we multiply each Balance Subject to Interest Rate by its applicable Daily Periodic Rate and that result is multiplied by the number of days in the billing cycle. To determine the total Interest Charge for the billing cycle, we add the Periodic Rate Interest Charges together. A Daily Periodic Rate is calculated by dividing an Annual Percentage Rate by 365. HOW WE ALLOCATE YOUR PAYMENTS Payments are allocated to posted balances. If your account has balances with different APRs, we will allocate the amount of your payment equal to the Total Minimum Payment Due to the lowest APR balances first (including transactions made after this statement). Payment amounts in excess of your Total Minimum Payment Due will be applied to balances with higher APRs before balances with lower APRs. IMPORTANT INFORMATION ABOUT PAYMENTS BY PHONE When using the optional Pay-by-Phone service, you authorize us to initiate an electronic payment from your account at the financial institution you designate. You must authorize the amount and timing of each payment. For your protection, we will ask for security information. A fee may apply for expedited service. To cancel, call us before the scheduled payment date. Same-day payments cannot be edited or canceled. YOUR CREDIT LINES The Total Credit Line is the amount of credit available for the account; however, only a portion of that is available for Bank Cash Advances. The Cash Credit Line is that amount you have available for Bank Cash Advances. Generally, Bank Cash Advances consist of ATM Cash Advances, Over the Counter (OTC) Cash Advances, Same-Day Online Cash Advances, Overdraft Protection Cash Advances, Cash Equivalents, and applicable transaction fees. MISCELLANEOUS For the complete terms and conditions of your account, consult your Credit Card Agreement. This account is issued and administered by FIA Card Services. FIA Card Services is a registered trademark of FIA Card Services and/or its affiliates. If your billing address or contact information has changed, or if your address is incorrect as it appears on this bill, please provide all corrections here. Address 1 Address 2 & City State Zip. Area Code & Home Phone Area Code & Work Phone BankAmericard | rewards* Visa Signature® 1581 March 24 - April 23, 2015 Page 3 of 4 Transactions continued a Bankof America -. Transaction Posting Reference Account Date Date Description Number Number Amount Total Purchases and Adjustments 03/30 03/31 AISLE 1 #280 LINCOLN CA 0933 1581 14.49 03/30 03/31 LOWES #02499* LINCOLN CA 3673 1581 21.48 03/30 03/31 AISLE 1 #280 LINCOLN CA 4827 1581 25.00 03/30 03/31 AISLE 1 #280 LINCOLN CA 4884 1581 14.38 03/30 04/01 SAFEWAY FUEL 10026201 ROSEVILLE CA 0204 1581 14.50 03/31 04/02 ZETA BROADBAND LLC 916-354-0190 CA 7999 1581 99.99 $657.93 Interest Charged 04/23 04/23 INTEREST CHARGED ON PURCHASES 1581 8.16 04/23 04/23 INTEREST CHARGED ON BALANCE TRANSFERS 1581 0.00 04/23 04/23 INTEREST CHARGED ON DIR DEP&CHK CASHADV 1581 0.00 04/23 04/23 INTEREST CHARGED ON BANK CASH ADVANCES 1581 0.00 TOTAL INTEREST FOR THIS PERIOD $8.16 2015 Totals Year-to-Date Total fees charged in 2015 $0.00 Total interest charged in 2015 $8.16 Important Messages Please review your enclosed annual "Billing Rights" and "Privacy Notice" information for your account. You can also review this information online if you have registered your account in Online Banking. Interest Charge Calculation Your Annual Percentage Rate (APR) is the annual interest rate on your account. Annual Promotional Promotional Promotional Balance Interest Percentage Transaction Offer ID Rate End Subject to Charges by Rate Type Date Interest Transaction Rate Type Purchases 16.24%V $ 591.28 $8.16 Balance Transfers 16.24%V $ 0.00 $0.00 Promotional APR 0.00% BT HJ8S-LQGT8 02/23/2016 $5,808.03 $0.00 Direct Deposit and Check Cash 17.99%V $ 0.00 $0.00 Advances Bank Cash Advances 19.24%V $ 0.00 $0.00 APR Type Definitions: Promotional Transaction Types: BT = Balance Transfer; Daily Interest Rate Type: V= Variable Rate (rate may vary); APR Type: Promotional APR (APR for limited time on eligible transactions) POINTS SUMMARY 656 MONTHLY EARNINGS 0 BONUS POINTS THIS MONTH 1,607 POINTS AVAILABLE 0) yet -rel Fe ele) ¢ 1-39 April marks the start of baseball season. As the Official Bank of Major League Baseball®, we're happy to be part of the excitement. Hope your team has a great season. Major League Baseball trademarks and copyrights are used with permission of Major League Baseball Properties, Inc. Visit Start the conversation with your child about money at It puts the tools and resources you need right at your fingertips. Visit for more. BankAmericard | rewards* Visa Signature® a. ~ Bank of America a COLLEEN FEASTER Account Number: (i 1582. April 24 - May 23, 2015 Account Information: Mail billing inquiries to: Bank of America P.O. Box 982235 E] Paso TX 79998-2235 Mail payments to: Bank of America P.O. Box 15019 Wilmington DE 19886-5019 Customer Service: 1.800.421.2110 (1.800.346.3178 TTY) New Balance Total ......cssssetsssssestenessessstsrerseeneteteseesseaes $6,533.96 Previous Balance ........cccccsceeeeeees $6,431.09 Current Payment Due Payments and Other Credits................06 -2.00 Past Due Amount Purchases and Adjustments .............06 69.94 eee Fees Charged TOtal MINIMUM ‘PAYMENE DUC vs ssicssscccsesssserecesesacsvssveresevesevexeassancesseeys $169.00 Interest Charged Payment Due Date sisssssiisccascsacescaciassssscesersciasisiaravissisiveviancvocecessensd 6/20/15 New Balance Total...............::::0008 $6,533.96 Late Payment Warning: If we do not receive your Total Minimum Payment by the date listed above, you may have to pay a late fee of up to $35.00 and your APRs may be increased up to the Penalty APR of 29.99%. Total Credit ING sssssicsessscsecavcsssesns Total Credit Available... Total Minimum Payment Warning: If you make only the Total Minimum Cash Credit Line ......cceccceeeeeeeees $2,200.00 Payment each period, you will pay more in interest and it will take you longer Portion of Credit Available for Cash........ $0.00 to pay off your balance. For example: Statement Closing Date .......cccce 5/23/15 Days in Billing Cycle .........ccccecseseeeeeereeeeeenee 30 Mycelem ante louie) additional charges You will payoff len omereliclae cd shown on this And you will end up paying an estimated total of using this card and each month you statement in about ered Only the Total 21 years $13,760.00 Minimum Payment $219.00 36 months $7,884.00 (Savings = $5,876.00) If you would like information about credit counseling services, call 1-866-300-5238. Transactions Transaction Posting Reference Account Date Date Description Number Number Amount Total Payments and Other Credits 04/29 04/29 PAYMENT - THANK YOU 2482 1581 -2.00 -$2.00 Purchases and Adjustments 04/23 04/24 TARGET 00022145 LINCOLN CA 2983 1581 44.94 continued on next page... MERE BANK OF AMERICA P.O. BOX 15019 WILMINGTON DE 19886-5019 COLLEEN FEASTER Account Number: 1581 N@W BGIATICO TORR ....u...0:cccncscnnercenneiasscssacseasnabaaseseriereumieens Total Minimum Payment Due.... Payment Due Date.........0ccccssssveccereseneccccessssseeeensenes Enter payment amount $ 5570 SUNSET BLVD W ROSEVILLE CA 95747-9774 | Check here for a change of mailing address or phone numbers. Please provide al! corrections on the reverse side. Mail this coupon along with your check payable to: Bank of America eee See ’ ’ @ a | IMPORTANT INFORMATION ABOUT THIS ACCOUNT CUSTOMER TIPS FOR DISPUTED ITEMS Many times disputed charges are legitimate charges that customers may not recognize or remember. Before disputing a charge, we recommend that you verify a few things and make every effort to resolve the dispute with the merchant. Often the merchant can answer your questions and easily resolve your dispute. The merchant's phone number may be located on your receipt or billing statement. + Has a credit posted to your account? Please allow up to 30 days from the date on your credit voucher or acknowledgement letter for the merchant credit to post. + ls the charge or amount unfamiliar? Check with other persons authorized to use the account to make sure they did not make the charge. It is possible that the merchants’ billing names and store names are different or amounts can easily be confused with similar charges or include tips. One way to check for the credits or to view transaction details is to look at your account statements online. If you are not enrolled in Online Banking, it is easy to enroll using the web address on the front of your statement or give us a call. Please remember: If you find an error on your bill, you must notify us no later than 60 days after we sent your first statement on which the error or problem appeared to preserve your billing rights. CE0201 Rev. 11/14 | ONLINE Online Banking is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week and allows you to view the most recent activity on your account. Ll L) PHONE 1.866.266.0212 For prompt service, please have the merchant reference number(s) available for the charge(s) in question. MAIL Attn: Billing inquiries PO Box 982235, El Paso, TX 79998 When writing, please include Your Name, Account Number, the Disputed eA Amount, Merchant Name, Transaction Date, and reference number of the disputed item and specific details regarding your dispute, including dates of contact with the merchant and the merchant's response in each instance. Please include all supporting documentation, including sales and credit vouchers, contract and postage return receipts as proof of any returns. PAYING INTEREST We will not charge interest on Purchases on the next statement if you pay the New Balance Total in full by the Payment Due Date, and you had paid in full by the previous Payment Due Date. We will begin charging interest on Balance Transfers and Cash Advances on the transaction date. CALCULATION OF BALANCES SUBJECT TO INTEREST RATE Average Daily Balance Method (including new Purchases): We calculate separate Balances Subject to an Interest Rate for Purchases and for each Introductory or Promotional Offer balance consisting of Purchases. We do this by: (1) calculating a daily balance for each day in the billing cycle; (2) adding all the daily balances together; and (3) dividing the sum of the daily balances by the number of days in the billing cycle. To calculate the daily balance for each day in this statement's billing cycle, we: (1) take the beginning balance; (2) add an amount equal to the applicable Daily Periodic Rate multiplied by the previous day’s daily balance; (3) add new Purchases, new Account Fees, and new Transaction Fees; and (4) subtract applicable payments and credits. If any daily balance is less than zero we treat it as zero. Average Balance Method (including new Balance Transfers and new Cash Advances): We calculate separate Balances Subject to an Interest Rate for Balance Transfers, Cash Advances, and for each Introductory or Promotional Offer balance consisting of Balance Transfers or Cash Advances. We do this by: (1) calculating a daily balance for each day in this statement’s billing cycle; (2) calculating a daily balance for each day prior to this statement's billing cycle that had a “Pre-Cycle balance” -a Pre-Cycle balance is a Balance Transfer or a Cash Advance witha transaction date prior to this statement's billing cycle but with a posting date within this statement's billing cycle; (3) adding all the daily balances together, and (4) dividing the sum of the daily balances by the number of days in this statements billing cycle. To calculate the daily balance for each day in this statement's billing cycle, we: (1) take the beginning balance; (2) add an amount equal to the applicable Daily Periodic Rate multiplied by the previous day's daily balance; (3) add new Balance Transfers, new Cash Advances and Transaction Fees; and (4) subtract applicable payments and credits. if any daily balance is less than zero we treat it as zero. To calculate a daily balance for each day prior to this statement’s billing cycle that had a Pre-Cycle balance; (1) we take the beginning balance attributable solely to Pre-Cycle balance (which will be zero on the transaction date of the first Pre-Cycle balance); (2) add an amount equal to the applicable Daily Periodic Rate multiplied by the previous day's daily balance; (3) and add only the applicable Pre-Cycle balances and their related Transaction Fees. We exclude from this calculation all transactions posted in previous billing cycles. PAYMENTS We credit mailed payments as of the date received, if the payment is: (1) received by 5 p.m. local time at the address shown on the remittance slip on the front of your monthly statement; (2) paid with a check drawn in U.S. dollars on a U.S. financial institution or a US. dollar money order; and (3) sent in the return envelope with only the remittance portion of your statement accompanying it. Payments received by mail after 5 p.m. local time at the remittance address on any day including the Payment Due Date, but that otherwise meet the above requirements, will be credited as of the next day. Payments made online or by phone will be credited as of the date of receipt if made by 5 p.m. Central. Credit for any other payments may be delayed up to five days. No payment shall operate as an accord and satisfaction without the prior written approval of one of our Senior Officers. We process most payment checks electronically by using the information found on your check. Each check authorizes us to create a one-time electronic funds transfer (or process it as a check or paper draft). Funds may be withdrawn from your account as soon as the same day we receive your payment. Checks are not returned to you. For more information or to stop the electronic funds transfers, call us at the number listed on the front. If you have authorized us to pay your credit card bill autornatically from your savings or checking account with us, you can stop the payment on any amount you think is wrong. To stop payment, your letter must reach us at least three business days before the automatic payment is scheduled to occur. TOTAL INTEREST CHARGE COMPUTATION Interest Charges accrue and are compounded on a daily basis. To determine the Interest Charges we multiply each Balance Subject to Interest Rate by its applicable Daily Periodic Rate and that result is multiplied by the number of days in the billing cycle. To determine the total Interest Charge for the billing cycle, we add the Periodic Rate Interest Charges together. A Daily Periodic Rate is calculated by dividing an Annual Percentage Rate by 365. HOW WE ALLOCATE YOUR PAYMENTS Payments are allocated to posted balances. If your account has balances with different APRs, we will allocate the amount of your payment equal to the Total Minimum Payment Due to the lowest APR balances first (including transactions made after this statement). Payment amounts in excess of your Total Minimum Payment Due will be applied to balances with higher APRs before balances with lower APRs. IMPORTANT INFORMATION ABOUT PAYMENTS BY PHONE When using the optional Pay-by-Phone service, you authorize us to initiate an electronic payment from your account at the financial institution you designate. You must authorize the amount and timing of each payment. For your protection, we will ask for security information. A fee may apply for expedited service. To cancel, call us before the scheduled payment date. Same-day payments cannot be edited or canceled. YOUR CREDIT LINES The Total Credit Line is the amount of credit available for the account; however, only a portion of that is available for Bank Cash Advances. The Cash Credit Line is that amount you have available for Bank Cash Advances. Generally, Bank Cash Advances consist of ATM Cash Advances, Over the Counter (OTC) Cash Advances, Same-Day Online Cash Advances, Overdraft Protection Cash Advances, Cash Equivalents, and applicable transaction fees. MISCELLANEOUS For the complete terms and conditions of your account, consult your Credit Card Agreement. This account is issued and administered by FIA Card Services. FIA Card Services is a registered trademark of FIA Card Services and/or its affiliates. If your billing address or contact information has changed, or if your address is incorrect as it appears on this bill, please provide all corrections here. Address 1 Address 2 City State Zip. Area Code & Home Phone Area Code & Work Phone toa a - BankAmericard | Rewards* Bankof America Visa Signature® 1581 April 24 - May 23, 2015 Page 3 of 4 Transactions continued Transaction Posting Reference Account Date Date Description Number Number Amount Total Purchases and Adjustments 04/24 04/25 CRAIGSLIST.ORG 415-399-5200 CA 7332 1581 25.00 $69.94 Fees 05/20 05/20 LATE FEE FOR PAYMENT DUE 1581 25.00 TOTAL FEES FOR THIS PERIOD $25.00 Interest Charged 05/23 05/23 INTEREST CHARGED ON PURCHASES 1581 9.93 05/23 05/23 INTEREST CHARGED ON BALANCE TRANSFERS 1581 0.00 05/23 05/23 INTEREST CHARGED ON DIR DEP&CHK CASHADV 1581 0.00 05/23 05/23 INTEREST CHARGED ON BANK CASH ADVANCES 1581 0.00 TOTAL INTEREST FOR THIS PERIOD $9.93 2015 Totals Year-to-Date Total fees charged in 2015 $25.00 Total interest charged in 2015 $18.09 eres ectil Md Ccysore rt sd You're a valued customer and we want you to know that we haven't received your current payment due. Please send your payment due today. If you've already mailed it, thank you. Your statement balance exceeds the Total Credit Line. To ensure uninterrupted use of your account, please make a payment to bring your b alance under the Total Credit Line. There is no fee for being over your Total Credit Line. cha S9 a Ou iee|p-< ome era) ol eed ater Your Annual Percentage Rate (APR) is the annual interest rate on your account. Annual Promotional Promotional Promotional Balance Interest Percentage Transaction Offer ID Rate End Subject to Charges by Rate Type Date Interest Transaction Rate Type Purchases 16.24%V $ 744.13 $9.93 Balance Transfers 16.24%V $ 0.00 $0.00 Promotional APR 0.00% BT HJ8S-LQGTB 02/23/2016 $5,763.33 $0.00 Direct Deposit and Check Cash 17.99%V $ 0.00 $0.00 Advances Bank Cash Advances 19.24%V $ 0.00 $0.00 APR Type Definitions: Promotional Transaction Types: BT = Balance Transfer; Daily Interest Rate Type: V = Variable Rate (rate may vary); APR Type: Promotional APR (APR for limited time on eligible transactions) POINTS SUMMARY 70 MONTHLY EARNINGS 0 BONUS POINTS THIS MONTH 1,677 POINTS AVAILABLE Of Special Interest We're proud to support Special Olympics. Join us in supporting inclusion and respect for all by participating in the Unified Relay Across America as it comes through your community on its way to the 2015 Special Olympics World Games in Los Angeles. Learn more at Did you know? You get faster service by phone when you follow these steps: Call from the number listed on the back of your card; be ready to give the reason you're calling and your account info; and call Tues. - Thurs. from 1 p.m. to 5 p.m. Eastern when call volume is lower. t ? BankAmericard | rewards* Visa Signature® COLLEEN FEASTER Account Number: May 24 - June 23, 2015 1581 a Bank of America a Account Information: Mail billing inquiries to: Bank of America P.O. Box 982235 El Paso TX 79998-2235 Mail payments to: Bank of America P.O. Box 15019 Wilmington DE 19886-5019 Customer Service: 1.800.421.2110 (1.800.346.3178 TTY) Current Payment Due ... If you make no additional charges Payment Information Total Minimum Payment Due Payment Due Date .......cccccccccccecsecsscsseccsssessessesssccsecsusenssetavenseeens 7/20/15 NeW Balance Total 5 iii.s\sssecscvsawasaicervseveesesicacesesenaererenccsacecaevercens PASU DUG TAMOUNE wos cays: ccsssvinesnavinneneviesercecasesscinidcesesaresevsoncnecovsaccoees Late Payment Warning: If we do not receive your Total Minimum Payment by the date listed above, you may have to pay a late fee of up to $35.00 and your APRs may be increased up to the Penalty APR of 29.99%. Total Minimum Payment Warning: If you make only the Total Minimum Payment each period, you will pay more in interest and it will take you longer to pay off your balance. For example: You will payoff the balance Previous Balance $6,533.96 Payments and Other Credits........... -70.00 Purchases and Adjustments. ............00..66 0.00 Fees Charged 0.0... escecsesssssssssesstessesssesseensens 35.00 ....209.00 Interest Charged «0.0.00... cccecsessesssessessssneesseens 10.77 New Balance Total ...............0c000000 $6,509.73 Total Credit Line...........cccccccceeeees $6,500.00 Total Credit Available .............c.ccccceeee $0.00 Cash Credit Line « ssisssiissssssisseiecase $2,200.00 Portion of Credit Available for Cash........ $0.00 Statement Closing Date.............00 6/23/15 Days in Billing Cycle oo... ccccceeeeesseeeenees 31 And you will end up paying an estimated using this card shown on this total of rolareeralOsm na nL Zele mesa race c lala fair lereit it eres Only the Total 21 years $13,732.00 Minimum Payment $220.00 36 months $7,920.00 (Savings = $5,812.00) 1-866-300-5238. If you would like information about credit counseling services, call Transaction Posting Reference Account Date Date Description Number Number Amount Total Payments and Other Credits 05/30 05/30 PAYMENT - THANK YOU 2490 1581 -70.00 -$70.00 Fees 06/20 06/20 LATE FEE FOR PAYMENT DUE 1581 35.00 TOTAL FEES FOR THIS PERIOD $35.00 eee BANK OF AMERICA Account Number: i 1582 P.O. BOX 15019 WILMINGTON DE 1 as New Balance Total