DeclarationCal. Super. - 3rd Dist.July 31, 201710 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 al 28 Lobel Financial Corporation Gary Dean Lobel CBN 105983 Ronald J. Green Jr. CBN 177043 Shiao-Wen Huang CBN 211357 1150 N. Magnolia Avenue ; Su Anaheim, CA 92801-2605 Perior Court of Califo (714) 995-3333 County of Placer Attorneys for Plaintiff, Jake c © Chat LOBEL FINANCIAL CORPORATION Legit Officer & Clerk Lucatuorto, Deputy SUPERIOR COURT, COUNTY OF PLACER PLACER JUDICIAL DISTRICT LOBEL FINANCIAL CORP., Case No. MCV0068134 a California Corporation, Plaintiff, vs. Declaration Of Shiloy Krause Per C.C.P. 585 RENZ BACOL Does 1 to 10 w e e w r w wr wh NY WS W S S w WS Ss SS NS N S S Defendant (s) I, Shiloy Krause, declare; I am over the age of 18 years old and a resident of the State of CA. If called upon to do so, I can and shall competently testify to the matters set forth herein as the same are of my own personal knowledge. I am employed by LOBEL FINANCIAL CORPORATION (“LOBEL”) as the Legal Department Assistant Manager and been employed in the Legal Department since July 18, 2003. I am required to know and, in fact, am familiar with the jobs of LOBEL’S employees and the methods which they use in making bookkeeping entries and maintaining other records. The records are made in the normal course of business, at or near the time of the act, condition, or event, by a person with a business duty to do so. I am one of the custodians of LOBEL’S records herein; and, in making this Declaration, I Declaration of Shiloy Krause Pursuant to CCP 585 -1- 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 eo 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 Lobel Financial Corporation have reviewed those records and declare that those records reflect the facts as set forth herein. I have personal knowledge of the contract entered into by the defendant (s) referenced above, on or about August 24, 2016 for the purchase of the vehicle described in the original contract attached hereto as Exhibit "1" which was assigned to Lobel Financial Corp. The underlying contract was assigned directly from the Assignor dealership to Lobel Financial Corporation. Lobel Financial is a finance company and is not a third party collection agency. Lobel Financial Corporation is now the sole holder and owner of the contract and holds a security interest in the underlying vehicle. Additionally, attached as Exhibit “1A” is a true and correct copy of the Loss Damage Waiver showing that at the time the contract was entered, the defendant requested the Loss Damage Waiver coverage (“LDW”). The LDW is added only if the customer fails to provide adequate proof of comprehensive and collision insurance. Therefore, the policy can be added and cancelled more than once on the account. Attached as Exhibit “7” is the account payment history which shows when the LDW policy is added (“WA”), when the LDW policy is cancelled (“wc”) and, once the account is charged off, any unearned LDW rebate (“WR”). Prior to February 27, 2017, defendant(s) contacted plaintiff and wanted to voluntarily surrender their vehicle described in the contract. This vehicle was repossessed on February 27, 2017 and on March 2, 2017 the Notice of Our Plan to Sell Property was mailed via First Class U.S. Mail, postage pre-paid, to the address shown on the notice, which was the last known address of the defendant(s), pursuant to Civil Code Section 2983.2. A true and correct copy said notice is attached hereto as Exhibit "2". Declaration of Shiloy Krause Pursuant to CCP 585 2OS 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 a 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 Lobel Financial Corporation A true and correct copy of the repossession invoice is attached as E xhibit Attached hereto as Exhibit "4" is a true and correct copy of the Kelley Blue book for showing the current Auction value of the vehicle, prior to being sold, was $4,298.00. Attached as Exhibit "5" is a true and correct copy of the con dition report from the automobile auction showing damage to the vehicle in the amount of $4,615.00. If this sum is deducted from the blue book value the net value would be $-317.00. The vehicle involved was sold on 04/05/17 at a privat e dealer’s automobile auction. The bids are taken orally and only the highest bid is documented in written form. Attached hereto as Exhibit "6" is a true an d correct copy of the documentation on the vehicle showing the high bidder and sales price on the vehicle. The vehicle sold for $500.00 but after deducting the fees the net amount received by Lobel Financial was $80.00. Theref ore the vehicle sold ina commercially reasonable manner. A breakdown of all payments and charges and how pl aintiff has determined the deficiency balance on this vehicle is indicated on the payment history of the defendant's account. Attached hereto as Exhibit “7” is a true and correct copy of the payment history. Pursuant civil code section 2983.2 Lobel Financial is permitted to calculate interest at the contract rate from the date o f deposition of the vehicle through the date of any judgment entered in this mat ter. The calculation of interest pursuant to the complaint was prayed for at the contract rate of 22.90% from 04/17/17, at which time the sold auto was applied, the pre-computed interest was rebated, and if applicable, the LDW was rebated on the contract leaving a balance of $6,630.67. Declaration of Shiloy Krause Pur suant to CCP 585 -3- 1 The interest would accrue at $4.16 per day. A total of 239 days have passed 2 ||since the charge off. The daily interest of $4.16 was multiplied by 239 days. 3 ||Based on the calculation of interest, the amount of interest that has accrued 4 |\|since 04/17/17 through 12-12-17 is $994.24. 5 The contract attached as Exhibit "1" provides for reasonable attorney's fees 6 ||and court costs, in the event legal action is necessary to enforce its terms. I 7 \|declare under the penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of California g |\|that the foregoing is true and correct and if called to testify thereto, I could 9 ||and would do so competently. Executed December 12, 2017 at Anaheim, California. 10 nee Shil Krause 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 Lo 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 Lobel Financial Corporation Declaration of Shiloy Krause Pursuant to CCP 585 -4- an : - -_- LOBEL | FINANCIAL 1111 HOWE AVENUE, SUITE 540 e SACRAMENTO, CA 95825-8549 e TEL: (916) 643-1580 ¢ FAX: (916) 921-9604 4 LIMITED REPURCHASE ASSIGNMENT FOR VALUE RECEIVED, except as provided herein and in any written agreement regarding purchase of contracts executed by Seller and Assignee now in effect, Seller hereby endorses and assigns to LOBEL FINANCIAL ("Assignee") all right, title and interest of Seller in and to the attached contract for the purchase of a motor vehicle dated August 24, 2016, by and between Renz Bacol as Buyer, and as Co-Buyer, and Auto Max as Seller (the “Contract”). This assignment specifically includes, but is not limited to, all rights title and interest of Seller to any insurance policies and the proceeds therefrom purchased, endorsed, obtained, or required to be maintained under the terms of the Contract. This supercedes the assignment, if any, on the original physical contract referenced above. The Dealer agrees to immediately repurchase this Contract if it defaults in the firs 1 payments of the contract term, together with all associated charges and expenses. Seller represents and warrants that: the Contract arose from the sale of the property; that Seller holds the original title to the Vehicle free and clear of any encumbrances; that the title to the property was at the time of sale vested in Seller free of all liens and encumbrances; that a security interest in the property is now vested in Seller subject only to the right of Buyer and any Co-Buyer or Other Owner (hereafter collectively referred to as "Customer"); that such security interest is not subject to being avoided under the United States Bankruptcy Code or any provision of law; that the property is as represented to Customer by Seller; that the signatures thereto are genuine signatures of the parties they purport to be; that the Contract is valid and enforceable against Customer, and that there is unpaid the full amount represented as being owing, which amount is subject to no defense, set-off, or counterclaim whatsoever, or want of legal capacity on the part of Customer, Seller shall indemnify and hold harmless the Assignee against all claims and defenses, whether valid or invalid, relating to the property or acts or omissions of Seller including, without limitation, any based on the Federal Consumer Credit Protection Act or other state or federal law. As a partial consideration for the purchase of the contract by Assignee, Seller hereby agrees not to assert against the Assignee any claim, lien or encumbrance which Seller now has or may hereafter have with respect to the property. This assignment shall inure to the benefit of and be binding upon the heirs, executors, administrators, successors and assigns of Seller. If the property described on the contract is a motor vehicle, Seller agrees to provide the Assignee with a certificate of title showing the Assignee as first priority security interest holder immediately. If Seller does not do so, Seller will upon Assignee's demartd repurchase the Contract for the amount owing on the Contract, even if the property is not repossessed or tendered to Seller. Dated September 9, 2016 Dealer Name AUTO MAX Dealer Representative | LZ Eee - er Print Name/Title: Deal # 01825480 - Aimee Phillips/Branch Supervisor VERSION 06,10 2010 LOBEL FINANCIAL Loss Damage Waiver Renuncia de los Dafios Pérdidos Damage Repair Program Programa de Reparacién de Dafios THIS IS NOT AN INSURANCE POLICY ESTO NO ES UNA POLIZA DE SEGUROS THIS IS A LOSS DAMAGE WAIVER AGREEMENT NOT AN INSURANCE POLICY. THIS AGREEMENT PROTECTS THE LIENHOLDER INTEREST OF LOBEL FINANCIAL IN THE MOTOR VEHICLE AND WAIVES THE BUYER’S CONTRACTUAL REQUIREMENT TO PROVIDE COMPREHENSIVE AND COLLISION COVERAGE TO LOBEL FINANCIAL. THIS AGREEMENT DOES NOT PROVIDE BODILY INJURY OR PROPERTY DAMAGE LIABILITY. THIS AGREEMENT INOES NOT COMPLY WITH ANY CALIFORNIA COMPULSORY FINANCIAL RESPONSIBILITY LAW. IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS ABOUT THIS AGREEMENT CONSULT WITH AN ATTORNEY. ESTO ES UN ACUERDO DE LA RENUNCIA DE LOS DANOS PERDIDOS NO UNA POLIZA DE SEGURO. ESTE ACUERDO PROTEGE EL INTERES DE LOBEL FINANCIAL COMO SOSTENEDOR DEL EMBARGO PREVENTIVO DE SU VEHICULO Y RENUNCIA EL REQUISITO DE PROPORCIONAR COBERTURA COMPRENSIVA Y DE COLISIGON: ESTE JACUERDO NO PROPORCIONA RESPONSABILIDAD CORPORAL DE LESION O DE LOS DANOS MATERIALES. ESTE JACUERDO NO SE CONFORMA CON NINGUNA RESPONSABILIDAD FINANCIERA DE LA LEY, NINGUNA LEY DE SEGURO DE LA AVERIA O NINGUNA LEY DE SEGURO OBLIGATORIO DE CALIFORNIA. SI USTED TIENE REGUNTAS SOBRE ESTE ACUERDO CONSULTE CON UN ABOGADO. The parties to this agreement are Lobel Financial: PO Box 3000, Anaheim, CA 92803-3000 Los partidos de este acuerdo es Label Financial : TEL: (714) 995-3333 FAX: (714) 995-7012 and (Buyer #1) Print Name and (Buyer #2) Print Name Y (Comprador #1) Imprima Nombre Y (Comprador #2) Imprima Nombre Motor Vehicle Description : Descripcié6n Del Vehiculo [ 2H0] wissoan [| 3202 | WiAze4eb3 Toy pw Year Make Model VIN # Afio Marca Modelo Loss Damage Waiver (LDW) Monthly Payment Amount: $ ‘ Cuota de la renuncia de los Dafios Pérdidos : L Lobel Financial. Original (Bank Copy) 1 of 4 ase - Exhibit (A Buyer has purchased a motor vehicle and has a retail installment sale contract installment sale contract to provide insurance to Protect Lobel Financial’ against loss or damage. Lobel Financial is willing to sell to Buyer the L requirement that Buyer provide proof of insurance Pursuant to the retail i consideration for Buyer's purchase of the Loss Damage Waiver Lobel Financi the motor vehicle from Buyer under the following conditions: Buyer 1s required by the retail 8 legal interest in the motor vehicle Oss Damage Waiver and waive the nstallment sale contract. As al agrees to assume the risk of loss to £1 Comprador ha comprado un vehiculo y tiene un contrato de venta, £1 Comprador es obligado a proteger el interés de Lobel Financial contra daiios y pérdidas. Lobe} Financial esta dispuesto a vender la Renuncia de Dafios Pérdidos y renunciar el requisito d2 que el Comprador presente evidencia de segure conforme el contrato, En consideracién de la compra de la Renuncia de Daiios Pérdidos Lobel Financial conviene asumir el riesgo de pérdida a] vehiculo, bajo las siguientes condiciones: presentar evidencia de seguro para WHEN DAMAGE OCCURS TO THE MOTOR VEHICLE 1, Buyer shall notify Lobel Financial within 10 days should the motor vehicle sustain damage or loss exceeding $500. If Lobel Financial is not notified timely, then the date of loss shall be the date Lobel Financial receives notice, Failure to notify Lobel Financial within 45 days of the date of loss will result in denial of coverage. 2, In the event of loss or damage, to the motor vehicle, Lobel Financial in its sole discretion will determine if the motor vehicle 1s repairable or is a total loss. A motor vehicle will be deemed a total loss when either the estimated cost of repairing the motor vehicle exceeds the remaining balance due Lobel Financial on the retail installment sales contract, or the estimated cost of repair exceeds rhe actual cash value of the motor vehicle. The right to repair the vehicle or to declare a total loss shall be Lobel Financial's exclusively. All claims are subject to a $500 deductable. 3, If Lobel Financial declares the motor vehicle a total loss, any outstanding contractual balance due Lobel Financial from Buyer at the time the loss iS reported to Lobel Financial shall be deemed satisfied, except: the first $500.00 in damages per loss occurrence; all past due payments; interest in arrears through the date of loss; all past due Loss Damage Waiver fees; all late charges; all legal or collection or repossession fees; umpound fees; storage or towing costs exceeding $150 related to the damage occurrence and lost salvage fees resulting from a lien sale or other event where Lobel Financial cannot obtain or recover the salvage value of the damaged motor vehicle. The retail installment sale contract shall not be deemed satisfied until all such fees and charges are paid in full. 4. In the event of a total loss, the Loss Damage Waiver is secondary to any existing insurance coverage that Buyer has in force. Lobel Financial will waive any contractual balance not satisfied by Buyer’s insurance, after Lobel Financial receives full payment from Buyer's insurance. In a secondary claim, Buyer remains responsible for; $500.00 deductible; all past due payments; all past due Loss Damage Waiver fees; all late charges; all legal or collection or repossession fees; impound fees; and any storage or towing costs exceeding $150 related to the damage occurrence, 5. If damage or loss occurs wherein the outstanding contractual balance is deemed satisfied per paragraph (3) above, Buyer acknowledges that Lobel Financial will have no further obligation to Buyer beyond complying with the terms and conditions of this Loss Damage Waiver agreement. 6. In the event of a total loss, Lobel Financial reserves the right to retain the damaged motor vehicle, provided, however, that the Buyer shall not abandon the vehicle to Lobel Financial without Lobel Financial’s prior written consent. CUANDO DANOS OCURREN AL VEHICULO 1. El Comprador notificaré a Lobel Financial dentro de 10 dias $i el vehiculo sufre dafios o pérdidas en exceso de $500. $1 Lobel Financial no es notificado a tiempo, entonces la fecha de pérdida seré la fecha que Lobel Financial recibe el aviso, Si Lobel Financial no recibe notaficacién dentro de 45 dias de la fecha de la pérdide la cobertura sera negada. 2. En caso de una pérdida o dafio al vehiculo , Lobel Financial determinaré si el vehiculo es repareble o es una pérdida total. Un vehiculo serd juzgado una pérdida total cuando el estimado costo de la reparacidén del vehiculo excede el saldo restante debido a Lobel Financial en e] contrato de venta o el estimado costo de la reparacion excede el valor actual del vehiculo. El derecho de reparar el vehiculo o de declarar una pérdids total serd de Lobel Financial eyclusivamente. Todos los reclamos son sujetos a un deducible de $500. ‘ 3. $1 Lobel Financial declara el vehiculo una pérdida total, cualquier saldo debido por el Comprador a Lobel Financial bajo el contrato 2] tiempo de la pérdida seré Juzgado satasfecho, excepto: Jos primeros $500 en dafios por cada ocurrencie de pérdida; todos los pagos atrasados; interés en atrasos atravez de la fecha de la pérdida; todos los honorarios atrasados de la Renuncia de Daiios Pérdidos; todo cargo atrasade, todos los honorerios legales 0 de coleccién o de reposesién; y todo cargo de almacenaje o remolque en exceso de $150 relacionado con la ocurrencia de los dafos y tarifas de rescate o salvamento del vehiculo dafiado. El saldo del conerato no serd juzgado satisfecho hasta que todas las tarifas ¥Y cargos mencionados sean totalmente ados oe 4. En caso de una pérdida total, la Renuncia de Dafios Pérdidos es secundaria a cualquier cobertura de seguro existente que el Comprador tenga en efecto. Lobel Financial renunciara cualquier saldo restante bajo el contrato no satisfecho por el seguro del Comprador, después de que Lobel Financial reciba el Pago completo del seguro de] Comprador. En una demande secundaria, el Comprador es responsable de; deducible de $500.00; todos los pagos atrasados; todos los honorarios atrasados de la Renuncia de los dafios pérdidos; todo cargo atrasado; todos los honorarios legales o de coleccién o de reposesion; y todo cargo de almacenaje © remolque en exceso de $150 relacionado con Ja ocurrencia de los daios y tarifas de rescete o salvamento del vehiculo dafado. 5. Si ocurren dafios o pérdidas y el saldo pendiente del contrato se considera satisfecho de acuerdo con el pérrafo (3) arriba, el Comprador reconoce que Lobel Financial no tendré ninguna otra obligacidén a1 comprador més 211é de cumplir con los términos y las condiciones de esta Renuncie de Daiios Perdidos. 6. En caso de une pérdida totel, Lobel Financial reserva el derecho de retener el vehiculo dafiado, sin embargo, el Comprador no abandonardé el vehiculo a Lobel Financial sin primero tener el consentimiento escrito por Lobel Financial. Lobel Financial Original (Bank Copy) 3 of 4 eo am Date of Notice and Mailing: March 2, 2017 (FIRST CLASS) Account No: 561033 From: LOBEL FINANCIAL Holder of Contract and Legal Owner of Motor Vehicle - Secured Party 1150 N. MAGNOLIA AVE. ANAHEIM, CA 92801-2605 714-995-3333 RENZ BACOL Person(s) Liable on Contract - Debtor(s) - Obligor 2820 AUBURN BLVD SACRAMENTO, CA 95821 NOTICE OF OUR PLAN TO SELL PROPERTY California Commercial Code 9613, 9614, 9623 Subject: Motor Vehicle Retail Conditional Sale Contract Dated August 24, 2016 Motor Vehicle (“Vehicle”) Collateral: 03 NISSAN 350Z VIN: JN1AZ34E63T014024, Lic: 5CLV452 We have your 03 NISSAN 350Z_ VIN: JN1AZ34E63T014024, Lic: 5CLV452 because you broke promises in our agreement. We will sell the 03 NISSAN 350Z VIN: JN1AZ34E63T014024, Lic: 5CLV452 at private sale sometime after March 19, 2017. A sale could include a lease or license. The money that we get from the sale (after paying our costs) will reduce the amount you owe. If we get less money than you owe, you will still owe us the difference. If we get more money than you owe, you will get the extra money, unless we must pay it to someone else. You can get the property back at any time before we sell it by paying us the full amount you owe (not just the past due payments), including our expenses. To learn the exact amount you must pay, call us at 714-995-3333. If you want us to explain to you in writing how we have figured the amount that you owe us, you may call us at 714-995- 3333, or write to us at 1150 N. Magnolia Ave. Anaheim, CA 92801 and request a written explanation. If you need more information about the sale call us at 714-995-3333 or write us at 1150 N. Magnolia Ave. Anaheim, CA 92801. We are sending this notice to the following other people who have an interest in the 03 NISSAN 350Z VIN:JN1AZ34E63T014024, Lic: 5CLV452 or who owe money under your agreement: NOTICE OF INTENTION TO DISPOSE OF MOTOR VEHICLE California Civil Code 2983.2, 2983.3 We intend to dispose of the Vehicle as explained in this Notice subject to your rights to get back the Vehicle as described in this Notice. The date for sale will be at least 15 days from the date of this Notice (20 days if this Notice is mailed outside of California or the address of any of the persons liable on the contract is outside of California). You have a right to request an extension of the time of 10 additional days (see Right to Request an Extension of Time below). Upon receipt of your written request for an extension of time, Lobel Financial shall extend for an additional 10 days, the sale of the Vehicle and both the reinstatement and redemption periods without further notice. RIGHT TO REINSTATE You are in default under the contract as follows: Failure to make payment(s) due under the contract. Failure to keep the Vehicle free from encumbrances and liens. Failure to keep and maintain insurance on the Vehicle. You voluntarily surrendered the Vehicle. XX] You have the right to reinstate the contract and get back the Vehicle. To reinstate, you must do the following (below) within 15 days of the date of this Notice (20 days if this Notice is mailed outside of California or the address of any of the persons liable on the contract is outside of California). You have the right to request an extension of the time of 10 additional days (see Right to Request an Extension of Time below). Upon receipt of your written request for an extension of time, Lobel Financial shall extend for an additional 10 days, the sale of the Vehicle and both the reinstatement and redemption periods without further notice. Your cure of the default must be made to Lobel Financial, Attention: Repossession Department at 1150 N. Magnolia Ave. Anaheim, CA 92801. Pay the Total Amount Now Due Past Due Payments $ 263.94 Encumbrance and Lien Expense + §$ 0.00 Repossession Fee + °° $ 225.00 Total Amount Now Due = $ 488.94 Continued on Rear Exhibit 2 =~ a, Date of Notice and Mailing: March 2, 2017 (FIRST CLASS) Account No: 561033 From: LOBEL FINANCIAL Holder of Contract and Legal Owner of Motor Vehicle - Secured Party 1150 N. MAGNOLIA AVE. ANAHEIM, CA 92801-2605 714-995-3333 RENZ BACOL Person(s) Liable on Contract - Debtor(s) - Obligor 3793 HILLSBOROUGH ROAD CAMERON PARK, CA 95682 NOTICE OF OUR PLAN TO SELL PROPERTY California Commercial Code 9613, 9614, 9623 Subject: Motor Vehicle Retail Conditional Sale Contract Dated August 24, 2016 Motor Vehicle (“Vehicle”) Collateral: 03 NISSAN 350Z VIN: JN1AZ34E63T014024, Lic: 5CLV452 We have your 03 NISSAN 350Z_ VIN: JN1AZ34E63T014024, Lic: 5CLV452 because you broke promises in our agreement. We will sell the 03 NISSAN 350Z VIN: JN1AZ34E63T014024, Lic: 5CLV452 at private sale sometime after March 19, 2017. A sale could include a lease or license. The money that we get from the sale (after paying our costs) will reduce the amount you owe. If we get less money than you owe, you will still owe us the difference. If we get more money than you owe, you will get the extra money, unless we must pay it to someone else. You can get the property back at any time before we sell it by paying us the full amount you owe (not just the past due payments), including our expenses. To learn the exact amount you must pay, call us at 714-995-3333. If you want us to explain to you in writing how we have figured the amount that you owe us, you may call us at 714-995- 3333, or write to us at 1150 N. Magnolia Ave. Anaheim, CA 92801 and request a written explanation. If you need more information about the sale call us at 714-995-3333 or write us at 1150 N. Magnolia Ave. Anaheim, CA 92801. We are sending this notice to the following other people who have an interest in the 03 NISSAN 350Z VIN:-JN1AZ34E63T014024, Lic: 5CLV452 or who owe money under your agreement: NOTICE OF INTENTION TO DISPOSE OF MOTOR VEHICLE California Civil Code 2983.2, 2983.3 We intend to dispose of the Vehicle as explained in this Notice subject to your rights to get back the Vehicle as described in this Notice. The date for sale will be at least 15 days from the date of this Notice (20 days if this Notice is mailed outside of California or the address of any of the persons liable on the contract is outside of California). You have a right to request an extension of the time of 10 additional days (see Right to Request an Extension of Time below). Upon receipt of your written request for an extension of time, Lobel Financial shall extend for an additional 10 days, the sale of the Vehicle and both the reinstatement and redemption periods without further notice. RIGHT TO REINSTATE You are in default under the contract as follows: Failure to keep the Vehicle free from encumbrances and liens. Failure to keep and maintain insurance on the Vehicle. : Failure to make payment(s) due under the contract. You voluntarily surrendered the Vehicle. Kk] You have the right to reinstate the contract and get back the Vehicle. To reinstate, you must do the following (below) within 15 days of the date of this Notice (20 days if this Notice is mailed outside of California or the address of any of the persons liable on the contract is outside of California). You have the right to request an extension of the time of 10 additional days (see Right to Request an Extension of Time below). Upon receipt of your written request for an extension of time, Lobel Financial shall extend for an additional 10 days, the sale of the Vehicle and both the reinstatement and redemption periods without further notice. Your cure of the default must be made to Lobel Financial, Attention: Repossession Department at 1150 N. Magnolia Ave. Anaheim, CA 92801. Pay the Total Amount Now Due Past Due Payments $ 263.94 Encumbrance and Lien Expense a 0.00 Repossession Fee + $ 225.00 Total Amount Now Due = $ 488.94 Continued on Rear From Lobel Financ 1.888. 371.8467 Tue Feb 28 07:06:25 2 MM esr Page 3 of 3 Any Capital Recovery INC. _ 4545 Auburn Blvd 514 '0 Sacramento, CA 95841 Office: (916) 488-8462 - Fax: (916) 290-0188 Invoice # : 752065 Tax ID: Invoice Date: 2/27/2017 AY \0 Case #: 17-020292 Bill to : Lobel Financial Debtor: Bacol, Renz Contact Name : 3793 Hillsborough Rd Phone: Cameron Park, CA 95682 Fax: Collateral : 2003 Nissan 350Z AccountNumber : 561033 VIN : JN1AZ34E63T014024 PO Number - Legal Owner: -_Lobel Financial Date Assigned: 2/27/2017 5:07 PM Repo Date : 2/27/2017 5:53 PM Mileage : . Comments Invoicelttems... > Quantity Description Price Taxable Total 1 Voluntary Repo Fee 225.00 N 225.00 Totals SubTotal 225 00 Tax (0.00%) 0.00 Total 225.00 Amount Paid 0.00 Balance Due 225.00 RP LES FEB 282017 | py: 411 93b6 __| Exhibit 4 License Plate # N/A Stock #N/A Mar 13, 2017 Lending/Sug. Retail Breakdown, Auction & Trade-In Kelley Blue Book Effective dates: 3/10/2017-3/16/2017 2003 Nissan 350Z Coupe 2D $5,327/$7,806 VIN: JN1AZ34E63T014024 V6, 3.5 Liter Included Manual, 6-Spd Included RWD Included Ext. Color: N/A $0/$0 *** Equipment *** ABS (4-Wheel).......0000 eapevaasiianess Included Air Conditioning.............. Included Power Windows. .....cesecosecrcssesreserese Included Power Door Locks............ Included Cruise Control.....cscssecseeees en Included Power Steering.........rscceve ere Included Tilt Wheeel...ccccccscscocccsscoseereresees Included AM/FM Stered.......cscccccoscessecsccnseee Included No CD (Single Disc)........... <$100>/<$133> CD (Malti Dine) s.cecccscscecsscsessosecese $200/$266 Dual Air Bags.......cccssscsrsseseecees Included Side Air Bags..........+ siasstiietioees ‘ $0/$0 Dual Power Seats.......... eve $25/$33 LA WAROE covcssscsnasassceacisiomntiioneena $120/$159 Alloy Whieels..........ccsessssessersenees Included Fuel City/Hwy 18/24 MPG Total Value without mileage........crsssssssssseerereeees $5,572/$8,131 Mileage Adjustment(121,284) miles......sssesscscsrereerees <$398> ***T otal Lending/Suggested Retail Value......ssssssseses dmmmccmaries $5,174/$7,733 Lobel Financial 3/10/2017-3/16/2017 Kelley Blue Book® KARPOWER Online's® values for 92803. Values are subjective opinions. Kelley Blue Book assumes no liability for errors or omissions as to values, manufacturer or dealer information. ©Copyright Kelley Blue Book 2017.All rights reserved. Exhibit _U License Plate # N/A Stock #N/A Mar 13, 2017 Lending/Sug. Retail Breakdown, Auction & Trade-In Kelley Blue Book Effective dates: 3/10/2017-3/16/2017 Auction $4,298 Trade-In Value $3,726 Trade-In Value Range $2,857 - $4,594 Condition: Goad Lobel Financial 3/10/2017-3/16/2017 Kelley Blue Book® KARPOWER Online's® values for 92803. Values are subjective opinions. Kelley Blue Book assumes no liability for errors or omissions as to values, manufacturer or dealer information. ©Copyright Kelley Blue Book 2017.Alll rights reserved. Povol, Renz Condition Report Stock #: Account #: Year: Make: Model: Trim: VIN: Color: Mileage: Delivery Date: Registered Owner: Body Type: License: Exp Date: Drivable: Frame Damage: DMV Fees: Vehicle Grade: Transmission: Engine: Engine Size: Roof: Radio: tnterior: Type / Color: Airbag: Seats: Additional Equipment 16207 2003 Nissan 3502 JN1AZ34E63T014024 SILVER 121284 03/09/2017 BACOL 2Door S5CLV452 oesee No No $15.00 Grade 1: Extra Rough Six Speed Manual Transmiss 6-Cylinder Gas 3.50 Hard Top CD wi CD Changer Leather Interior Leather Interior Dual and Side Airbags Power Ignition Key Security System Alloy Wheels Heated Seat Report created on: 3/20/2017 10:16:39AM AIC Cruise Control Power Streering Power Locks Power Windows Rear Defroster Tilt Streering Drive Type Brakes Comments Ciena 41010 Airport Way Stockton, CA 95206 Yes KBB Auction Yes Black Book Yes NADA Yes Yes Yes Yes Rear Wheel Drive Anti Lock Brakes OIL LEAKS. MISSING FRONT BUMPER. 5.0) 04% South Bay Auto Auction - STOCKTON AD) Phone: 209-690-9191 |Fax: 209-944-7725 $0 $2275 $0 RECOMMEND DIAGNOSTIC,CANNOT TEST DRIVE TIMING CHAIN SKIPS, MODIFIED AIR INTAKE, 03/17/2017 Diagnostic : AS IS. Non-Runner. Performed general mechanical check for Battery, Codes, Cables, and Connections, Engine does Not Sound Normal Due To intema{ Engine Damage. EST: $2500/$1000 Page 1 of 3 Exhibit S Condition Report CHARGABLE DAMAGES item ; we ‘\ Engine Right Qtr Panel Right Front Door SEER. , Rear Bumper i A \s ne ' Left Qtr Panel a ef es, st Left Front Qoor MOCERIKS) Left Front Fender sy ‘ ' . Hood Front Bumper Report created on: 3/20/2017 10:16:39AM eouth Bay Auto A, “en SouthBayAutonuaion Damaae Damage Dent Scraped Scraped Peeling Peeling Peeling Scratched Missing toh Comments Ction Prime Automotive Group, Ine. South Bay Auto Auction - STOCKTON 41010 Airport Way Stockton, CA 95206 Phone: 209-690-9191 |Fax: 209-944-7725 Parts $2,500.00 $100.00 $50.00 $50.00 $50.00 $50.00 $50.00 $50.00 $150.00 Labor $1,000.00 $150.00 $50.00 $50.00 $50.00 $50.00 $50.00 $50.00 $100.00 Estimate $3,509.00 _ $250.00 $100,00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $250.00 Page 2 of 3 DMV: $15.00 TOTAL: $4,615.00 Report created on: 3/20/2017 10:18:39AM im, Ba Auto Au ” South Bay Auto Auction - STOCKTON . Op 41010 Airport Way in Stockton, CA 95206 ©.) Phone: 209-690-9191|Fax: 209-944-7725 Page 3 of 3 s SOUTH BAY AUTO AUCTION OF STOCKTON 7 LOBEL.FINANCIAL Vehicle Purchase _ Auction Fees Services \\ EES ee , B7 ie a e “Prime: 7} Ty Ny c A A TIMOR LIT IE “180 483040 I 0 e aogede: 2003 NISSAN 3502 014024 cs es HAAN O OR SHEE 4/5/2017 16304 V4 500.00 -125.00 -295.00 { \ } \ 80.00 Exhibit _V * 561033 . VEHICLE YEAR : 03 BACOL, RENZ VEHICLE MAKE : NISSAN 3966 TORONTO RD VEHICLE MODEL: 3502 CAMERON PARK, CA 95682 LICENSE # : S5SCLV452 VEHICLE ID # : JN1AZ34E63T014024 DATE 12-12-17 LAST PAID 01-31-17 NEXT DUE 02-24-17 36 X 263.94 DATE 1ST PAYMENT DUE 09-24-16 DATE TYPE DEBIT CREDIT 08-24-16 9501.84 08-30-16 NP NEW PY=263.94 PC=+263.94, NEW PAYMENT - PAY 08-31-16 ND NOTICE OF ASSIGNMENT DATE 09-09-16 ST PYMT=263.94, STATEMENT - SENT 15 DAYS PRIOR 09-23-1632 PY 263.94 #DBT 659064 10-10-16 ST PYMT=263.94, STATEMENT - SENT 15 DAYS PRIOR 10-25-16 PY 265.00 #0028 11-09-16 ST PYMT=263.94 PAST-DUE=-1.06, STATEMENT - SEN 11-28-16 PY 280.00 #0027 12-09-16 ST PYMT=263.94 PAST-DUE=-17.12, STATEMENT - SE 12-29-16 L1 LATE NOTICE #1 - 5 DAYS PAST DUE (PAST DU 12-29-16 PY 246.82 #1001 01-09-17 ST PYMT=263.94, STATEMENT - SENT 15 DAYS PRIOR 01-29-17 Ll LATE NOTICE #1 - 5 DAYS PAST DUE (PAST DU 01-31-17 PY 263.94 #1002 02-09-17 ST PYMT=263.94, STATEMENT - SENT 15 DAYS PRIOR 02-27-17 AR ANYC, ASSIGN FOR REPO 02-27-17 ER 225.00/0.00 ANYC 02-27-17, ESTIMATED REPO F 02-28-17 RP 225.00 #752065 02-2 REPO FEE 03-02-17 RL NOI TO DISPOSE LETTER, REPO LETTER - NOTICE 03-07-17 L2 13.20 LATE NOTICE SUPPRESSED-REPO'D, LATE NOTICE 03-13-17 ST STMT SUPPRESSED-REPO'D, STATEMENT - SENT 15 03-27-17 A1N ATT LETTER SUPPRESSED-REPO'D, 30 DAYS PAST 04-04-17 L4 13.20 LATE NOTICE SUPPRESSED-REPO'D, LATE NOTICE 04-10-17 ST STMT SUPPRESSED-REPO'D, STATEMENT - SENT 15 04-17-17 RM CO ON 04-17-17, REPO REDEMPTION 04-17-17 PY 80.00 #16304 SOLD AUTO 04-17-17 GR 124.94 #16304 SOLD AUTO, GAP FINANCE CHARGE REBATE 04-17-17 RE 1597.93 FINANCE CHARGE REBATE $6,630.67 BALANCE AT CHARGE OFF 04-17-17 Exhibit _~{