proof of serviceCal. Super. - 1st Dist.July 8, 2021ALI F. MIRHOSSEINI, ESQ. I\4IRHOSSEINI LAW GROUP APC 1502, N. BFIOADWAY SANTA ANA CA 92706 714-560-9100 Altorney tor : ALIAKBAR MOSAFEFASTANEH Atty. File No. : MOSAFERASTANEH V. LA SUPERIOR COUFT OF CA., COUNTY OF SAN FBANCISCO SAN FBANCISCO PLAINTIFF DEFENDANT : AL'AKBAF MOSAFEFASTANEH : BIANCA OESIREY GUZMAN PENATE. ET AL. Case No.: CGC-20.587528 PROOF OF SERVICE OF SUMMONS Hearing date: Aptil 7,2021 Time:10:30AtV Dept./Oiv. : DEPARTMENT 1, At the time of service I was at least 18 years of age and not a party to this aclion. 2. lserved copiesofthe SUMMONS (ISSUED); COMPLATNT; CtVtL CASE COVEB SHEET; NOTICE TO PLAINTIFFj sAN FFANcISco SUPEF'oF coUBT ADR INFORMATION PACKET 3, a. Party served : OMAB N, LARREA b. Person served JUAN DOE, OCCUPANT, (H/I/y50S/5FTB/15OLB/GRy) Address where lhe parly was served 34 GILROY ST SAN FBANCISCO, CA 94124 (Residence) I served the party b by substiruted service. on varch 24,2021 at o7:5s AM lleftlhe documents tisted in item 2 with or in the presence ol JUAN OOE, OCCUPANT. H/M/5OS/5FTB/1 SOLB/G FIY (2) (home) a competent member ol the household (at least l8 years ol age) al the dwelling house or usuat ptace ol abode of the party. I intormed him or her of the general nature ot the papers. (4) a declaratlon ot malling is a ached. (5) ' attach a declaration of diligsnce stating actions taken lirst to attempt personal service. The "Notice to the person served" (on the summons) was completed as follows: a, as an individual defendant. Person who served papefg A. [/ART'N HOFWITZ b. KNOX ATTOBNEY SERVICE 1522 BROOKHOLLOW DBIVE SUITE 3 SANTA ANA, QA 92705 c.714-475.1650 7. d. Fee for service: 957.95 e. lam: (3) a registered Calilornia process server (i) an independent contractor (ii) Registration No.: 2676 (iii) County: Orange, CA .J_ I declare under penally ol perjury under the laws ol lh€ State of Calilornta ihat the rue and correct. Date: March 25, 2021 J;d Ccu.. ;orn' rute 2.150 CtrC JC Fofa POS ort inev. Janoary 1 ?Ct?j Signature; PFOOF OF SEFVICE MABTIN Bet. No. 2571389-05 ELECTRONICALLY F I L E D Superior Court of California, County of San Francisco 04/08/2021 Clerk of the Court BY: CAROL BALISTRERI Deputy Clerk ALI R. MIRHOSSEINI, ESO, IVIRHOSSEINI LAW GBOUP APC 1502, N, BROADWAY SANTA ANA CA 92706 714-560-9100 AltoTney IoT : ALIAKBAR MOSAFERASTANEH Atty. File No. : MOSAFERASTANEH V. LA SUPEBIOR COURT OF CA,, COUNTY OF SAN FRANCISCO SAN FRANCISCO PLAINTIFF : ALIAKBAF MOSAFERASTANEH DEFENDANT : BIANCA OESIBEY GUZMAN PENATE, ET AL, Case No,i CGC-20-587528 DECLABATION BEGARDING DILIGENCE Hearing date : Apnl 7,2021 Time :10130 AM Oept./Div. : DEPAFTMENT I received the within process on 03/04/21: SUMMONS (ISSUED); COMPLATNT; CtVtL CASE COVEB SHEET; NOTICE TO PtAtNTtFF; SAN FRANCTSCO SUpEHtOB COUHT ADR INFOFMATION PACKET After due and diligenl etfon I have been unable to eltecl personal service on the within named party at the following address(es): Party served OMAF N. LARREA Residence : 34 GTLBOY ST, SAN FFANCTSCO CA 94124 Attempts to eflect servic€ are as follows: SEE ATTACHED STATUS REPOBT I declare undel penalty of periury under lhe laws o{ the State ot california that tho foregoing is true and correct. Signaturel vl ;f..Dale: March 25, 202.1 JLd Co!n. lo.r fu:e 2.:5C CRC MARTIN DECLARATION RE OILIGENCE Bel. No. 2571389-05 I6tox ^rroRNEY sERvtcE lB30l Von Kaffian Avenoe, Suite 120, kvine, CA 92612 Phone: 17l4) 479-1650 FRx: l7t41 479-1660 , nail : prc ces'sc @k no xservic es, com STATUS REPORT Aprll 1,20?1 MIRHOSSEINI LAW GBOUP APC 1502, N. BROADWAY SANTA ANA, CA 92706 Atlention : SONDBA KIIGORE Phone : 714-560-9100 Fax: 714-560-9120 Email : sondra @ RE KNOX FILE #: 2571389-05 YOUBFILE#: MOSAFERASTANEII v. LA CASE NUMBER : CGC-20-587528 CASE NAME : ALIAKBAR MOSAFERASTANEH Vs. BIANCA DESIREY GUZMAN PENATE. ET AL, SEBVICE OF PROCESS - We received the documents below on O3lO4l21: SUMMONS (ISSUED); COMPLAINT; CIVIL CASE COVER SHEET; NOTICE TO PLAINTIFF; SAN FRANCISCO SUPERIOR COURT ADR INFOBMATION PACKET for service upon : OMAR N. LAFREA at ths following address(es) : 34 GILFOY ST, SAN FBANCISCO, CA 94124 (Res.) The following is a list of attempts to slfectuats service: 03118121 03:35P Attempted service at the residence; subject 03t18t21 not ere per young m/laie 20s. Would not say either way jf delendant lived here. flthe foregoinO is true and correclI declare under penalty of perlury under the laws ol the State ol Califo/ ia til Date: April 1.2021 Signature: ,hh_: J I(nox^rroBNEY sERvtcE l83ol Von Katman Avenue, Suite 120, hvine, CA 92612 Phane: l7l4) 479-1650 Fax: 17l4 479 l660 Em ail : Droces. sc@k nox services. com STATUS REPOBT April 1 , 2021 MIBHOSSEINI LAW GROUP APC 1502, N. BROADWAY SANTA ANA, CA 92706 Attention : SONDRA KILGOHE Phone : 714-560-9100 Fax: 714-560-9t 20 Email : sondra @ RE KNOX FILE#: 257138$05 YOUR FILE#: MOSAFERASTANEH V. LA CASE NUMBER : CGC-20-587528 CASE NAME : ALIAKBAR MOSAFERASTANEH vs, BIANCA DESIBEY GUZMAN PENATE, ET AL. SFRVICE OF PROCESS - We received the documents betow on 03/04/21: SUMMONS (ISSUED); COMPLAINT; CtVtL CASE COVER SHEET; NOTICE TO PLAINTIFF; SAN FRANCTSCO SUPEHIOR COURT ADFI INFORMATION PACKET for service upon : OMAR N. LABBEA at the lollowing address(es) : 34 GILROY ST, SAN FRANCTSCO, CA 94.124 {Res.) The following is a list of allempts lo elfectuate service; 03/21121 07:36P Attempted service at the residence; subject nol home raghl now. Afternoons might b€ bette A3124/21 07:554 Attempled service at the residence; subject not home per same older gentleman 03/24/21 07:554 Substiiute servlce effecled at the residence Juan Doe/Occupant/h/m/50s/S,g/1 50/9ry haif03124121 Juan would not accept docs, server announced service and slid undea lhe oate. I declare under penalty ot perjury under the laws ol the State of Calitornia that Date: April 1, 2021 Signalure: ALI R. MIRHOSSEINI, ESQ. MIRHOSSEINI LAW GROUP APC 1502, N. BROADWAY SANTA ANA, CA 92706 714-560-9100 Attorney for: ALIAKBAR MOSAFERASTANEH Atty. File No.: MOSAFERASTANEH V. LA SUPERIOR COURT OF CA., COUNTY OF SAN FRANCISCO SAN FRANCISCO PLAINTIFF : ALIAKBAR MOSAFERASTANEH DEFENDANT : BIANCA DESIREY GUZMAN PENATE, ET AL. Hearing date: April 7, 2021 Time : 10:30 AM Dept./Div. : DEPARTMENT Case No. : : CGC-20-587528 DECLARATION OF MAILING RE: OMAR N. LARREA I am a citizen of the United States and am employed in the County of ORANGE COUNTY, State of California. I am over the age of eighteen years and not a party to this action. My business address is 1522 BROOKHOLLOW DRIVE SUITE 3, SANTA ANA, CA 92705. On April 1, 2021 I mailed the within documents: SUMMONS (ISSUED); COMPLAINT; CIVIL CASE COVER SHEET; NOTICE TO PLAINTIFF; SAN FRANCISCO SUPERIOR COURT ADR INFORMATION PACKET On the party in said action, by mailing a true copy thereof (by First-class mail, postage prepaid), enclosed in a sealed envelope at the mail collection site at my place of employment, addressed to the following: OMAR N. LARREA 34 GILROY ST SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94124 (Residence) I declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of California that the foregoing is true and correct. Executed on April 8, 2021 at SANTA ANA, California. Signature: ERIK LUNA DECLARATION OF MAILING Ref. No. : 2571389-05