proof of service of summonsCal. Super. - 1st Dist.February 25, 2021ROBEBT BAZZO, ESQ, FREEMAN, MATHIS & GARY (3037) 550 S HOPE STREET. 22ND FLOO LOS ANGELES CA 90071 21$615-7000 Attomey lor : BOGDAN DAHDOUGH, ETAL. Atty. File No, : 11221-83978 SUPEBIOR COUHT OF CA.. COUNTY OF SAN FBANCISCO SAN FBANCISCO PLAINTIFF DEFENDANT : CAITLYN MILLEH : BOGDAN DAHDOUGH. ET AL. Case No,: CGC-2s685348 PBOOF OF SERVICE OF SUMMONS d, Fee for servlo€; $140.75 e. lam: (3) a roglstered Callfornia process servsr (l) an independent conlractor (ll) Registratlon No.: 2676 (iil) County: Orange, CA 1 , At tha tlme of servic€ | was al least 18 y6ars ot age and not a party lo thls actlon. 2. I served coples ot tho SUMMONS; CROSS-COMPLAINT 3. a. Party served P€rson served 7. Person-'who.rorvedpapers a, MARTIN HORWITZ b, KNOX ATTORNEY SERVICE 1545 lMlshlre Blvd Ste. 311 LOS ANGELES, CA 90017 c.219-626-1660 YELENA LAUDATI YELENA LAUDATI, PERSONALLY (wFa3/5FTo/130LB) 4, Addr€ss where the party wao servsd 1850 TUHK STBEET APT. 303 SAN FBANCISCO, CA 94115 (Besldence) 5. lservsd the party a. by personal sowloo, I p€rsonally delivered lhe documents llsted in ltem 2 to the party or p€Bon aulhodzod to receive servica of procese for the party (l)on August 28,2o2o (2) at: 06:02 PM 8, The "Notlce to the parson servsd* (on the summons) was co{nplsted as follows: a. as an indivldual defendant. 8. I doclar€ under psnalty of p€dury under lhe laws ot ths State of Callfornla that j\e foT|gtlr? i6 truo and corr€ct. L) \ \J-, Dat€l Soptembell,2o2o Slsnedturct (' f| . MARTTN fidRwnz Jud, coun, rorm, ruro2.1socRc pRooF oF sERvlcE 7 a"t. No. 2665638-02 JC Fom POS 010 (Rov, Jqnuary 1,2004 ELECTRONICALLY F I L E D Superior Court of California, County of San Francisco 09/09/2020 Clerk of the Court BY: YOLANDA TABO-RAMIREZ Deputy Clerk