request for dismissalCal. Super. - 1st Dist.August 6, 20213. TOTHECLERK:Consenttotheabovedismissalisherebygiven.** REQUESTFORDISMISSAL FormAdoptedforMandatoryUse JudicialCouncilofCalifornia CIV-110[Rev.Jan.1,2013] CodeofCivilProcedure,§581etseq.;Gov.Code, §68637(c);Cal.RulesofCourt,rule3.1390 Page1of2 TOTHECLERK:Pleasedismissthisactionasfollows: (1) (2)(1) (3) (4) (5) (6) (TYPEORPRINTNAMEOF (SIGNATURE) Attorneyorpartywithoutattorneyfor: Plaintiff/Petitioner Defendant/Respondent CrossComplainant (SIGNATURE) **Ifacross-complaint-orResponse(FamilyLaw)seekingaffirmative relief-isonfile,theattorneyforcross-complainant(respondent)mustsign thisconsentifrequiredbyCodeofCivilProceduresection581(i)or(j). *Ifdismissalrequestedisofspecifiedpartiesonlyofspecifiedcausesofactiononly, orofspecifiedcross-complaintsonly,sostateandidentifytheparties,causesof action,orcross-complaintstobedismissed. (Tobecompletedbyclerk) 4. 5 6. 7. Clerk,by ,Deputy 2. Thecourtwaivecourtfeesandcostsforapartyinthiscase.(Thisinformationmaybeobtainedfromthe clerk.Ifcourtfeesandcostswerewaived,thedeclarationonthebackofthisformmustbecompleted). a. (Completeinallcasesexceptfamilylawcases.) Withprejudice Withoutprejudice Complaint Petition Cross-complaintfiledby(name): on(date): Cross-complaintfiledby(name): on(date): Entireactionofallpartiesandallcausesofaction Other (specify):* did didnot Date: ATTORNEY PARTYWITHOUTATTORNEY) Dismissalenteredasrequestedon (date): Dismissalenteredon (date): astoonly(name): Dismissalnotenteredasrequestedforthefollowingreasons(specify): Attorneyorpartywithoutattorneynotifiedon(date): Attorneyorpartywithoutattorneynotnotified.Filingpartyfailedtoprovide acopytobeconformed meanstoreturnconformedcopy Date: SUPERIORCOURTOFCALIFORNIA,COUNTYOF BRANCHNAME: CITYANDZIPCODE: STREETADDRESS: MAILINGADDRESS: Plaintiff/Petitioner: Defendant/Respondent: FORCOURTUSEONLY CASENUMBER: REQUESTFORDISMISSAL CIV-110 ATTORNEYORPARTYWITHOUTATTORNEY: STATE: ZIPCODE:CITY: STREETADDRESS: FIRMNAME: NAME: STATEBARNO: TELEPHONENO.: FAXNO.: E-MAILADDRESS: ATTORNEYFOR(Name): Thisformmaynotbeusedfordismissalofaderivativeactionoraclassactionorofanypartyorcauseofactioninaclass action.(Cal.RulesofCourt,rules3.760and3.770.) Aconformedcopywillnotbereturnedbytheclerkunlessamethodofreturnisprovidedwiththedocument. a. b. 1. b. (2) (TYPEORPRINTNAMEOF Date: ATTORNEY PARTYWITHOUTATTORNEY) Attorneyorpartywithoutattorneyfor: Plaintiff/Petitioner Defendant/Respondent CrossComplainant March23rd,2021 JoeOllinger SanFrancisco CivicCenterCourthouse SanFrancisco,CA94102 400McAllisterStreet 400McAllisterStreet,Room103 R.Burton,A.Clifton,KaitlinKirkpatrick,KimberlyKirkpatrick EverestCampusCalifornia,Inc. CGC-19-580946 CA 91604LosAngeles 4370TroostAve.,#104 LawOfficeofJosephB.OllingerPC JoeOllinger 285641 (310)424-0097 PlaintiffsR.Burton,A.Clifton,KaitlinKirkpatrick,KimberlyKirkpatrick ELECTRONICALLY F I L E D Superior Court of California, County of San Francisco 03/24/2021 Clerk of the Court BY: WILLIAM TRUPEK Deputy Clerk DISMISSAL ENTERED 03/24/2021 By: WILLIAM TRUPEK Deputy Clerk DeclarationConcerningWaivedCourtFees 1. 3. Thepersonnamedinitem1is(checkonebelow): a. b. c. REQUESTFORDISMISSALCIV-110[Rev.January1,2013] Page2of2 IdeclareunderpenaltyofperjuryunderthelawsoftheStateofCaliforniathattheinformationaboveistrueandcorrect. (TYPEORPRINTNAMEOF (SIGNATURE) COURT'SRECOVERYOFWAIVEDCOURTFEESANDCOSTS Ifapartywhosecourtfeesandcostswereinitiallywaivedhasrecoveredorwillrecover$10,000ormorein valuebywayofsettlement,compromise,arbitrationaward,mediationsettlement,orothermeans,the courthasastatutorylienonthatrecovery.Thecourtmayrefusetodismissthecaseuntilthelienis satisfied.(Gov.Code,§68637.) Thecourtwaivedcourtfeesandcostsinthisactionfor(name): notrecoveringanythingofvaluebythisaction. recoveringlessthan$10,000invaluebythisaction. recovering$10,000ormoreinvaluebythisaction.(Ifitem2cischecked,item3mustbecompleted.) Allcourtfeesandcourtcoststhatwerewaivedinthisactionhavebeenpaidtothecourt(checkone): Yes No Date: ATTORNEY PARTYMAKINGDECLARATION) CASENUMBER:Plaintiff/Petitioner: Defendant/Respondent: CIV-110 2. CGC-19-580946 R.Burton,A.Clifton,KaitlinKirkpatrick,KimberlyKirkpatrick EverestCampusCalifornia,Inc. File #21878.1 PROOF OF SERVICE 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 2011 Palomar Airport Rd., Ste 207 Carlsbad, CA 92011 Phone (760) 274-2110 Fax (760) 274-2111 PROOF OF SERVICE (CCP §§ 1013(a) and 2015.5; FRCP 5) State of California, ) ) ss. County of San Diego. ) I am employed in the County of San Diego, State of California. I am over the age of 18 and not a party to the within action; my business address is 2011 Palomar Airport Rd., Suite 207, Carlsbad, California 92011. On this date, I served the foregoing document described as REQUEST FOR DISMISSAL on the interested parties in this action by placing same in a sealed envelope, addressed as follows: SEE ATTACHED SERVICE LIST (BY MAIL) - I caused such envelope(s) with postage thereon fully prepaid to be placed in the United States mail in Carlsbad, California to be served on the parties as indicated on the attached service list. I am “readily familiar” with the firm’s practice of collection and processing correspondence for mailing. Under that practice, it would be deposited with the U.S. Postal Service on that same day with postage thereon fully prepaid at Carlsbad, California in the ordinary course of business. I am aware that on motion of the party served, service is presumed invalid if postal cancellation date or postage meter date is more than one day after date of deposit for mailing in affidavit. (BY CERTIFIED MAIL) - I caused such envelope(s) with postage thereon fully prepaid via Certified Mail Return Receipt Requested to be placed in the United States Mail in Carlsbad, California. BY EXPRESS MAIL OR ANOTHER METHOD OF DELIVERY PROVIDING FOR OVERNIGHT DELIVERY (BY ELECTRONIC FILING AND/OR SERVICE) - I served a true copy, with all exhibits, electronically on designated recipients listed on the attached Service List on: 03/24/2021 (Date) at (Time) FEDERAL EXPRESS - I caused the envelope to be delivered to an authorized courier or driver authorized to receive documents with delivery fees provided for. (BY FACSIMILE) - I caused the above-described document(s) to be transmitted to the offices of the interested parties at the facsimile number(s) indicated on the attached Service List and the activity report(s) generated by facsimile number (760) 274-2111 indicated all pages were transmitted. (BY PERSONAL SERVICE) - I caused such envelope(s) to be delivered by hand to the office(s) of the addressee(s). Executed on March 24, 2021 at Carlsbad, California. (STATE) - I declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of California that the above is true and correct. (FEDERAL) - I declare that I am employed in the office of a member of the bar of this court at whose direction the service was made. APRIL LIEBER File #21878.1 PROOF OF SERVICE 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 2011 Palomar Airport Rd., Ste 207 Carlsbad, CA 92011 Phone (760) 274-2110 Fax (760) 274-2111 Richard Burton et al. vs. Peak Campus California, Inc. et al. SFSC Case No.: CGC19580946 CCMS File No. 21878.1 Joseph B. Ollinger, Esq. Law Office of Joseph B. Ollinger PC 4370 Troost Ave., #104 Los Angeles, California 91604 (310) 424-0097 ATTORNEY FOR PLAINTIFS, RICHARD BURTON, ANDREW CLIFTON, KYLE LOUEY, KAITLIN KIRKPATRICK, KIMBERLY KIRKPATRICK