notice of settlementCal. Super. - 1st Dist.July 1, 2020FAX No (Opnonell (408) 362-2299 ATTORNEY OR PARTY WITHOUTATTORNEY (Nome, Sl le Bur number end eddreee/ Hunt & Henriques, Attorneys at Law 151 Bernal Road Suite 8 San Jose CA 95119-1306 ~ELEP~o~~ No (408) 362-2270 E-MAILADDRESS (Opbonel/ ATTORNEY FOR (Nome/ Plaintiff SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA,COUNTY OF SAN FRANCISCO sTREETADDREss 400 McAlltsterSt, Room 103 MAILINGADDRESS clTY AND 2IP cooF. San Francisco CA 94102 BRANcH NAME San Franosco Limited Division FOR COUR7 i/SE ONLY CM-200 PLAINTIFF/PETITIONER: CAPITAL ONE BANK (USA), N A DEFENDANT/RESPONDANT. JOHN 8 PING NOTICE OF SETTLEMENT OF ENTIRE CASE CASE NUMBER CGC-I 8-572358 JLIDGE DEPT NOTICE TO PLAINTIFF OR OTHER PARTY SEEKING RELIEF You must file a request for dismissal of the entire case within 45 days after the date of the settlement if the settlement is unconditional. You must file a dismissal of the entire case within 45 days after the date specified tn item 1b below if the settlement is conditional. Unless you file a dismissal within the required time or have shown good cause before the time for dismissai has expired why the case should not be dismissed, the court will dismiss the entire case To the court, all parties, and any arbitrator or other court-connected ADR neutral involved in this case: 1. This entire case has been settled. The settlement is a b. ~X Unconditional. A request for dismissal will be filed within 45 days after the date of settlement. Date of Settlement Conditional. The settlement agreement conditions dismissal of this matter on the satisfactory completion of specified terms that are not to be performed within 45 days of the date of settlement A request for dismissal will be filed no later than (dale). June 2, 2020 2. Date initial pleading filed December 27, 2018 3 Next scheduled hearing or conference a. Purpose: b. )~ (1) Date (2) Time (3) Department 4. Trial Date: a. )~X No Trial Date set b. l~ (1) Date (2) Time (3) Department I declare under penalty of perlury under the laws of the State of California that the foregoing Date May 15, 2019 Ken L. Sstct SBN 318913 (TYPE OR PRINT NAME OF ~X ATTORNEY ~ PARTY WITHOUT ATTORNEY) (SIGNATUREI F An pl df Mnnrletnry Hen Jud o et C 0 I of Cetfornie CM 700(Re Je . y I 2007I 1304655 001 NOTICE OF SETTLEMENT OF ENTIRE CASE Pege1 of 2 comlmlo o go ELECTRONICALLY F I L E D Superior Court of California, County of San Francisco 05/16/2019 Clerk of the Court BY: NADITA MASON Deputy Clerk PLAINTIFF/PETITIONER CAPITAL ONE BANK (USA), N A DEFENDANT/RESPONDANT JOHN 8 PING CASE NUMBER CGC-18-572358 C M-200 PROOF OF SERVICE BY FIRST-CLASS MAIL NOTICE OF SETTLEMENT OF ENTIRE CASE (/VOTE/ You cannot serve the Notice of Settlement of Entire Case ifyou are a partyin the action. The person who served the notice must complete this proof ofservice.) 1 I am at least 18 years old and not a party to this action. I am a resident of or employed in the county where the ma isng took place, and my residence or business address is (specify) Business 151 Bernal Road Suite 8 San Jose CA 95119-1306 2 I served a copy of the Notice of Set//emenl of Entire Case by enclosing it in a sealed envelope with postage fully prepaid and (check one) a ~ deposited the sealed envelope with the United States Postal Service b ~X placed the sealed envelope for collection and processing for mailing, following this business's usual practices, with which I am readily familiar On the same day correspondence is placed for collection and mailing, it is deposited in the ordinary course of busmess with the United States Postal Service 3 The Notice of Settlement of Enlire Case was mailed a on (date) 05/16/19 b from (ci/y and s/a/e). San Jose, CA 4 The envelope was addressed and mailed as follows. a. Name of person served JOHN B PING Street Address 855 BURNETT AVE, APT 10 City SAN FRANCISCO State and zip code'A, 94131-1574 c. Name of person served. Street Address City'tate and zip code. b Name of person served'. Name of person served Street Address City. State and zip code Street Address City: State and zip code Names and addresses of additional persons served are attached (You may use form POS-030(P) ) 5 Number of Pages attached I declare under penalty of per/ury under the laws of the State of California that the foregoing is true and correct Date 05/16/19 Rosa Ortiz Guardado /TYPE OR PRINT NAME OF DECLARANT) (SIGNATURE OF DCCLARANT) 0 CM 200 (Rav Ja aa Y I 20071 1304855 001 NOTICE OF SETTLEMENT OF ENTIRE CASE P 0 2 of 2