memorandum of costsCal. Super. - 1st Dist.March 23, 2021ATTORNEY OR PARTY WITHOUT ATTORNEY Chnstopher D Mandanch SB 220693 David C McGaffey SB315632 FIRM NAME MANDARICH LAW GROUP LLP sTREET ADDPEss P 0 Box 109032 STATE BAR NUMBER FOR COURT USE OIVLY MC-012 IL ziP coDE 60610ciTY Chicago TELEPHGNE No 877 285 4918 E-IvIAIL ADDREss California@mandarichlaw corn ATTORNEY FOR (name) ABSOLUTE RESOLUTIONS INVESTMENTS, LLC FAx No 818 888 1260 SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA, COUNTy OF SAN FRANCISCO STREE r ADDRESS 400 MCALLISTER STREET MAILING ADDRESS CITY AND ZIP CODE SAN FRANCISCO CA 94102 CIVIC CENTER COURTHOUSE PLAINTIFF ABSOLUTE RESOLUTIONS INVESTMENTS, LLC DEFENDANT DON PHETSOMPHOU, an individual MEMORANDUM OF COSTS AFTER JUDGMENT, ACKNOWLEDGMENT OF CREDIT, AND DECLARATION OF ACCRUED INTEREST CASE NUMBER CGC-18-572272 1 ~ PostIudgment costs a I claim the following costs after judgment incurred within the last two years (indicate if there are multiple items in any category) Dates Incurred ~Amoun (1) Preparing and issuing abstract of)udgment 000 (2) Recording and indexing abstract of ludgrnent $ 000 (3) Filing notice of judgment hen on personal property 000 (4) Issuing writ of execution, to extent not satisfied by Code Civ Proc, $ oooo g 685 050 (specify county) (5) Levy)ng officers fees, to extent not satisfied by Code Civ Proc, $ 000 g 685 050 or wage garnishment (6) Approved fee on applicabon for order for appearance of]udgment $ debtor, or other approved costs under Code Civ Proc, g 708 110 et seq (7} Attorney fees, if allowed by Code Civ Proc, g 685 040 000 (8) Ot"er Re istered Process Serveg~tafu~e»tf1«&zing «s~) C C P 685 070 e $ 000 (9) Total of claimed costs for current memorandum of costs (add items (f)-(8)) 40 00 b All previously allowed postiudgment costs 000 c Total of all post]udgment costs (add items a and 6) $ 2 ~X Credits to interest and principal a I acknowledge total payments to date in the amount of $ (including returns on levy process and direct payments) The payments received are applied first to the amount of accrued Interest, and then to the)udgment pnncipal (Including post]udgment costs allowed} as follows credit to accrued interest $ 0 00 , credit to ludgment pnncipal $ 000 b Principal remaining due: The amount of judgment principal remaining due is $ 6,436 86 (See Code Civ Proc, g 680 300) 3 ~X Accrued interest remaining due' declare interest accruing (at the legal rate) from the date of entry or renewal and on balances from the date of any partial satisfactions (or other credits reducing the pnnclpal) remaining d the amount of 563 56 4 I am the ~ judgment creditor ~ agent for the judgment creditor ~ attorney for e ]ud ment creditor ! have knowledge of the facts concerning the costs cla~med above To the best of my knowledge and elief, e costs claimed are correct, reasonable, and nece sary, and have not been sat~sf)ed I declare under penalty of perlu nder the laws of the State of California that the foregoin is true an cor ct Date January 7, 2021 Chnstopher D Ma anch, David C McGaffey (TYPE PRINT NAME) {SIGNAT RE OF DECLARANT) NOTICE TO THE JUDGINENT DEBTOR lf this memorandum of c sts is filed at the same time as an application for a writ of execution, any statutory costs, not exceeding $ 100 in aggregate and n already allowed by the court, may be included in the writ of execution The fees sought under this memorandum may be disaiiowed by the court upon a motion to tax Piled by the debtor, notwithstanding the fees having been Included in the wnt of execution (Code Civ Proc, g 685 070(e) ) A motion to tax costs claimed In this memorandum must be f~led within 10 days after service of the memorandum (Code Civ Proc, g 685 070(c) ) Form Adapted for Mandatory Use Jud&aai Counctl of Cahforn&e MC-012 [Rev September t, 20181 MEMORANDUM OF COSTS AFTER JUDGMENT, ACKNOWLEDGMENT OF CREDIT, AND DECLARATION OF ACCRUED INTEREST Code of Cwil Pracedure, 8 685 040 685 070, 695 220 wtttntr courts ca gov ELECTRONICALLY F I L E D Superior Court of California, County of San Francisco 01/14/2021 Clerk of the Court BY: CAROL BALISTRERI Deputy Clerk MC412 Short Title ABSOLUTE RESOLUTIONS INVESTMENTS, LLC v DON PHETSOMPHOU, an individual CASE NUMBER CGC-18-572272 PR F OF SERVICE ail ~ Personal Service At the time of service I was at least 18 years of age and not a party to this legal action 2 My residence r business address is Maudarrch aw Group, LLP P 0 Box 109032, Chrcago, IL 60610 3 ailed or personaily delivered a copy of the Memorandum of Costs After Judgment, Acknowledgment of Credit, and Dec/aration ofAccrued Interest as follows (comptete either a or b) a ~x Mail. I am a res~dent of or employed in the county where the mail occurred (1) I enclosed a copy in an envelope AND (a) ~ deposited the sealed enveiope with the United States Postal Service with the postage fully prepaid (b) ~X placed the envelope for collection and ma~ling on the date and at the place shown in items below following our ordinary business practices I am readily familiar with this business's practice for collecting and processing correspondence for mailing Qn the same day that correspondence is placed for collection and rnaiiing, it is deposited in the ordinary course of business with the United States Postal Service in a sealed envelope with postage fully prepaid (2) The envelope was addressed and mailed as follows (a) Narn«f pe«o»erved DON pHETSOMPHOU (b) ««e»» envelope ]50 FRANKLIN ST APT103, SAN FRANCISCO CA 94102-6003 (c) Date of mailing JAN 08 23~1 (d) Place of ma~l~ng (city and state) Ch,cacao IL b ~ Personal delivery. I personally delivered a copy as follows, (1) Name of person served (2) Address where deiivered (3) Date delivered (4) Time delivered I declare under penalty of periurv updar&e laws of the State of California that the foregoing is true and correct JAN 0~ ~Ij 'adisa Wali (TYPE OR PRINT NAME) ( NAT E OF DECLARANT) MC-012 [Rev September 1 2018) MEMORANDUM OF COSTS AFTER JUDGMENT, ACKNOWLEDGMENT OF CREDIT, AND DECLARATION Page 2 of 2