re 1788Cal. Super. - 1st Dist.May 11, 2021Matthew W. Quail 0183759 Ranjeet K. Brar, 0297142 Tiffany A, Pack, 4323159 Claudha Yvette Case„4328212 QUALL CA)ROOT, LLP 205 E, River Park Cirde, Suite 110 Fresno, CA 93720 (888) 289-1231 Phone (559) 418-0330 Fax 6 Attorneys for Plaintiff SUPERIOR CQURT QF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF SAN FRANCISCO 13 15 16 17 CAVALRY SPV I, LLC, Plaintiff, GERALYN DRAKEFQRD „an individual, and DOES 1 to 100, inclusive, Defendants. Case No. CGC-18-572124 DECLAPWTION IN SUPPORT QF APPLICATIGN FGR ENTRY QF DEFAULT JUDGMENT PURSUANT TQ CODE OF CIVIL PROCEMJRE 1788.60(a) 18 23 24 I, the undersigned, hereby declare as follows: I aIn an employee of Cavalry Portfolio Services, LLC (hereinaAer, "CPS"), which performs collection services for CAVALRY SPV I, LLC (hereinafter "PlaintifF', and am a qualified witness. I am a competent person over eighteen years of age. Based on my review of the account records maintained on PlaintifPs behalf, I have personal knowledge and make the statements herein. Plaintiff is the current owner of, andlor successor to, the obligation sued upon, and was assigned all the rights, title and interest to I3efendant's Citibank, N,A. account, ending in 4691 (hereinafter, the "Account"). I have access to and have reviewed the records pertaining to the Account and am authorized to make this declaration on Plaintiff's behalf. 28 DECLARATION P4 SUPPORT OF APPLICATION FOR ENTRY OF DEFAULT JUDGMENT (CIVIL CODE 0 1788.60K'a)) ELECTRONICALLY F I L E D Superior Court of California, County of San Francisco 07/17/2020 Clerk of the Court BY: RAYMOND WONG Deputy Clerk Plaintiff purchases portfolios of delinquent accounts &om either the original creditor oI a subsequent purchaser of the account. As patt of its operations, CPS, on behalf of Plaintiff, operates and maintains computer systems, into which CPS, on behalf of Plaintiff, 4 integrates electromc records and information received &om the seller. 3. I am familiar with the manner and method by which CPS, on behalf of Plaintiff, creates and maintains its normal documents and records. The records are kept in the normal course 7 of business. CPS, on behalf of Plaintiff, maintains computerized account records, including the g account information that was provided to Plaintiffby Citibank, N.A.. The computerized account records include the balance at the time of sale and the date of sale of the subject account. The records are kept in the ordinary course ofbusiness by representatives ofCPS, onbehalfofPlaintiff, who are charged with the duty to accurately record any business act, condition or event on the computer with entries made at or near the time of any such occurrence. 13 4. On or about 06/29/2017, PlaintiQ'became the successor in interest to this Account. Plaintiff acquired and incorporated the attached account records into its business records, which I5 are not modified or altered, as a result of Plaintiff's purchase of the Account. These records are kept in the regular course ofbusiness on behalf of Plaintiff, aml along with the electronic records provided at purchase, are Plaintiffs business records for this Account. Federal law required the original creditor to furnish Defendant with periodic &9 statements. 20 The accuracy ofsuch records is relied upon by Plaintiff in purchasing and collecting this Account. These records are relied upon in PlaintifTs and CPS's regular course ofbusiness. This Account was purchased on or after January 1, 2014. In accordance with California Civil Code section 1788.58(a)(3-8), PlaintifFs 24 records show the following relevant information concerning the Account. 25 26 2S /ii a, Plaintiff is the sole owner of the Account. The Account was opened on 03/08/2016 and charged off on 11/11/2916 with a balance of $3,387.85. DECLARATION IN SUPPORT OF APPI.ICATION FOR ENTRY OF DEFAULT JUDGMENT (CIVIL CODE D 1788.60(a)) 13 15 16 17 C. d. e. g. Plaintiffs records show that the balance of $3,367.95 remains due and owing as of 02/28/2020. Plaintiff is not seeking to recover any post-charge off interest and/or fees that may have been imposed by the charge off creditor or subsequent purchasers of the debt and is seeking to recover only that portion of the charge off balance that remains due and owing as of 02/28/2020. The date ofdefault on the Account by Befendant{s) was 05/09/2016. The charge-off creditor name and address at the time of charge off: Citibank, N.A., BOX 6500 SIOUX FALLS, SD 57117. The charge-offAccount number associated with the debt at time of charge offwas Account No. ending in 4691. Defendant's name and last known address as it appeared in the charge off creditor's records: GERALYN DRAKZFORD, 232 HO%TH ST SAN FRAZ4CISCO CA 94112-0000. The names and addresses of all persons or entities that purchased the debt after charge off, including the plaintiff debt buyer, are as follows: CAVALRY SPV I, LLC, 500 Summit I.ake Drive, Suite 400, Valhalla, New York 10595. 20 21 24 25 26 27 Plaintiff's records state that Plaintiff or its agents made demand for payment of the balance herein prior to making this declaration and Defendant{s) failed to make full payment of the amount owed on the Account. 10. Attached hereto as Exhibits A, 8, and C are the account records I have reviewed in executing the declaration that relate to the Account and/or payment(s) received. Exhibit A. Seller Data document and Chain ofTitle - establishing the facts required under Civil Code sections 1788.58(a)(3) and (a){7). Exhibit B. Account Statements and/or Account records including, but not limited to, the most recent monthly statement recording a purchase transaction, last payment, or balance transfer DECLARATION IN SUPPORT OF APPLICATION FOR ENTRY OF DEFAULT JUDGMENT (CIVIL CODE 1788,60(a)) 10 12 13 - establishing the fact required under Civil Code section 1788.52(b) and 1788.58(a)(5). Exhibit C. Account Statement - establishing the facts required under Civil Code sections 1788.58(a)(4), and (a)(6). 11. The documents attached hereto are true and correct copies of documents provided to Plaintiff, by original creditor, being a reproduction of the records on fIIe on behalf of Plaintiff based upon my review, except to the extent that conIIIdential and privileged information and/or personal identifying information is omitted or redacted as required by local rules, and applicable state and federal laws. 12. If called upon to testify as a witness thereon, I could and would competently testify as to all the facts stated herein. I declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of California that the foregoing is true and correct. gQQ Executed this I ~ day of A~+W, at Valhalla, NY. 14 15 16 Signature: Title: 19 20 21 23 26 27 DECLARATION 1N SUPPORT OF APPLICATION FOR ENTRY OF DEFAULT JUDGMENT (CIVIL CODE LI 1788.60(a)) A Exhibit 1 0831 Purchase Date:6/29/2017 CCO NT ALE A NT LAST PAYMENT DATE MER FIRST AND MIDDLE NAME .95 8.-Mar-16 GE YN 4691 CONS CONSU 0 IDEN EA I E E TATE 32 H WTH ST A 4 120000 *Information displayed has been redacted for consumer privacy 8 THIS SKL, OF 8ALB AND AMIGNMBNY dated June 29, 2017, is by QtkmgiLk, N.A., a natio13al 1bsnking associaticm ormanized under the lee of the United States, loca at 70jL. Bast~ Street North, Sioux FiNs, 89 571 lV II'the "Sank") to Cavalry SPY I, LLC, Orgmnhcd seder the laws of lhe Delaware, with its heraiqrratten/prhroipal place of bashtess at SOO Sammit Late Drive, Sadte 400, Valhalla, NY 10S95 ("Buyer"). For valise ace&ed M subject to the termns and cemiditions of the Pee9mse and Sale Agreeme@t dmtcd Jure 26, 2917, belsen Buyer and, the S~ (the "ANDmnemt"), the 8@a@ ~ hereby transfer, seB, assign, convey, grant, bargain, set over nod deliver to Sayer, and to Buyer'I successors and assigns, the Acxounts described in ExhiMt 1 and the Anal eio:trenic Gle. By: The ieNvidael Accounts ~f~ ate deseHbed hn the 6M ele~aic Ne aed dehveeed by tlhe Sask ta Buyer, t'e same deems au&md hereto by this reference. Contract 10 CV1MUIIM806MJ7 Document IG: 06 II 9 l7CV I MU t MBG I State of Mssourj County of Platte Sean Cooney, being duly sworn, deposes and says: I am the Senior Vice President of Citilbank, N.A. ("CBNA"II located at 701 East 60 Street North, Sioux Falls, SD 57117 am authorized to make the statements and representations herein and I am over 18 years of age. Ra. this position, I have access to the creditor's books and records and am aware of the process of the sa/e of accounts and electronic storage of business records. On or about June 29, 2017, CBNA sold a pool of charged-off accounts (the Accountsi by a Purchase and Sale Agreement and a Bill of Sale to Cavalry SPV I, LLC. As part of tike sale of the Accounts, certain electronic records were transferred on individual accounts to the debt buyer, These records were kept in the ordinary course of business of creditor. Signed this I am not aware of any errors in the information provided about the Accounts. Tlhe above statements are true to the best of my knowledge. dgyor +~K RD 7 Sworn before me this Cooney 4/g +(jl GAIQQLYN K. HU~ Baden Camphor S$ MyComehetae IKxphea dse %, K)I (Notary Seal) My Commission Expires: Cavalry 0626) 7 CERTIFICATE OF CONFORM%V The undersigned does hereby certify that he/she is an attorney at law duly admitted to practice in the State of Missouri and is a resident of J County, in the State of v,esoURI ; that he/she is a person duly qualified to make this certificate of conformity porsoant to the laws of the State of Missouri; tbat the foregoing acknowledgment by Sean Cooney named I the foregoing mstrurnent taken before K., a Notary in the Missouri, was taken in the manner prescribed by such laws of the Missouri, being the State in vvhich it wDs taken; and tlhat it, duly conforms with such laws and is in all respects valid anil effective lfll such stRte. Attorney at Lax'avalry 0626l7 T I 5 "e GERALYN DRAKEFORD Member Since 2016 Account number ending in: 4691 Hiiling Period: 03/12/16-04/13/16 Mlrilimum payment clue: New balance: Polymer t due date: ASS.Z7 Sa,os~.z7 05/09/&6 Late Payment Warning: If we do not receive your minimum payment by the date listed above, you may have to pay a late fee of up to $35 and your APRs may be increased up to the variable Penalty APR of 29.999o. Minfrntirn Payfnent Warning: If you make only the minimum payment each period, you will pay more in interest and it will take you longer to pay off your balance. For example: Accoul1it Summary Previous balance Payments Credits Purchases Cash advances Fees Interest $0.00 -$0.00 -$16.34 +$2,211A6 +$803.00 +$40.15 +$13.00 How to reach us www.clltilcarda.corn 1-SOO-S23-4086 BOX 6500 SIOUX FALLS, SD 57117 You are over your credit limit. Please pay at least the minimum payment due, which includes an overlimit amount of $51.27. lf you make no additional charges using this card and each month you pay... You will pay off the balance shown on this statement In about. $107 3 year(s) Only the minimum payment 16 year(s) And you will end up aylnq an estimated otal of... $7,862 $3,852 (Sa vings =$4,010) Credit ILimlt Credit limit Includes $900 cash advance limit 83,051.Z7 $3,000 For information about credit counseling services, call 1-877-337-8187. Savings Spotlight Maximize savings using your Citi Easy Deals Points at CiiitieaSydelilS.I:Orn See page 3 to view your Citi Easy Deals Points Balance and learn more. Please print Address Changeson the reverse side 000000 MC 00 A 0 O Pay online www.cltlcards.corn O Pey bY phone 1-800-823-4086 Pey by mall Use this coupon ~ Enclose a valid check or money order payable to CITI CARDS. No cash or foreign currency. ~ Write the last four digits af your account number on your check. Minimum payment due Neer balance Payment due date Amount enclosed; Account number ending in 4691 $96.27 $3,051.27 05/09/1S GERALYN DRAKEFORD 232 HOWTH ST SAN FRANCISCO CA 94112-2416 CITI CARDS PO BOX 78045 Phoenix, AZ 85062-8045 wvrw.cft fcards.corn 1-800-823-4086 Page 2 of 4 Accovrit Svrnrriary Tra ns. Post date date Descrfptfon Payments, Credits and AdJustments 03/20 03/20 TOYS R US lt5821 QPS REDWOOD CITY CA Digital account number ending In 2895 Amount -$16.34 Savings Spotlight Jumpstart youi savings Standard Purchases 03/15 03/15 GONZALEZ DENTAL CARE SAN FRANCISCO CA 03/15 03/15 TM *UNI VERSOUL CIRCUS 415-421-8497 CA $75,00 $89.35 Citi Easy Dealls O3/15 03/15 GONZALEZ DENTAL CARE SAN FRANCISCO CA $ 'I50.00 Here's how it works: 03/16 03/'I6 WENDY'S 0541 REDWOOD CITY CA $6.07 03/16 03/16 TARGET 00003210 REDWOOD CITY CA Digital account number ending in 2895 03/16 03/16 CHEVRON 0097016 REDWOOD CITY CA 03/16 03/17 03/18 03/16 03/17 03/18 6010 FOREVER 21 SAN F'RANCISCO CA Digital account number ending fn 2895 TOYS R US ff5821 QPS REDWOOD CITY CA Digttal account number ending tn 2895 STARBUCKS 503472 REDWO Redwood Cfty CA 03/18 03/18 TARGET 00014076 DALY CITY CA Digital account number ending in 2895 03/18 03/18 SUBWAY 00026229 REDWOOD CITY CA 03/18 03/18 CRAZY 8 6379 00063792 REDWOOD CITY CA Digital account number ending in 2895 03/16 03/16 JOANN FABRiC 40871 REDWOOD CITY CA $9.58 $40.15 --$ 8O.O1 $191.09 $75.68 $9.8O $15.66 1. Earn 'I0% of your eligible Citi Card purchases as Citi Easy Deals Points 2. Use your points to liower the price of everything from gift cards and neighborhood deals to hotels, brand-name merchandise and more 3. View your balance below to see how much you have earned 03/18 03/18 BUFFALO WILD WINGS 042 DALY CITY CA $31.78 TARGET 00003210 REDWOOD CITY CA03/19 03/19 Digital account number endIng fn 2895 03/19 03/19 GRULLENSE GRILL REDWOOD CITY CA $740 $9.38 » Visit eiitieasydeals.corri to start savirfg todlay 03/19 03/19 GRULLENSE GRILL REDWOOD CITY CA $15.25 03/19 03/19 TARGET 00003210 REDWOOD CITY CA Digftal account number ending in 2895 $34.57 03/20 03/21 03/20 CHEVRON 0094512 REDWOOD CITY CA 03/21 TARGET 00003210 REDWOOD CITY CA $44.59 $8.30 03/21 03/21 TARGET 00003210 REDWOOD CITY CA $15.4e 03/21 03/21 03/21 WISH,COM 4155033654 CA 03/21 TMOBILE~FDP PAYMENT 800-937-8997 WA $39.00 $200.09 03/23 03/23 SQ 'PACE ART+ TECHNOL Menlo Park CA $20.00 03/23 03/23 0199 FOREVER 21 SAN BRUNO CA Digital account number ending fn 2895 $85.71 03/23 03/23 BJS RESTAURANTS 440 SAN BRUNO CA 03/24 03/24 VIR AMER98421459652944 SAN FRANCISCO CA $101.59 $205.10 03/26 03/26 SUNSET NEWS SF30096010 SAN FRANCISCO CA Dfgital account number ending in 2895 $2.44 03/26 03/26 TARGET 00003210 REDWOOD CITY CA Dfgital account number ending in 2895 03/28 03/28 LA'S SWEETIES tNC LOS ANGELES CA 03/29 03/29 WISH,COM 4155033654 CA 03/29 03/29 TARGET 00003210 REDWOOD CITY CA $42.05 $107.88 $4.00 $4.61 03/29 03/29 GRULLENSE GRILL REDWOOD CITY CA $5.27 03/29 03/29 JAMBA JUICE-069 REDWOOD CITY CA Digital account number ending in 2895 $15.47 03/30 O3/3O TARGET 00003210 REDWOOD CITY CA Digital account number ending In 2895 OERALYN MAKEFORD vnev.clticar1s.corn 1-SO0-823-4086 Page 3 of 4 Standard Purchases, cont'd Trans. date Post date Description Amount 03/'31 03/31 GRULLENSE GRiLL REDWOOD CITY CA 03/31 03/3'I US CHINESE FOOD REDWOOD CITY CA 04/01 04/01 TARGET 00003210 REDWOOD CITY CA 04/01 04/01 TARGET 00003210 REDWOOD CITY CA 04/01 04/01 T-MOBILE TEL PAYMENT 800-937-8997 WA 04/Ol 04/01 SAFEWAY STORE00030312 DALY CITY CA 04/03 04/03 COL DSTONE tt20153 DALY CITY CA 04/04 04/04 TARGET 00027664 SAN FRANCISCO CA Digital account number ending In 2895 04/04 04/04 ROSS STORES tl125 SAN F RANCISCO CA Digital account number ending in 2895 04/05 04/05 NOAH'S BAGELS tt2107 REDWOOD CITY CA 04/06 04/06 JACK IN THE BOX tt0469 REDWOOD CITY CA 04/08 04/08 GOGGLE 'Googie Play CA $5.78 $18.77 $6Z.61 $20O.OO $45.oo $5.07 $720 $24.44 $5.99 $8.48 $4.26 Cash Advances 03/22 03/22 BANK OF ~EXCELSIOR SAN FRANC CA $803.00 Date Description 04/13 MEMBERSHIP FEE APR16-MAR 17 04/13 ADVANCES*TRANSACTION FEE Total fees charged ln this billlntj period Amount $o.oo $40.15 $40.]5 Intel est clhli geol Date Description 04/13 INTEREST CHARGED TO STANDARD ADV Total interest charged ln this billing perlad 2016 totals year-to-date Total fees charged in 2016 Total interest charged in 2016 $40.15 $ 13.00 Amount $13.00 $13.00 Interest charge calculation Days In billing cycler 33 Your Annual Percentage Rate tAPR) Is the annual interest rate on your account. Balance type PURCHASES Annual percentage Balance subject rate (APR) to interest rate Interest charge Standard Purch 0,00% (Introductory Rate Expires 03/22/17) ADVANCES $0.OO (D} So.oo Standard Adv 25.49% (V} $563-99 (D) $13.00 Your Annual Percentage Rate (APR) is the annual interest rate on your account. APRs followed by (V) may vary. Balances followed by (D) are determined by the daily balance method (including current transactions). Accovnt ITiessaqes Please note that if we received your pay by phone or online payment between 5 p.m. ET and midnight ET on the last day of your billing period, your payment will not be reflected until your next statement. GERALYN DAAKEIFORD www.citicards.cow 1-800-823-4086 Page4of 4 If you have not received your new card, please call the Customer Service number on this statement. Please be sure to pay on time. If you submit your payment by mail, we suggest you mail it no later than D5/02/2016 to allow enough time for regular mail to reach us. GERALYN DRAKEI'ORD Member Since 2016 Account number ending in: 4691 Billing Period:04/1I4/16-05/12/16 Minimum payment due: New ba)ance: Payment due date: 821).29 $3,093.T8 os/os/~6 If you make no additional charges using this card and each month you pay.„ You will pay off the balance shown on this statement in about. And you will end up aying an estimated otyal of... Late Payment Narnfng: If we do not receive your minirnurn payment by the date listed above, you may have to pay a late fee of up to $35 and your APRs may be increased up to the variable Penalty APR of 29.99%. Mfnfrnum Payment Narnfntj: If you make only the minimum payment each period, you will pay more in interest and it will take you longer to pay off your balance. For example: Account SLImmaif y Previous balance Payments Credits Purchases Cash advances Fees Interest $3,051.27 -5o.oo -$0.00 +$0.00 +50.00 +$25.00 +$17.51 $3,O93.VS How to reach us wttfw.cftlcai'ds.corn 1-800-823-4086 BOX 6500 SIOUX FALLS, SD 5711? Youlr account is past due, Please pay at least the minimum payment due, which includes a past due amount of $45.00 and an overlimit amount of $93.78. Only the minimum payment 16 year(s) $7,804 For information about credit counseling services, call 1-877-337-8188. CI'eifjilt L,iieiit Credit limit Includes $900 cash advance limit S3,000 Saving 5 Spotlight Your Diamond Preferred Lifetime Savings: " * 544.O2 S8'e Pclge 3 io Vied FOUI'BVIAQSSUINNBI"y. Please print Address Changeson the reverse side 000000 MC 20 A 0 Pay online www.citlcards.corn O Pay by phoria 1-800-823-4086 Pay by mall Use this coupon + Enclose a valid check or money order payable to CITI CARDS. No cash or foreign currency, ~ Write the last four digits of your account number on your check. Minimum payment due New balance Payment due date Amount enclosed: Account number ending in 4691 9211.29 $3,093.78 06/09/16 GERALYN DRAKEFORD 232 HONTH ST SAN FRANCISCO CA 94112-2416 CITI CARDS PO BOX 78045 Phoenix, AZ 85062-8045 GCRAILYN DRAKCIFORD www.cltlcards.corn 1-800-823-4086 Page 2 of 3 Account SumfTiary Tra ns. Post date date Description Fees charimiledl Date Description 05/12 LATE FEE - APR PAYMENT PAST DUE Total fees charged in this billing period Interest charged Date Description 05/l2 INTEREST CHARGED TO STANDARD ADV Total interest charged ln this billing period 2016 totals year&6-date Total fees charged in 2016 Total interest charged in 201I6 83O.51 Amount Amount $25.00 4zs.oo Amount $17.51 $17.51 Savings Spotlight Your Citii Diimond Preferred Savings Sumrlitiary From This Billling Period: IIIII Interest: Q~ck YP TOTAL SAVIINGS s4&.o2 Interest charge callculation Days ln billing cycle:29 Your Annual Percentage Rate fAPR)is the annual interest rate on your account. Balance type Annual percentage Balance subJect rate(APR) to interest rate llnterest charge PURCHASES Standard Purch p pptyo (Introductory Rate Expires 03/22/17) ADVANCES $2,195.12 (D) $0.00 Standard Adv 25.497o (V) $864 57 (0) $17 51 Your Annual Percentage Rate (APR) is the annual interest rate on your account. APRs followed by (V) may vary. Balances followed by (D) are determined by the daily balance method (Including current transactions). Account N@ssacIes SAVIIMGS SPOTLIGHT DETAIILS INTEREST; If you have promotional balances on your account, we have estimated your savings. This savings is the difference between the interest that was assessed against the promotional balances using the promotional APRs and the estimated interest that would have been assessed against these same balances using the Standard Purchase APRs. This savings amount does not include any balance transfer fees This savings is from your billing period covered by this statement. CITI EASY DEALS: If you redeemed for an item from Citi Easy Deals, savings is the difference between the retail or offer price displayed at citieasydeals.corn and the price you paid after redeeming your points. This savings is from the prior calendar month. CITI PRICE RFWIND: If you received a Citi Price Rewind refund, savings is the refunded amount. This savings is from the prior calendar month. CITI DIAMOND PREFERRED LIFETIME SAVINGS: The sayings from interest, Citl Easy Deals and Citi Price Rewind since you became a Citi Diamond Preferred cardrnember. This savings amount does not include any balance transfer fees. Please note that if we received your pay by phone or online payment between 5 p.rn. ET and midnight ET on the last day of your billing period, your payment will not be reflected until your next statement. p'"'" t 5; t %1/ Q g e e ISI II 40 W @; * I. , Fg See Aiiiiiiit Meisije*i for more information aboLIt Savings Spotllight GERALYN ORAKKFORO 1-800-823-4086 Page 3 of 3 Your account is past due and your balance is over the credit line. To ensure you continue to receive the many benefits of your cardrnembership, please send the Minimum Payment Due shown. If you have already sent us this payment, thank you. Please be sure to pay on time. If you submit your payment by mail, we suggest you mail it no later than 06/Q2/2016 to aflow enough time for regular mail to reach us. i I GERALYN MAKKIF'OIRD Member Since 2016 Account number ending in: 4691 Billing Period:10/14/16-Ill/1'I/16 M|nlmvm payment due: New balance: Payment IUe late: $3,887.85 $3,387.85 ~z/o9/~s lf you make no additional charges using this card and each month you pay . You will pay off the balance shown on this statement In about. And you will end up aylng an estimated otal of... Late Payment rlIIIarnliing: If we do not receive your minimum payment by the date listed above, you may have to pay a late fee of up to $35 and your APRS may be increased up to the variable Penalty APR of 29.99%. Minimum Payment Waritlng: ff you make only the minimum payment each period, you will pay more in interest and it will take you longer to pay off your balance. For example: Account SMIflfilfyilery Previous balance Payments Credits Purchases Cash advances Fees Interest NeviI balance $3,367.95 -$0.00 -$o.oo +$0.00 +$0.00 +$0.00 +$19.90 IHow to reaelh us ewe.cltleards.coIn 1-800-823-4086 BOX 6500 SIOUX FALLS, SD 57117 Your account is past due. Please pay at least the minimum payment due, yyhich includes a past due amount of $552.68 and an overlimit amount of $381.B5. Only the minimum payment 1 month(s) $3,388 For information about credit counseling services, call 1-877-337-8188. Credit Lifmit Credit limit Includes $900 cash advance limit $3,000 Savings Spotlight Your Qiamond Preferred Lifetime Savlrlqs: 8335.90 See page 3 to view your Savlrigs SUAlNal y. Please print Address Changeson the reverse side 000000 MC 32 A 0 Pay online www.citicards.corn O Pay by phone 1-800-823-4086 Pay by mall Use this coupon ~ Enclose a valid check or money order payable to CiTI CARDS. No cash or foreign currency. ~ Write the last four digits of your account number on your check. Minimum payment due Needer balance Payment due date Amount encllosed: Account number ending in 4691 $3,387.85 S3,387.85 12l09/16 GERALYN DRAKEFORD 232 HOWTH ST SAN FRANCISCO CA 94112-2416 CITI CARDS PO BOX 78045 Phoenix, AZ 85062-8045 GERALYN DRAKEFORD www.cit fcards.corn 1-800-823-4086 Page 2 of 3 Account Summary Trans. Post date date Description Total fees charged In this billing period Amount $0.00 Savings Spotlight Interest charged Date Description 11/11 lNTEREST CHARGED TO STANDARD ADV Total Interest charged In this billing period 2QII6 totals yealr-to-dllte Total fees charged In 2016 Total Interest charged in 20l6 5240.1S 5149.58 Amount 519.90 519.9O From This Biilling Period: R Interest: Interest charge calculation Days in billing cycle.29 Your Annual Percentage Rate {APR)is the annual interest rate on your account. TOTAL SAVINGS ~48.03 Balance type PURCHASES Annual percentage Balance subject rate (APR) to Interest rate interest charge ? Standard Purch 0 00~ (Introductory Rate Expires 03/22/17) ADVANCES 52,395.12 (D) 50.00 y&a Standard Adv 25.49&k (V) $982.40 (D) $19.90 Your Annual Percentage Rate (APR) is the annual interest rate on your account. APRs followed by (V) may vary. 8alances followed by (D) are determined by the daily balance method (including current transactions). Account messages You can help those impacted by Hurricane Matthew by making a donation to the American Red Cross. Many peopIe need support during this difficult time. Visit thankyou.corn to use your points to make a donation today or donate directly to SAVINGS SPOTLIGHT DETAILS INTEREST: If you have promotional balances on your account, we have estimated your savings. This savings is the difference between the interest that was assessed against the promotional balances using the promotional APRs and the estimated interest that would have been assessed against these same balances using the Standard Purchase APRs. This savings amount does not include any balance transfer fees. This savings is from your billing period covered by this statement. CITI EASY DEALS: lf you redeemed for an item from Citi Easy Deals, savings is the difference between the retail or offer price displayed at citieasydeals.corn and the price you paid after redeeming your points. This savings is from the prior calendar month. CITI PRICE REWIND: If you received a Citi Price Rewind refund, savings is the refunded amount. This savings is from the prior calendar month, CITI DIAMOND PREFERRED LIFETIME SAVINGS: The savings from interest, Citi Easy Deals and Citi Price Rewind since you became a Ciii Diamond Preferred cardmember. This savings amount does not include any balance transfer fees. Please note that if we received your pay by phone or online payment between 5 p.m. ET and midnight ET on the last day of your billing period, your payment will not be reflected until your next statement. See Ai:@oui'i,ssagei for morejnformation about Savings SpotligN GERALYN ORAKEFORG mvw.citicards.con 1-800-823-4086 Page 3 of 3 Please be sure to pay on time. If you submit your payment by mail, we suggest you mail it no later than12/02/2016 to aflow enough time for regular mai( to reach us.