proof of service of summons on defendant tracey d ramirezCal. Super. - 1st Dist.August 3, 2020ATTORNEYOR PARTY WITHOUTATTORNEY: Daniel W. Wayne, Esq. (SBN 278752) WOLFORD WAYNE LLP 44 montgomery Street Suite 3340 San Francisco, CA 94104 TELEPHONE NO.: (415) 649-6203 FAX NO„(415) 649-6739 ATTORNEY FOR; Plaintiff SAN FRANCISCO COUNTY SUPERIOR, COUNTY OF SAN FRANCISCO STREET ADDRESS; 400 WCAllister Street MAILINGADDRESS; 40O McAllister Street CITY AND ZIP CODE; San Francisco, 94102 BRANCH NAME: PLAINTIFF; Alfredo Ernesto Abarca, et al DEFENDANT; Tracey D. Ramirez, st al POS-010 FOR COVRT USE ONLY CASE NUMBER: CGC-16-572060 PROOF OF SERVICE OF SUMMONS Ref. No. or File Nor Abarca, et al 1. 2. 3. (Separate proof of service is required for each psrly served.) At the time of service I was at least 18 years of age and not a party to this action. I served copies of: a. ~ summons b. ~X complaint c. ~X Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) package d. ~X Civil Case Cover Sheet (served in complex cases only) e. ~ cross-complaint f. ~ other (specify documents): Notice To Plaintiff a. Party served (speci/y name ofparfy as shown on documents served): Tracey D. Ramirez b. ~ Person (other than the party in item 3a) served on behalf of an entity or as an authorized agent (and not s person under item 5b on whom substituted service was made) 4. Address where the parly was served: 1010 Hollister Street, San Francisco, CA 94124 5. I served the party (check proper box) a. ~ by personal service. I personally delivered the documents listed in item 2 to the party or person authorized to receive service of process for the party (1) on (date): (2) at (time): b. ~X by substituted service. On (date)5/7/2019 at (time)711o pm I leff the documents listed in item 2 with or in the presence of (name and title or relationship io person indicated in item 3): "John Doen Tenant Description: Age: 2os, Sex: w, Race/Skin Color: Hispanic, Height: 5'o", Weight: 19o, Hair: orange Beanie, Glasses:- (1) ~ (business) a person at least 18 years of age apparently in charge at the office or usual place of business of the person to be served. I informed him or her of the general nature of the papers. (2) ~X (home) a competent member of the household (at least 18 years of age) at the dwelling house or usual place of abode of the party. I informed him or her of the general nature of the papers. (3) ~ (physical address unknown) a person at least 18 years of age apparently in charge at the usual mailing address of the person to be served, other than a United States Postal Service post office box. I informed him or her of the general nature of the papers. (4) ~X I thereaffer mailed (by first-class, postage prepaid) copies of the documents to the person to be served at the place where copies were lett (Code Civ. Proc., 415.20). I mailed the documents on Fruol Adopted elr Msndolofy Um JONNSI Cauane Id CdlfNaal PO0410 gaw Janumy 1. 2001) PROOF OF SERVICE OF SUMMONS Page 1 af 2 Job Number AYB-201S0004SO Fowl Adopfad for Msndefnry UN Jmansl CNNdl of Cannula Pfwadfe gew. January 1. 2001) PROOF OF SERVICE OF SUMMONS S Job Number AYB-201SO004SO ELECTRONICALLY F I L E D Superior Court of California, County of San Francisco 05/13/2019 Clerk of the Court BY: YOLANDA TABO-RAMIREZ Deputy Clerk PLAINTIFF: Alfredo Ernesto Abarca, et al DEFENDANT: Tracey D. Ramirez, et al CASE NUMBER: CGC-18-572060 (date):5/8/2019 from (c/ty)(Burlingame, GA or~ a declaration of mailing is aNached. (5) ~X I aNached a declaration of diligence stating actions taken first to attempt personal service. c. ~ by mail and acknowledgment of receipt of service. I mailed the documents listed in item 2 to the party, to the address shown in item 4, by first-class mail, postage prepaid, (1) on (date): (2) from (c/ty): (3) ~ with two copies of the Notice and Acknowledgement ofReceipt and a postage-paid return envelope addressed to me. (Attach completed Notice and Acknowledgement of Receipt.) (Code Civ. Proc., 415.30.) (4) ~ to an address outside California viith return receipt requested. (Code Civ. Proc., 415.40.) d. ~ by other means (spec//y means of service and aulhoriz/ng code sect/on)( Additional page describing service is attached. The "Notice to the Person Served" (on the summons) was completed a. ~X asanindividual defendant. b. ~ as the person sued under the fictitious name of(specify): c. ~ as occupant. d. ~ On behalf of(specify): under the following Code of Civil Procedure section:~ 416.10 (corporation) 416.20 (defunct corporation)~ 416.30 (joint stock company/association)~ 416.40 (association or parlnership)~ 416.50 (public entity) as follows: ~ 415.95 (business organization, form unknown)~ 416.60 (minor)~ 416.70 (ward or conservatee)~ 416.90 (authorized person)~ 415.46 (occupant)~ other: Person who served papers a. Name: Jef frey pink Firm;Are You Being Served? b. Address:1325 Howard Avenue, PMB 507, Burlingame, GA 94010 c. Telephone number: issol 34s-737s d. The fee for the service was: $ 139. 66 e. I am: (1) ~ not a registered California process sewer. (2) ~ exempt from registration under Business and Professions Code section 22350(b). (3) ~X a registered California process server: (i) ~X owner ~ employee ~ independent contractor. (ii) Registration No„lao (iii) County:San Mateo County 8. ~X I declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of California that the foregoing is true and correct. OI'.~ I am a California sheriff or marshal and I certify that the fo Jeffrey Pink (NAME OF PERSON WHO SERVEO PAPERSISHERIFF OR MARSHAL) (SIBNAIPJRP I F op a Ado plod fol Moodawff Moo J Moot~ I Ctoooa Id Col fooal POSOIO (Ro . Joo N I, 200fi PROOF OF SERVICE OF SUMMONS Page 2 of 2 Job Number AYB-2019000490 ATTORNEY OR PARTY WITHOUTATTORNEY: Daniel W. Wayne, Esq. (SBN 278752} WOLFORD WAYNE LLP 44 Montgomery Street Suite 3340 San Francisco, CA 94104 TELEPHONE NO,; (415) 649-6203 FAX NO„(415) 649-6739 ATTORNEY FOR: Plaintiff SAN FRANCISCO COUNTY SUPERIOR, COUNTY OF SAN FRANCISCO STREET ADDRESS; 4O0 NcAllister Street MAILINGADDRESS: 400 McAllister Street CITY AND ZIP CODE. San Francisco, 94102 BRANCH NAME: PLAINTIFF: Alfredo Ernesto Abarca, et al DEFENDANT: Tracey D. Ramirez, et al FOR COURT USE ONLY CASE NUMBER: CGC-18"572060 DECLARATIONOF DUE DILIGENCE Ref. No, or File No.: Abarca, et al 1. I Jeffrey Pink, sm at least 18 years of sge snd not s party to this action. 2. Documents to be sewed: Summons; Complaint; Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) package; Civil Case Sheet; Notice To Plaintiff 3. Party to be served: Tracey D. Ramirez, 1010 Hollister Street, San Francisco, CA 94124 4. Details of diligence: 05/11/2019 7:10 PN 05/05/2019 7131 AM 05/03/2019 7130 PM 05/01/2019 8100 PM 04/28/2019 1f26 PM I pulled up in my car and saw several people in the doorway and on the porch. I parked a couple of houses down and then approached the residence. As I approached the residence I noticed a Hispanic, Female, 20's, 5'6o, 190¹, blonde streaked hair and a Hispanic, Male, 20's, 5'10", 190¹, Orange Beanie on standing on the porch. The male saw me and ushered the female in a rush. I told them that I had legal documents for Tracey and Danae and the male slammed the door. I placed the documents on the porch and quickly left the property. No answer residence. No answer residence. I arrived and as I walked up a subject, I was unable to identify if it was a male or female etc, looked out the window and closed the drapes. No one would answer the door. No answer residence. No name indicators. Pogo 1 of 2 DECLARATIONOF DUE DILIGEI¹CE Job Number AYB-20180004SO PLAINTIFF: Alfredo Erneato Abarca, et al DEFENDANT: Tracey D. Ra)Sires, et al CASE NUMBER: CGC-18-572060 5. Person attesting to diligence: Name: Jeffrey pink Firm: Are You Being Served? Address: 1325 Howard Avenue, P)4B 507, Burlinga)ge, CA 94010 Telephone Number: (650) 345-7375 I am a registered California process server: owner Registration Nor lso County: san Mateo County The fee for service was: 5139. 66 6. I declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of California that the foregoing is true and correct. Date: .-) g( Lo Eq Jeffrey Pink (PRINTED NAME) Art )SIGNATURE) Page 2 ef 2 DECLARATIONOF DUE DILIGENCE Job Number AYB-2019000490