memo of costCal. Super. - 1st Dist.March 10, 2021MC-012 ATTORNEY OR PARTY WITHOUT ATTORNEY STATE BAR NUMBER: FOR COURT USE ONLY NAME AMANDA N. FERNS, Esq ., 233104 FIRMNAME Ferns, Adams & Associates STREET ADDRESS 2 8 1 5 Mitchell Drive Suite 210 CITY Walnut Creek STATE CA ZIP CODE 9 4 5 9 8 TELEPHONE NO .. 9 2 5 - 9 2 7 - 3 4 0 1 FAX NO .. 92 5- 92 7-3 419 E-MAILADDREss bf ATTORNEY FOR (name): De X t er Financial Services, Inc. SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA, COUNTY OF SAN FRANCISCO STREET ADDRESS 4 0 0 McAllister St., Rm. 103 MAILING ADDRESS 4 0 0 McAllister St ., Rm . 103 CITY AND ZIP CODE San Francisco, CA 94102 BRANCH NAME Ci Vi C Center Cou rthouse PLAINTIFF: Dexter Financial Services, Inc DEFENDANT Paradise With Purpose LLC MEMORANDUM OF COSTS AFTER JUDGMENT, ACKNOWLEDGMENT OF CASE NUMBER: CREDIT, AND DECLARATION OF ACCRUED INTEREST CGC -1 8- 569300 1. [xJ Postjudgment costs a. I claim the following costs after judgment incurred within the last two years (indicate if there are multiple items in any category) : Dates Incurred Amount $ (1 ) Preparing and issuing abstract of judgment (2) Recording and indexing abstract of judgment _________ ________ _ (3) Filing notice of judgment lien on personal property $ --------- - -------- $ ( 4) Issuing writ of execution, to extent not satisfied by Code Civ. Proc. , § 685.050 (specify county). --------- --------- (5) Levying officers fees , to extent not satisfied by Code Civ. Proc., § 685.050 or wage garnishment $ (6) Approved fee on application for order for appearance of judgment debtor, or other approved costs under Code Civ. Proc., § 708.110 et seq. --------- --- ------ (7) Attorney fees , if allowed by Code Civ. Proc. , § 685.040 --~--- (8) Other: ________ (Statute authorizing cost):0 3 / 0 4 / 2 0- 0 2 / 2 4 / 21 (9) Total of claimed costs for current memorandum of costs (add items (1)-(8)) b. All previously allowed postjudgment costs c. Total of all postjudgment costs (add items a and b) 2. [xJ Credits to interest and principal $ $ $ $ $ 585.00 585.00 3,982.50 4 567.50 a. I acknowledge total payments to date in the amount of: $ 0 • 0 0 (including returns on levy process and direct payments). The payments received are applied first to the amount of accrued interest, and then to the judgment principal (including postjudgment costs allowed) as follows: credit to accrued interest: $ 0 . 0 0 ; credit to judgment principal $ 0 • 0 0 b. Principal remaining due: The amount of judgment principal remaining due is$ 23 , 910 . 58 . (See Code Civ. Proc., § 680.300) 3. [J[] Accrued interest remaining due: I declare interest accruing (at the legal rate) from the date of entry or renewal and on balances from the date of any partial satisfactions (or other credits reducing the principal) remaining due in the amount of $4 688. 50 4. I am the: D judgment creditor D agent for the judgment creditor [xJ attorney for the judgment creditor. I have knowledge of the facts concerning the costs claimed above. To the best of my know~edge a belief, the costs claimed are correct, reasonable, and necessary, and have not been satisfied. I declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of California that the foregoing is ru and t. Date: 02 /2 4 /2 021 AMANDA N. FERNS ► (TYPE OR PRINT NAME) NOTICE TO THE JUDGMENT DEBTOR If this memorandum of costs is filed at the same time as an application for a writ of execution, any statutory costs, not exceeding $100 in aggregate and not already allowed by the court, may be included in the writ of execution . The fees sought under this memorandum may be disallowed by the court upon a motion to tax filed by the debtor, notwithstanding the fees having been included in the writ of execution. (Code Civ. Proc.,§ 685.070(e).) A motion to tax costs claimed in this memorandum must be filed within 10 days after service of the memorandum. (Code Civ. Proc.,§ 685.070(c)) Page 1 of Form Adopted for Mandatory Use Judicia l Council of California MC-012 [Rev. September 1, 2018] MEMORANDUM OF COSTS AFTER JUDGMENT, ACKNOWLEDGMENT OF CREDIT, AND DECLARATION OF ACCRUED INTEREST Code of Civil Procedure, §§ 685 040, 685.070, 695.220 Westlaw Doc & Form Builder· ELECTRONICALLY F I L E D Superior Court of California, County of San Francisco 02/24/2021 Clerk of the Court BY: CAROL BALISTRERI Deputy Clerk Short Title Dexter Financial Services, Inc vs. Paradise With Purpose LLC PROOF OF SERVICE [K]Mail D Personal Service 1. At the time of service I was at least 18 years of age and not a party to this legal action. MC-012 CASE NUMBER CGC-18-569300 2. Myresidenceorbusinessaddressis 2815 Mitchell Drive, Suite 210, Walnut Creek, CA 94598 3. D I mailed or personally delivered a copy of the Memorandum of Costs After Judgment, Acknowledgment of Credit, and Declaration of Accrued Interest as follows (complete either a orb): a. [KJ Mail. I am a resident of or employed in the county where the mail occurred. (1) I enclosed a copy in an envelope AND (a) D deposited the sealed envelope with the United States Postal Service with the postage fully prepaid. (b) [KJ placed the envelope for collection and mailing on the date and at the place shown in items below following our ordinary business practices. I am readily familiar with this business's practice for collecting and processing correspondence for mailing. On the same day that correspondence is placed for collection and mailing, it is deposited in the ordinary course of business with the United States Postal Service in a sealed envelope with postage fully prepaid (2) The envelope was addressed and mailed as follows: (a) Name~peraonserved Paradise with Purpose LLC dba Mayacamas Ranch agent for (b) Addressonenvelope:901 Battery St. Suite 220 San Francisco, CA 94111 (c) Date of mailing: 02/24/2021 (d) Placeofmailing(ci/yandstate):Walnut Creek, CA 94598 b. D Personal delivery. I personally delivered a copy as follows. (1) Name of person served: (2) Address where delivered: (3) Date delivered: (4) Time delivered: I declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of California that the foregoing is true and correct _.--, I I Date O 2/24/2021 Gabe Perez ► (TYPE OR PRINT NAME) j! (SIG NA T~~~~RANT) MC-012 [Rev. September 1. 2018] MEMORANDUM OF COSTS AFTER JUDGMENT, ACKNOWLEDGMENT OF CREDIT, AND DECLARATION OF ACCRUED INTEREST Page 2 of 2 For your protection and privacy, please press the Clear This Form button after you have printed the form. I Print this form II I Save this form I I Clear this form I CASE NUMBER: SHORT TITLE: Dexter Financial Services, Inc vs. _Paradise With Purpose LLC CGC-18-569300 Name Paradise with 2 Purpose LLC dba Mayacamas Ranch 3 Att: David Levy David Levy 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Address of Service 34 Catalpa Ave Mill Valley, CA 94941 142 26th Ave San Francisco, CA 94121 Date 02/24/2021 02/24/2021 Place of Mailing Walnut Creek, CA 94598 Walnut Creek, CA 94598 26 (Required for verified pleading) The items on this page stated on information and belief are (specify item numbers, not line numbers): 27 This page may be used with any Judicial Council form or any other paper filed with the court. Form Approved by the Judicial Council of California MC-020 [New January 1, 1987] ADDITIONAL PAGE Attach to Judicial Council Form or Other Court Paper Page 1 of ) Westlaw Doc & Form Builder CRC 201, 501