Motion_to_compel_discovery_not_further_discovery___1_moving_party_1_motionMotionCal. Super. - 2nd Dist.December 19, 2017Electronically FILED by Superior Court of California, County of Los Angeles on 01/17/2019 02:30 PM Sherri R. Carter, Executive Officer/Clerk of Court, by K. Hung,Deputy Clerk 10 1 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 99 23 24 25 26 27 28 MARC S. SHAPIRO, ESQ., SBN 155791 ANDREA S. SHAPIRO, ESQ., SBN 149183 HANGER, STEINBERG, SHAPIRO & ASH A Law Corporation 21031 Ventura Blvd., Suite 800 Woodland Hills, CA 91364-6512 (818)226-1222 Fax (818)226-1215 Attorneys for Defendants MELINDA WILSON Successor Trustee of the TAKEO L. KINGI FAMILY TRUST dated May 22, 2001 SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA FOR THE COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES ROBERTO DAVIS, BRYAN DAVIS, Plaintiffs, Vs. TAKEO L. KINGI, Trustee, or successor Trustee, under the TAKEO L. KINGI FAMILY TRUST dated May 22, 2001 AND DOES 1 THROUGH 50, inclusive, Defendants. CASE NO. BC686973 (Assigned for all purposes to Judge Richard Fruin, Dept. 15) NOTICE OF MOTION AND MOTION TO COMPEL PLAINTIFF BRYAN DAVIS’ RESPONSES TO SPECIAL INTERROGATORIES, SET TWO; MEMORANDUM OF POINTS AND AUTHORITIES; REQUEST FOR MONETARY SANCTIONS IN THE AMOUNT OF $1,310.00; DECLARATION OF MARC S. SHAPIRO IN SUPPORT THEREOF Date: February 11,2019 Time: 8:30 a.m. Dept: 15 CRS: 377352981476 Discovery Cut-off: January 25, 2019 Motion Cut-off: February 8, 2019 FSC Date: February 15, 2019 Trial Date: February 25, 2019 TO ALL PARTIES AND THEIR ATTORNEYS OF RECORD: PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that on February 11,2019 at 8:30 a.m. in Department 15 of the above-entitled Court located at 111 N. Hill Street, Los Angeles, CA, Defendant MELINDA WILSON Successor Trustee of the TAKEO L. KINGI FAMILY TRUST dated May 22, 2001 MOTION TO COMPEL PLAINTIFF'S RESPONSE TO SPECIAL INTERROGATORIES, SET TWO 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 (hereinafter “Defendant”) will and hereby does move this Court for an Order compelling Plaintiff BRYAN DAVIS’ verified responses, without objections, to Defendant’s Special Interrogatories, Set Two. This Motion and request for monetary sanctions in the amount of $1,310.00 against Plaintiff BRYAN DAVIS, and their attorneys of record, Elder & Spencer, LLP is necessitated by the fact that Plaintiff has failed to provide any responses to Special Interrogatories, Set Two. This Motion is based on the attached Memorandum of Points and Authorities, the attached exhibits, the Declaration of Marc S. Shapiro all papers and pleadings filed in this matter, as well as any other documentary or testimony evidence which may be presented at the hearing. DATED: January 16, 2019 HANGER, STEINBERG, SHAPIRO & ASH BY: 270.1778 2 ve MARC S. SHAPIRO, ESQ. ANDREA S. SHAPIRO, ESQ. Attorneys for Defendants MELINDA WILSON Successor Trustee of the TAKEO L. KINGI FAMILY TRUST dated May 22, 2001 MOTION TO COMPEL PLAINTIFF'S RESPONSE TO SPECIAL INTERROGATORIES, SET TWO 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 MEMORANDUM OF POINTS AND AUTHORITIES LL STATEMENT OF FACTS On or about December 6, 2018, Defendant served Plaintiff BRYAN DAVIS with Special Interrogatories, Set One (See Exhibit “A” attached hereto). Said discovery requested information regarding percipient witnesses identified by Plaintiff at deposition. Said responses were due on January 10, 2019. On January 15, 2019, a meet and confer letter was sent which requested responses without objection by January 18, 2019 (See exhibit “B” attached hereto). No response was received to the meet and confer letter nor were any responses to the discovery requests ever received. As of the date of the filing of this Motion, moving party has yet to receive responses from Plaintiff. As a result of Plaintiffs failure to respond to said discovery, Defendant has been prejudiced in that Defendant is unable to properly prepare for and evaluate this matter. Accordingly, Defendant respectfully requests that the Court grant this Motion and order that Defendant be awarded monetary sanctions in the amount of $1,310.00, for the reasons more fully set forth in the accompanying declaration of Andrea Shapiro. II. THE PARTY PROPOUNDING WRITTEN INTERROGATORIES MAY MOVE THE COURT FOR AN ORDER COMPELLING RESPONSES TO SAID REQUEST WITHOUT OBJECTION AND MAY REQUEST MONETARY SANCTIONS FOR THE FAILURE TO RESPOND Code of Civil Procedure §2030.260 provides the time limit for a party to respond to interrogatories as follows: “(a) Within 30 days after service of interrogatories, the party to whom the interrogatories are propounded shall serve the original of the response to them on the propounding party...” As noted in the Declaration of Marc S. Shapiro, Plaintiff has yet to respond to the Special Interrogatories, Set Two, and has failed to respond to Defendant’s effort to meet and confer prior to the filing of this motion. Code of Civil Procedure § 2030.290, provides, in pertinent part: 3 MOTION TO COMPEL PLAINTIFF'S RESPONSE TO SPECIAL INTERROGATORIES, SET TWO 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 “If a party to whom interrogatories are directed fails to serve a timely response, the following rules apply: (a) The party to whom the interrogatories are directed waives any right to exercise the option to produce writings under Section 2030.230, as well as any objection to the interrogatories, including one based on privilege or on the protection for work product under Chapter 4 (commencing with Section 2018.010)... (b) The party propounding the interrogatories may move for an order compelling responses to the interrogatories. (c) The court shall impose a monetary sanction under Chapter 7 (commencing with Section 2023.010) against any party, person, or attorney who unsuccessfully makes or opposes a motion to compel a response to interrogatories, unless it finds that the one subject to the sanction acted with substantial justification or that other circumstances make the imposition of the sanction unjust.” Code of Civil Procedure § 2023.010, provides, in pertinent part: “Misuses of the discovery process include, but are not limited to, the following:...(d) Failing to respond or to submit to an authorized method of discovery.” Code of Civil Procedure § 2023.030, provides, in pertinent part: “(a) The court may impose a monetary sanction ordering that one engaged in the misuse of the discovery process, or any attorney advising that conduct, or both pay the reasonable expenses, including attorney’s fees, incurred by anyone as a result of that conduct . . .” As such, the Court should order Plaintiff to respond, without objections, to the Special Interrogatories, Set Two, and should order sanctions in the sum more fully set forth in the Declaration of Marc S. Shapiro. III. CONCLUSION Defendant respectfully requests that this Court order Plaintiff BRYAN DAVIS to answer, without objections, Special Interrogatories, Set Two, and issue an Order that Plaintiff ROBERTO DAVIS and his attorneys of record, Elder & Spencer, LLP, be required to pay monetary sanctions in the amount of $1,310.00 to Defendant and Defendant’s counsel. DATED: January 16, 2019 HANGER, STEINBERG, SHAPIRO & ASH BY: MARC S. SHAPIRO, ESQ. ANDREA S. SHAPIRO, ESQ. Attorneys for Defendants MELINDA WILSON Successor Trustee of the TAKEO L. KINGI FAMILY TRUST dated May 22, 2001 270.1778 4 MOTION TO COMPEL PLAINTIFF'S RESPONSE TO SPECIAL INTERROGATORIES, SET TWO 10 1 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 DECLARATION OF MARC S. SHAPIRO I, MARC S. SHAPIRO, declare as follows: 1. I am an attorney at law duly licensed to practice before all the courts of the State of California and am a Partner of the law firm of Hanger, Steinberg, Shapiro & Ash, attorneys of record for Defendant MELINDA WILSON, Successor Trustee of the TAKEO L. KINGI FAMILY TRUST dated May 22, 2001 in the above-captioned matter. 2, If called upon to testify as to the matters herein related, I could and would competently do so based upon my review of the litigation file herein and my personal participation as one of the attorneys of record herein. 3. On or about December 6, 2018, Defendant served Plaintiff BRYAN DAVIS with Special Interrogatories, Set Two. [Attached hereto as Exhibit “A” is a true and correct copy of said discovery.] Said responses were due on January 10, 2019. 4. On January 15, 2019, a meet and confer letter was sent which requested responses without objection by January 18, 2019. [Attached hereto as Exhibit “B” is a true and correct copy of said letter. ] 5 No response was received to the January 15, 2019 correspondence. 6. As of the date of the filing of this Motion, moving party has yet to receive responses from Plaintiff. 7. Defendant is unable to properly prepare and evaluate this case without Plaintiff’s responses to said discovery. As a result of Plaintiff's failure to respond to the above-named discovery, Defendant has been forced to incur expenses in conjunction with bringing this Motion. 8. Accordingly, it is requested that monetary sanctions be imposed against Plaintiff BRYAN DAVIS and his attorneys of record, Elder & Spencer, LLP, pursuant to Code of Civil Procedure §§2030.290(c), 2023.010(d) and 2023.030. Monetary sanctions are sought in the amount of $1,310.00 to compensate moving party for the time spent preparing the within Motion, review of Plaintiff’s anticipated opposition, and preparation of a reply brief (2 hours), the time spent preparing for, traveling to and from, and attending the hearing of the within Motion (3 hours) and the filing fee of $60.00. Based upon counsel’s customary attorney’s fees of $250.00 5 MOTION TO COMPEL PLAINTIFF'S RESPONSE TO SPECIAL INTERROGATORIES, SET TWO 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 per hour, this amount is sought. I declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of California that the foregoing is true and correct. Executed on January 16, 2019.4 Woodland Hills, Cah MARC S. SHAPIRO 6 MOTION TO COMPEL PLAINTIFF'S RESPONSE TO SPECIAL INTERROGATORIES, SET TWO EXHIBIT “A” 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 MARC S. SHAPIRO, ESQ., SBN 155791 ANDREA S. SHAPIRO, ESQ., SBN 149183 HANGER, STEINBERG, SHAPIRO & ASH A Law Corporation 21031 Ventura Blvd., Suite 800 Woodland Hills, CA 91364-6512 (818)226-1222 Fax (818)226-1215 Attorneys for Defendants MELINDA WILSON Successor Trustee, under the TAKEO L. KINGI FAMILY TRUST dated May 22, 2001 SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA FOR THE COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES ROBERTO DAVIS, BRYAN DAVIS, Plaintiffs, VS. TAKEO L. KINGI, Trustee, or successor Trustee, under the TAKEO L. KINGI FAMILY TRUST dated May 22, 2001 AND DOES 1 THROUGH 50, inclusive, CASE NO. BC686973 (Assigned for all purposes to Judge Benny C. Osorio, Dept. 97) SPECIAL INTERROGATORIES SET TWO; DECLARATION OF MARC S. SHAPIRO Discovery Cut-off: May 20, 2019 Motion Cut-off: June 4, 2019 Defendants. FSC Date: June 4, 2019 Trial Date: June 19, 2019 PROPOUNDING PARTY : Defendant MELINDA WILSON, Successor Trustee of the TAKEO L. KINGI FAMILY TRUST dated May 22, 2001 RESPONDING PARTY : Plaintiff BRYAN DAVIS SET NO. : Two TO ALL PARTIES AND THEIR ATTORNEYS OF RECORD: COMES NOW Defendant MELINDA WILSON, Successor Trustee of the TAKEO L. KINGI FAMILY TRUST dated May 22, 2001 pursuant to the provisions of Code of Civil Procedure, Section 2030.010, et seq., and hereby requests that Plaintiff ROBERTO DAVIS answer under oath, within thirty (30) days after service, the following Interrogatories. Each Answer must be complete and straightforward as the information reasonably SPECIAL INTERROGATORIES, SET TWO 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 available permits. If an Interrogatory cannot be answered completely, answer it to the extent possible. If you lack enough personal knowledge to fully answer an Interrogatory, say so, and make a reasonable and good faith effort to get the information by asking other persons or organizations, unless the information is equally available to the requesting parties. Whenever an Interrogatory may be answered by referring to a document, the document may be attached as an exhibit to the Response and referred to in the Response. If the document has more than one page, refer to the page and section where the Answer to the Interrogatory can be found. Whenever an address and telephone number for the same person are requested in more than one Interrogatory, you are required to furnish them in answering only the first Interrogatory requesting that information. Your Answers to these Interrogatories must be verified, dated, and signed. “PROPERTY?” as alleged in the complaint is defined as 4020 S. Stevely Ave., Los Angeles, CA 90008 SPECIAL INTERROGATORIES 50. Please identify the last known address and telephone number of Regina Harris who was identified by Plaintiff Roberto Davis at his deposition taken on November 9, 2018. 51. Please identify the last known address and telephone number of Virginia Watson who was identified by Plaintiff Roberto Davis at his deposition taken on November 9, 2018. 52. Please identify the full name, last known address, and telephone number of Ali who was identified by Plaintiff Roberto Davis at his deposition taken on November 9, 2018. 53. Please identify the last known address and telephone number of “Trey” Gilliam who was identified by Plaintiff Roberto and Bryan Davis at their depositions taken on November 9, 2018. 54. Please identify the last known address and telephone number of Jeinder Garache who was identified by Plaintiffs Roberto and Bryan Davis at their deposition taken on November 9, 2018. 55. Please identify the full name, last known address, and telephone number of Ali of 2 SPECIAL INTERROGATORIES, SET TWO 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 Unit #3 who was identified by Plaintiff Roberto Davis at his deposition taken on November 9, 2018. 56. Please identify the full name, last known address, and telephone number of Sheila who was identified by Plaintiff Bryan Davis at his deposition taken on November 9, 2018. DATED: December 6, 2018 HANGER¢STEINBERG, SHA & ASH BY: 270.1778 3 MARC S. SHAPIRO, ESQ. ANDREA S. SHAPIRO, ESQ. Attorneys for Defendants MELINDA WILSON successor Trustee, under the TAKEO L. KINGI FAMILY TRUST dated May 22, 2001 SPECIAL INTERROGATORIES, SET TWO 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 DECLARATION OF MARC S. SHAPIRO I, declare as follows: 1. I am an attorney at law duly licensed to practice before all of the Courts of the State of California and am a partner of the law firm of Hanger, Steinberg, Shapiro & Ash, attorneys of records for Defendant MELINDA WILSON Successor Trustee, under the TAKEO L. KINGI FAMILY TRUST dated May 22, 2001, party to this action. 2. I have caused to be propounded to Plaintiff the attached set of Interrogatories. 3. This set of Interrogatories will cause the total number of specially prepared Interrogatories propounded to the party to whom they are directed to exceed the number of specially prepared Interrogatories permitted by Paragraph (a) of Subdivision (1) of Section 2030.30 of the Code of Civil Procedure. 4. This set of Interrogatories contains a total of 7 specially prepared Interrogatories. 5 I am familiar with the issues and the previous discovery conducted by all of the parties in the case. 6. [ have personally examined each of the questions in this set of Interrogatories. 7. This number of questions is warranted under Section 2030.040 of the Code of Civil Procedure because the quantity and complexity of the existing and potential issues in this case warrant additional interrogatories. The method is also the most expedient as it provides Responding Party with the opportunity to conduct an investigation to supply the information sought. 8. None of the questions in this set of Interrogatories is being propounded for any improper purpose, such as to harass the party, or the attorney for the party, to whom it is directed, or to cause unnecessary delay or needless increase in the cost of litigation. I declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of California that the foregoing is true and correct. I" I I 4 SPECIAL INTERROGATORIES, SET TWO 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 Executed December 6, 2018 at 7h Hills, California. MARC S. SHAPIRO, Declarant 5 SPECIAL INTERROGATORIES, SET TWO 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 PROOF OF SERVICE STATE OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES I am employed in the county of Los Angeles, State of California. I am over the age of 18 and not a party to the within action. My business address is 21031 Ventura Boulevard, Suite 800, Woodland Hills, California 91364-6512. On December 6, 2018, 1 enclosed the documents described as SPECIAL INTERROGATORIES SET TWO in a sealed envelope or package addressed to the persons at the addresses on the attached mailing list as follows: SEE ATTACHED MAILING LIST By United States mail. I placed the envelope for collection and mailing, following our ordinary business practices. I am readily familiar with this business’s practice for collecting and processing correspondence for mailing. On the same day that correspondence is placed for collection and mailing, it is deposited in the ordinary course of business with the United States Postal Service, in a sealed envelope with postage fully prepaid. The envelope or package was placed in the mail at Woodland Hills, California. I declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of California that the foregoing is true and correct. Executed on December 6, 2018, at Woedland Hills, California. MORENO Our File No.: 270.1778 6 SPECIAL INTERROGATORIES, SET TWO 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 29 23 24 25 26 27 28 ROBERTO DAVIS, et al. vs. TAKEO L. KINGI, et al. Court Case No.: BC686973 MAILING LIST Margaret A. Elder, Esq. Chandra Gehri Spencer, Esq. ELDER & SPENCER, LLP 17011 Beach Boulevard, Suite 900 Huntington Beach, CA 92647 Phone: 714/375-6696 Fax: 888/422-8027 ATTORNEYS FOR PLAINTIFFS: ROBERTO DAVIS AND BRYAN DAVIS 7 SPECIAL INTERROGATORIES, SET TWO EXHIBIT “B” HANGER, STEINBERG, SHAPIRO & ASH, ALC ssi PAUL YASH LOS ANGELES © INLAND EMPIRE * BAKERSFIELD JOHN 4 DEN ARIST JOSEPHINE NU BAURAC 21031 Ventura Boulevard, Suite 8711, Woodland Hills, CA 91364-6312 # 'S18; 226-1222 « fax 4818: 226-1213 BENSON YL LL CHAN WHITNEY 1. BOST TONATHAN PLOYR CHRISTOPHER GG KERR EINA MEAD ANDREA 3 SHAPIRO) NICHOLAS SAWALLS NIEOFAR NOUR] CARIN AY ROMUIR VARON ESTAMBOLY y “Co ~ NT v SOEY AN PEREESHTENYN VIA FACSIMILE AND U.S. MAIL PRES REBECONT. FIARIRE TOLTTTE NL CARING January 15.2019 Margaret A. Elder, Esq. SURI | HET FIER Chandra Gehri Spencer. Esq. PHILLIP LDINNY ELDER & SPENCER. LLP HAR PIER EER 2025 Townsgate Road. Suite 330 ROBERT TANGER Westlake Village. CA 913061 RE: Davis v. Kingi Our File No.: 270.1778 Dear Counsel: Please be advised that on December 6. 2018, our office served Special Interrogatories. Set 2 upon plaintiffs Bryan Davis and Roberto Davis with response due January 10. 2019. To date we have yet to receive said responses. Please provide verified responses without objection to Defendant's Special Interrogatories Set 2 by Friday January 18. 2019 in order to avoid law and motion proceedings. If vou require further time I have no problem providing you with same if the motion cut oft date is waived by your office. Thank vou for your courtesy and cooperation in this matter. ruLy 7 A) / / ANDREA S. SHAPIRO AS:am Date/Time Local ID 1 01-15-2019 8182261215 Transmission Report 04:06:07 p.m. Transmit Header Text Local Name 1 HSSA This document : Confirmed (reduced sample and details below) Documentsize : 8.5"x11" HANGER, STEINBERG, SHAPIRO & ASH, ALC LOS ANGELL » INLAND EMPIRE * BAKERSFIELD Total Pages Scanned : 1 2151 Verna Bovlevard, Sore 98], Woodie Fille, CA 913046312 0 Bik 226-1232 « fax (R18: 226.1213 January 15, 2019 VIA FACSIMILE AND U.S. MAIL Margaret A. Elder, Esq. Chandra Gehri Spencer, Esq. ELDER & SPENCER, LLP 2625 Townsgate Road. Suite 330 Westlake Village. CA 91361 RE: Davis v King Our File No.: 270.1778 Dear Counsel: JODY SITINBURG MARC 5. SHAPIRO PALLY. ASH FOUN A DEMAREST JOSEPHINE XC BAUVRAC BENSON YL LL CHAN WHITNEY LL BOST JONATUAN RLOYR CHRISTOPHER GRIER LISAMEAD ANDULAS SHAVIRD NRHOLANN WALLS NHOF YR NGERE CARINAR MUIR AARON ESLAMBOLY NOFYA PERV ENTRY P/RAG RAY? REBIACAT HARIRI JORTEE ML CARING ATARK DT MESHTEYN PHRLLID A DENNY ALAN TL REORAYAN ROBERT T HANGER Porn Mes vr tind Please be advised that on December 6, 2018, our ollice served Special Interragatories, Set 2 upon plaintifis Bryan Davis and Roberto Davis with response due January 10, 2019. To date we have yet to receive said responses. Please provide verified responses without objection to Defendant's Special Interrogatories Set 2 by Friday January 8, 2019 in order to avoid law and motion proceedings. If you require further time I have no problem providing you with same if the motion cut ofl date is waived by your ollice. Thank you for yout courtesy and cooperation in this matter. Ver, ANDREA S. SHAPIRO AS:am Total Pages Confirmed : 1 No. Job Remote Station Start Time Duration Pages Line Mode [Job Type Results 001 987 |18884228027 04:05:15 p.m. 01-15-2019 [00:00:33 171 1 G3 HS CP14400 Abbreviations: HS: Host send HR: Host receive WS: Waiting send PL: Polled local PR: Polled remote MS: Mailbox save MP: Mailbox print RP: Report FF: Fax Forward CP: Completed FA: Fail TU: Terminated by user TS: Terminated by system G3: Group 3 EC: Error Correct PROOF OF SERVICE STATE OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES I'am employed in the county of Los Angeles, State of California. I am over the age of 18 and not a party to the within action. My business address is 21031 Ventura Boulevard, Suite 800, Woodland Hills, California 91364-6512. On January 17, 2019, I enclosed the documents described as NOTICE OF MOTION AND MOTION TO COMPEL PLAINTIFF BRYAN DAVIS’ RESPONSES TO SPECIAL INTERROGATORIES, SET TWO; MEMORANDUM OF POINTS AND AUTHORITIES a sealed envelope or package addressed to the persons at the addresses on the attached mailing list as follows: Margaret A. Elder, Esq. Chandra Gehri Spencer, Esq. ELDER & SPENCER, LLP 2625 Townsgate Road, Suite 330 Westlake Village, CA 91361 Phone: 213/631-8331 Fax: 888/422-8027 ATTORNEYS FOR PLAINTIFFS: ROBERTO DAVIS AND BRYAN DAVIS BY PERSONAL SERVICE. I personally delivered the documents to the persons at the addresses listed on the attached mailing list. (1) For a party represented by an attorney, delivery was made to the attorney or at the attorney's office by leaving the documents in an envelope or package clearly labeled to identify the attorney being served with a receptionist or an individual in charge of the office. [ declare under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct. Executed this 17% day of January 2019 at Woodland Hills, CA. pif”, gaz A as 2701778 7 MOTION TO COMPEL PLAINTIFF'S RESPONSE TO SPECIAL INTERROGATORIES SFT TWO Court Reservation Receipt | Journal Technologies Court Portal Journal Technologies Court Portal Court Reservation Receipt Reservation Reservation ID: 377352981476 Reservation Type: Motion to Compel Discovery (not Further Discovery) - 1 moving party, 1 motion Case Number: BC686973 Party(s): Takeo L. Kingi (Legacy Party) Date/Time: February 11th 2019, 8:30AM Fees Description Status: RESERVED Number of Motions: 1 Case Title: ROBERTO DAVIS ET ALVS TAKEO L.KINGI ET AL Location: Stanley Mosk Courthouse - Department 15 Confirmation Code: CR-NSHXOQZV5B4G6K7D7 Fee Qty Amount Motion to Compel Discovery (not Further Discovery) - 1 moving party, 1 60.00 1 60.00 motion Credit Card Percentage Fee (2.75%) TOTAL Payment Amount: $61.65 Account Number: XXXX8801 € Back to Main = Print Page Copyright © Journal Technologies, USA. All rights reserved. 1.65 1 1.65 $61.65 Type: MasterCard Authorization: 40945G