ARTHUR v. MAERSK, INC. et alMOTION for Extension of Time to File Response/ReplyE.D. Pa.May 17, 2006UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT FOR THE EASTERN DISTRICT OF PENNSYLVANIA Plaintiff, v. UNITED STATES Defend ant. CIVIL ACTION NO. 02-CV-2931 PLAINTIFF'S UNOPPOSED MOTION TO EXTEND TIME TO RESPOND TO DEFENDANT'S MOTION TO TRANSFER Pjaintiff Edward Arthur files th~s unopposed Motion to extend the time for Plaintiff Edward Arthur to respond to Defendants' Motion To Transfer (filed May 10th) for approximately one week until June 2, 2006. Plaintiff's counsel has consulted with counsel for the Defendant United States and Defendant does not oppose this request for extension of time. Moreover, extending time to respond to the Motion to Transfer will not interfere with any Court deadlines in this case. Accordingly, Plaintiff requests that this Court permit him additional time to respond to the Motion to Transfer Respectfully submitted, r ) - Brian P. McCafferty, Esq. Provost & Umphrey Law Firm, LLP 1617 JFK Boulevard, Suite 640 Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 1 91 03 (21 5) 569-8840 (21 5) 569-9070 (facsimile) ATTORNEY FOR PLAINTIFF ARTHUR Dated: May 17, 2006 Case 2:02-cv-02931-HB Document 57 Filed 05/17/2006 Page 1 of 3 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I, Brian P. McCafferty, Esq., hereby certify that a copy of the foregoing Plaintiff's Unopposed Motion to Extend was served upon t h e following counsel by first class mail on May 7 7 , 2006: A. Robert Degen, Esquire Fox Rothschild O'Brien & Frankel, LLP 2000 Market Street, ?Oth Floor Philadelphia, PA 191 03 Brian P. McCafferty Case 2:02-cv-02931-HB Document 57 Filed 05/17/2006 Page 2 of 3 UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT FOR THE EASTERN DISTRICT OF PENNSYLVANIA EDWARD ARTHUR Plaintiff, v. UNITED STA I ES Defendant. CIVIL ACTION NO. 02-CV-2931 O R D E R AND NOW this day of , 2006, upon consideration of Plaintiff Arthur's Unopposed Motion to Extend Time, IT IS HEREBY ORDERED that Plaintiff's Motion is GRANTED, and Plaintiff Arthur shall respond to Defendant's Mot~on to Transfer Venue on or before June 2. 2006 BY THE COURT: Case 2:02-cv-02931-HB Document 57 Filed 05/17/2006 Page 3 of 3