Account and Report PRCCal. Super. - 2nd Dist.September 20, 2019123 Judge SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA, TENTATIVE RULINGS EVENT DATE: EVENT TIME: OXNARD DIVISION July 16, 2021 09/14/2021 09:00:00 AM DEPT.: J6 COUNTY OF VENTURA JUDICIAL OFFICER: Roger Lund CASE NUM: CASE CATEGORY: EVENT TYPE: CASE TITLE: CASE TYPE:Probate Conservatorship Of Person And Estate 56-2019-00533553-PR-CP-OXN IN THE MATTER OF NORMA G DIERCK Account and Report (PRC) - Final Account And Report of The Public Guardian; Request For Fees; And CAUSAL DOCUMENT/DATE FILED: Petition on Final Account, 05/21/2021 stolo Final Account and Report; Request for Fees; Petition for Termination Due to Death ***** Absent any objections, the Court intents to approve the Final Account and Report of the Public Guardian. PD fees? Approve the bond fee in the amount of $25. The Court approves Public Guardian's fee in the amount of $175.00. The Court approves the County Council's fee in the amount of $484.00. The Court orders that due to insufficient funds in the conservatorship estate, the balance owed on the above court ordered fees, be paid from the assets of the Norma Dierck Trust 2016. The Court hereby vacates any future dates. Public Defender to be relieved. Upon the filing of a Receipt of funds and Request for Discharge (GC-359), the Court shall discharge Conservator's duties and exonerate the bond. __________________ For general information regarding Judge Lund, his courtroom rules and procedures, and appearing in his courtroom, please visit: TENTATIVE RULINGS Page: 1