Jury Trial LCCal. Super. - 2nd Dist.June 7, 2019123 23561 378401583 562400020067960 113454 21905 89 SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA, MINUTE ORDER TIME: 01:30:00 PM JUDICIAL OFFICER PRESIDING: Henry Walsh COUNTY OF VENTURA VENTURA DATE: 12/07/2020 DEPT: 42 CLERK: Angela Hatton REPORTER/ERM: CASE NO: 56-2019-00529078-CU-PO-VTA CASE TITLE: L P vs Oxnard Union High School CASE CATEGORY: Civil - Unlimited CASE TYPE: PI/PD/WD - Other EVENT TYPE: Jury Trial (LC) (10 day) STOLO APPEARANCES STOLO Andrew Covner, counsel, present for Guardian Ad Litem,Plaintiff(s) telephonically. MAUREEN M HOUSKA, counsel, present for Defendant(s) telephonically. Stolo All counsel answer ready for trial. The Court finds/orders: Mandatory Settlement Conference is scheduled on 08/06/2021 at 10:00 AM in Courtroom 22. Please comply with California Rule of Court 3.1380 which provides in part that the Mandatory Settlement Conference Statement must be filed and served 5 court days prior to the hearing. This rule also provides that trial counsel, parties, and persons with full authority to settle the case must personally attend the conference unless excused by the Court for good cause. Failure to comply shall result in the imposition of sanctions.(CRC 2.30) All mandatory settlement conferences shall be conducted remotely through the Zoom platform as set forth in Administrative Order No. 20.29. The parties are referred to http://www.ventura.courts.ca.gov/civil.html for rules and procedures for remote MSCs. Jury Trial (LC) (7 - 10 day) is scheduled for 10/18/2021 at 01:30 PM in Department 42. At least one party demanding a jury on each side shall pay a non-refundable fee of $150.00 pursuant to Code of Civil Procedure 631 or jury is waived. Pursuant to Local Rule 8.12 (B) and 8.12 (N), all Trial Briefs and In Limine Motions shall be filed with the judicial assistant in the assigned trial department on the first day of trial. Continuances before or during trial are disfavored. Trial date is firm. No continuances shall be granted unless good cause is shown. Failure to appear will result in dismissal. It shall be the duty of counsel to promptly inform the court of any case which has settled. VEN-FNR-10.03 MINUTE ORDER DATE: 12/07/2020 Page 1 DEPT: 42 CASE TITLE: L P vs Oxnard Union High School CASE NO: 56-2019-00529078-CU-PO-VTA Parties waive notice. STOLO VEN-FNR-10.03 MINUTE ORDER DATE: 12/07/2020 Page 2 DEPT: 42