Account and Report PRCal. Super. - 2nd Dist.April 5, 2019123 Judge SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA, TENTATIVE RULINGS EVENT DATE: EVENT TIME: OXNARD DIVISION December 15, 2020 01/07/2021 09:00:00 AM DEPT.: J6 COUNTY OF VENTURA JUDICIAL OFFICER: Roger Lund CASE NUM: CASE CATEGORY: EVENT TYPE: CASE TITLE: CASE TYPE:Probate Letters Of Administration 56-2019-00526927-PR-LA-OXN IN THE MATTER OF MAJORIE LOUISE MANRIQUEZ Account and Report (PR) - First and Final Account And Report, Petition For Settlement, For Ordinary CAUSAL DOCUMENT/DATE FILED: Petition on Final Account, 11/12/2020 stolo The Court's tentative ruling posted on 12/14/20 stated in relevant part: "Decedent Marjorie Louise Manriquez died intestate, single and without issue. Petitioner Jane Gray alleges that she and decedent's niece, Julie Anna Pierce, are the sole intestate heirs of this estate. However, Ms. Pierce's declaration discloses that her father Everett Miles Gray (predeceased brother of the decedent) had four natural children with Judith Gray before he and Judith divorced. Ms. Pierce's three siblings went to live with their mother post-divorce and were eventually adopted by their mother's new spouse, Franklin Llewellyn. It appears to the Court that Prob. Code § 6451(a) may have some bearing on the final distribution. Petitioner is directed to serve the notice of hearing on Kelly Llewellyn, Kenny Llewellyn, and Everett Wayne Llewellyn. Petitioner is further directed to file a verified supplement that addresses whether section § 6451(a) applies." This matter was continued from 12/17/20 to this hearing date for Petitioner to address the tentative ruling. As of 12/21/20, no new papers have been filed by Petitioner. Discuss. Proposed Order to be lodged prior to hearing per Local Rule 10.00.D.1. __________________ As COVID-19 cases continue to rise, we need to be even more vigilant. Please avoid coming into the courthouse in person for any reason for the foreseeable future. Presently, there is almost no situation that requires a personal appearance in court. The court discourages in-person appearances in Department J6 during the COVID-19 pandemic period. Appearances in Department J6 should be made by CourtCall (audio or video) for hearings on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, and by Zoom on Friday. You may call the judicial secretary or contact the public defender assigned to your case to obtain the Zoom meeting information to appear on Fridays. Because the CourtCall and Zoom platforms are incompatible, the Court discourages use of CourtCall on Friday. A very limited number of people will be allowed in Department J6 at one time to comply with safety protocols. Face coverings (masks, etc.) are required at all times to enter the courthouse and Department J6, and appropriate social distancing in the courtroom and inside the courthouse shall be maintained at all times. You are encouraged to bring your own face covering to Court if you intend to appear in person. The Court may need to eliminate in-person appearances in the near future, so please plan accordingly. In order to expand access to justice and still maintain social distancing protocols in Department J6 and the courthouse, the Court has set up two ways to listen to court proceedings: 1. A new, free Public Access number for Department J6 through CourtCall, effective June 15, 2020 is available for all hearings in Department J6. Any interested person or member of the public can dial in and observe the court (audio only) using the phone number below. A person will not be able to speak or participate on this free public line. It is only for listening as if you were sitting in the courtroom observing the proceedings. Please note that this number is specific to Department J6. Dial: (855) 268-7844 TENTATIVE RULINGS Page: 1 CASE NUMBER: CASE TITLE: IN THE MATTER OF MAJORIE LOUISE MANRIQUEZ 56-2019-00526927-PR-LA-OXN Public Access Code: 12129803# Public PIN: 12129803# (The access code and PIN are the same number, the number must be entered twice.) 2. Additionally, only on Fridays, you may also listen to the free LiveStream broadcast of the Zoom proceedings on the Ventura Superior Court's website at Once on this page, simply scroll down to Courtroom J6 near the bottom of the list of available courtrooms, and click on Courtroom J6 to begin listening. A person will not be able to speak or participate on this free public line. It is only for listening as if you were sitting in the courtroom observing the proceedings. For general information regarding Judge Lund and his courtroom rules and procedures, please visit: TENTATIVE RULINGS Page: 2