Petition for Letters of Administration with A T ACal. Super. - 2nd Dist.April 3, 2019123 23561 378401583 562400020067960 113454 21905 89 SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA, MINUTE ORDER TIME: 09:00:00 AM JUDICIAL OFFICER PRESIDING: Roger Lund COUNTY OF VENTURA OXNARD DATE: 05/15/2019 DEPT: J6 CLERK: Sonia Barreto REPORTER/ERM: Nicki Morris CASE NO: 56-2019-00526747-PR-LA-OXN CASE TITLE: In The Matter Of Teresa Marie Arra CASE CATEGORY: Probate CASE TYPE: Letters Of Administration EVENT TYPE: Petition for Letters of Administration with A.T.A. MOVING PARTY: James Arra CAUSAL DOCUMENT/DATE FILED: Petition for Letters of Administration with Authorization to Administer Under the Independent Administration of Estates Act, 04/03/2019 STOLO APPEARANCES STOLO Todd J. Vigneux, counsel, present for Proposed Administrator,Administrator(s). Stolo At 9:36am, court convenes in this matter with all parties present as previously indicated. Counsel have received and read the court's written tentative ruling. Matter submitted to the Court without argument. The Court finds/orders: The statutory requirements have been met. The Court approves the petition for Letters of Administration with Authorization to Administer Under the Independent Administration of Estates Act. The Court appoints James Arra as Administrator. The Court grants full authority to administer the estate under the Independent Administration of Estates Act. Heir(s) waives bond. The formal order was signed this date. STOLO VEN-FNR-10.03 MINUTE ORDER DATE: 05/15/2019 Page 1 DEPT: J6