Appearance and Examination of Judgment Debtor SHCCal. Super. - 2nd Dist.December 7, 2018123 23561 378401583 562400020067960 113454 21905 89 SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA, MINUTE ORDER TIME: 08:30:00 AM JUDICIAL OFFICER PRESIDING: Kevin DeNoce COUNTY OF VENTURA VENTURA DATE: 11/14/2019 DEPT: 43 CLERK: Tiffany Froedge REPORTER/ERM: None CASE NO: 56-2018-00521353-CU-CL-VTA CASE TITLE: Creditors Adjustment vs Anderson Lilley CASE CATEGORY: Civil - Unlimited CASE TYPE: Other Collections EVENT TYPE: Appearance and Examination of Judgment Debtor (SHC) Judson Scott Lilley Manager Member of Anderson Lilley LLC MOVING PARTY: Creditors Adjustment Bureau Inc CAUSAL DOCUMENT/DATE FILED: Application and Order for Appearance and Examination of Judgment Debtor Judson Scott Lilley manager/member of Anderson Lilley LLC AKA Anderson Lilley, 08/12/2019 STOLO APPEARANCES STOLO Nate Bernstein, specially appearing for counsel KENNETH J. FREED, present for Plaintiff(s). Judson Scott Lilley, Interested Party is present. Adam Grant, counsel for defendant, is present Stolo Prior to court convening: Judgment debtor Judson Scott Lilley is sworn and released for examination. At 10:05 a.m., court convenes in this matter with all parties present as previously indicated. Regarding privilege issue: Matter submitted to the Court with argument. The Court finds/orders: The court upholds privilege claim. If counsel would like to litigate further, counsel must file a noticed motion. STOLO VEN-FNR-10.03 MINUTE ORDER DATE: 11/14/2019 Page 1 DEPT: 43