MANDATORY APPEARANCE CMC Order to Show Cause Re Sanctions Dismissal for Failure to File Proof of Service DefaultCal. Super. - 2nd Dist.December 21, 2017123 23561 378401583 562400020067960 113454 21905 89 SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA, MINUTE ORDER TIME: 08:15:00 AM TEMPORARY JUDGE: Genalin Riley COUNTY OF VENTURA VENTURA DATE: 05/31/2019 DEPT: 22B CLERK: Jerry Ricardez REPORTER/ERM: NONE CASE NO: 56-2017-00505455-CU-OR-VTA CASE TITLE: Quezada v Quezada CASE CATEGORY: Civil - Unlimited CASE TYPE: Other Real Property EVENT TYPE: MANDATORY APPEARANCE CMC/Order to Show Cause Re Sanctions/Dismissal for Failure to File Proof of Service/Default MOVING PARTY: Gary G Quezada Sr as Administrator of the Estate of Reuben Quezada Alvarado aka Reuben Alvarado Quezada CAUSAL DOCUMENT/DATE FILED: Complaint, 12/21/2017 STOLO APPEARANCES STOLO No Appearance by all parties Stolo There are no appearances by any party. On motion of the Court: The Court's tentative is adopted as the Court's ruling. The Mandatory Appearance CMC/OSC re sanctions/dismissal for failure to file proof of service/default is continued from 5/31/19, to 7/26/19, at 8:15 am in Dept. 22B. The declaration of Renee S. Fahrendholz, filed on 5/29/19, stated that the last date for publication as to the remaining unserved defendants is on 6/13/19. MANDATORY APPEARANCE CMC/Order to Show Cause Re Sanctions/Dismissal for Failure to File Proof of Service/Default continued to 07/26/2019 at 08:15 AM in department 22B. Notice to be given by plaintiff. STOLO VEN-FNR-10.03 MINUTE ORDER DATE: 05/31/2019 Page 1 DEPT: 22B