MANDATORY APPEARANCE CMC Order to Show Cause Re Sanctions Dismissal for Failure to File Proof of Service DefaultCal. Super. - 2nd Dist.November 17, 2017123 Judge Pro Tem SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA, TENTATIVE RULINGS EVENT DATE: EVENT TIME: VENTURA DIVISION April 20, 2018 04/23/2018 08:15:00 AM DEPT.: 22B COUNTY OF VENTURA JUDICIAL OFFICER: Genalin Riley CASE NUM: CASE CATEGORY: EVENT TYPE: CASE TITLE: CASE TYPE:Civil - Unlimited RICO 56-2017-00504237-CU-RI-VTA DORVAL V TREEYAWONG MANDATORY APPEARANCE CMC/Order to Show Cause Re Sanctions/Dismissal for Failure to File Proof CAUSAL DOCUMENT/DATE FILED: Complaint, 11/17/2017 stolo The Mandatory Appearance CMC/OSC sanctions/dismissal for failure to file proof of service/default is continued from 4/23/18, to 5/23/18, at 8:15 am in Dept. 22B. Proof of service as to defendant Treeyawong was filed on 3/19/18, and the time for this defendant to file a response or for default to be entered has not expired. At the continued hearing, the court will inquire as to the responsive pleading/default of defendant Pinrod. Parties are to file a Case Management Statement 15 days before the hearing. Notice to be provided by plaintiff once defendants file a response. TENTATIVE RULINGS Page: 1