Motion to Transfer CLMCal. Super. - 2nd Dist.February 23, 2016123 Judge SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA, TENTATIVE RULINGS EVENT DATE: EVENT TIME: VENTURA DIVISION August 10, 2016 08/17/2016 08:20:00 AM DEPT.: 20 COUNTY OF VENTURA JUDICIAL OFFICER: Rocky Baio CASE NUM: CASE CATEGORY: EVENT TYPE: CASE TITLE: CASE TYPE:Civil - Unlimited Breach of Contract/Warranty 56-2016-00478549-CU-BC-VTA FERGUSON VS CAMARILLO HEALTH CARE Motion to Transfer (CLM) - civil action involving a public agency to neutral county CCP 394 CAUSAL DOCUMENT/DATE FILED: Motion to Transfer, 07/28/2016 stolo No notice of intent to appear is required. If you wish to submit on the tentative decision, you may submit a telefax to Judge Baio's secretary, Art Alvara at 805-477-5892, stating that you submit on the tentative. Do not call in lieu of sending a telefax, nor should you call to see if your telefax has been received. If you submit on the tentative without appearing and the opposing party appears, the hearing will be conducted in your absence. COURT'S TENTATIVE RULING OPERATIVE DOCUMENT Motion to Transfer filed by plaintiff. Opposed. RULING & REASONS Deny. The suit was brought by and filed by plaintiff in Ventura County. CCP § 394 has no application here because this suit is not brought by a public agency. As such, plaintiff has no right to seek transfer to a neutral county. TENTATIVE RULINGS Page: 1