Appearance and Examination of Judgment Debtor SHCCal. Super. - 2nd Dist.July 16, 2015123 23561 378401583 562400020067960 113454 21905 89 SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA, MINUTE ORDER TIME: 08:30:00 AM JUDICIAL OFFICER PRESIDING: Kent Kellegrew COUNTY OF VENTURA VENTURA DATE: 09/22/2015 DEPT: 21 CLERK: Ellie Pangelinan REPORTER/ERM: None CASE NO: 56-2015-00469745-CU-EN-VTA CASE TITLE: Branch vs. Weyrich CASE CATEGORY: Civil - Unlimited CASE TYPE: Enforcement EVENT TYPE: Appearance and Examination of Judgment Debtor (SHC) Out of County MOVING PARTY: Cliff Branch, James E. Smith CAUSAL DOCUMENT/DATE FILED: Foreign Abstract of Judgment, 07/16/2015 STOLO APPEARANCES STOLO No Appearance by all parties Stolo The Court finds/orders: No appearance by by either side . Matter is taken off calendar. STOLO VEN-FNR-10.03 MINUTE ORDER DATE: 09/22/2015 Page 1 DEPT: 21