Account and Report PRCal. Super. - 2nd Dist.July 9, 2015123 23561 378401583 562400020067960 113454 21905 89 SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA, MINUTE ORDER TIME: 10:00:00 AM JUDICIAL OFFICER PRESIDING: Kevin DeNoce COUNTY OF VENTURA VENTURA DATE: 04/11/2019 DEPT: 43 CLERK: Tiffany Froedge REPORTER/ERM: Calipy Perez CASE NO: 56-2015-00469443-PR-LA-OXN CASE TITLE: In the Matter of Michael Roy Brewer CASE CATEGORY: Probate CASE TYPE: Letters Of Administration EVENT TYPE: Account and Report (PR) Petition for Final Account MOVING PARTY: Sharon Rawlins CAUSAL DOCUMENT/DATE FILED: Petition on Current Account First and Final Accounting; Report of Administrator; Petition for Settlement; For Allowance of Compensation of Ordinary Attorney Fees; For Compensation for Extraordinary Attorney Fees; For Compensation to Administrator for Ordinary Services etc., 11/01/2018 STOLO APPEARANCES STOLO ROBERT M. BERGER, counsel, present for Defendant,Petitioner,Administrator,Respondent(s). Annette Davis, counsel, present for Defendant,Petitioner,Administrator,Proposed Administrator,Respondent(s). Linda Deering, self represented Petitioner, present. Ms. Hobson, beneficiary, is present Stolo At 10:34 a.m., court convenes in this matter with all parties present as previously indicated. The court states his tentative ruling which is to approve the final accounting. Matter submitted to the Court with argument. Parties, including beneficiaries, request matter be heard by Judge Kellegrew. The Court finds/orders: Matter is taken under submission. Mr. Berger is to submit a proposed order to the court via email. After further consideration of the submitted matter the court rules as follows: Matter is continued for Judge Kellegrew. Account and Report (PR) Petition for Final Account continued to 04/30/2019 at 08:20 AM in department 22. VEN-FNR-10.03 MINUTE ORDER DATE: 04/11/2019 Page 1 DEPT: 43 CASE TITLE: In the Matter of Michael Roy Brewer CASE NO: 56-2015-00469443-PR-LA-OXN Notice to be given by the clerk. STOLO VEN-FNR-10.03 MINUTE ORDER DATE: 04/11/2019 Page 2 DEPT: 43