Court s Order to Show Cause PRCCal. Super. - 2nd Dist.January 30, 2015123 Judge SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA, TENTATIVE RULINGS EVENT DATE: EVENT TIME: OXNARD DIVISION December 11, 2015 12/15/2015 09:00:00 AM DEPT.: J6 COUNTY OF VENTURA JUDICIAL OFFICER: Glen Reiser CASE NUM: CASE CATEGORY: EVENT TYPE: CASE TITLE: CASE TYPE:Probate Conservatorship Of Person And Estate 56-2015-00463483-PR-CP-OXN IN THE MATTER OF RUSSELL ALEXANDER DAVIS Court's Order to Show Cause (PRC) - Re: Contempt for failure to provide assessment report from CAUSAL DOCUMENT/DATE FILED: stolo The regional center has concluded as an administrative determination that the limited conservatee cannot establish a statutory developmental disability providing eligibility for its services. By document dated November 4, 2015, the Public Guardian and the limited conservatee were given notice of rights of appeal. This court has established a limited conservatorship, which ordered impliedly makes a finding of developmental disability. This court cannot, however, compel either the regional center or the Department of Developmental Services to accept that finding, because there is an administrative protocol for its own internal eligibility findings. The next previously scheduled hearing is on September 6, 2016, to verify the filing of the one-year status report (due on or before August 4, 2016). gmr TENTATIVE RULINGS Page: 1