Petition for ProbateCal. Super. - 2nd Dist.December 1, 2014123 23561 378401583 562400020067960 113454 21905 89 SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA, MINUTE ORDER TIME: 09:00:00 AM JUDICIAL OFFICER PRESIDING: Glen Reiser COUNTY OF VENTURA OXNARD DATE: 01/14/2015 DEPT: J6 CLERK: Jacqueline Flores REPORTER/ERM: Rebecca Solis CASE NO: 56-2014-00460755-PR-PL-OXN CASE TITLE: In the Matter of Jeremiah Healy CASE CATEGORY: Probate CASE TYPE: Probate Of Will - Letters Of Administration With Will Annexed EVENT TYPE: Petition for Probate of Will And For Letters Of Administration With Will Annexed MOVING PARTY: Daphne Healy CAUSAL DOCUMENT/DATE FILED: Petition for Probate of Will and Letters Administration with Will Annexed, 12/01/2014 STOLO APPEARANCES STOLO JEFFREY S. GRAFF, counsel, present for Petitioner(s). Stolo At 09:51 a.m., court convenes in this matter with all parties present as previously indicated. Counsel have received and read the court's written tentative ruling. Matter submitted to the Court with argument. The Court finds/orders: The Court's tentative is adopted as the Court's ruling. The testator signed the will on 10/29/89 per his handwriting. The two witnesses say they saw the testator sign the will on 10/14/89, 15 days earlier. Since the beneficiaries in this case are also decedent's intestate heirs in the same percentages, should we just proceed by intestate succession rather than struggle with the due execution issue ? The statutory requirements have been complied with and required consents, agreements and reports are before the Court. The Court grants the petition for Probate of Will and Letters Administration with Will Annexed. The Court appoints Daphne Healy as Administrator. The Court grants full authority to administer the estate under the Independent Administration of Estates MINUTE ORDER DATE: 01/14/2015 Page 1 DEPT: J6 CASE TITLE: In the Matter of Jeremiah Healy CASE NO: 56-2014-00460755-PR-PL-OXN Act. The heirs waive bond. The formal order was signed this date. STOLO MINUTE ORDER DATE: 01/14/2015 Page 2 DEPT: J6