Bulk Scanned DocumentsCal. Super. - 6th Dist.June 28, 2021WORENZC “ENA BRISENO vs CUSTOM PA 2 a a v 38 5 9 8 3 fiAR'TlTION, INC... Stanley Mosk Courthouse I Dept 20 - Hon. Kevin C. Brazile . TransferlReclassificatiOn Filed; 05/06/2021 Age: 47 days Pending Civil-Unlimited Other Employment Complaint Case ('1--‘ 7mmw“_‘ 1 l ‘r 1'7 ' l Case {Subcase i v H Docs v-h Hearings i v]: Parties i v H Defaults 3v H Dispo v h Financial J; v] f“-.. _ m, V , ””1 LL L t k Issuancesflj 5 v 5} [ Records v li Resourca v ...-...“ .m--._.--- v...“ J v .--... ~__-,__ V DOCUMENTS - LSearch LLegacy Images ; Filed! - Status Result Date Name Status Result Date Filed By As To View Certificate of Mailing for (Court Filed @* \/06/07l2021 Order Regarding Stipulation and a Order to Change Venue) of 06/07/2021 Minute Order (Court Order Entered Clerk E fi “0610712021 Regarding Stipulation and Order to a Change Venue) \/ Stipulation and Order TO CHANGE Signed Granted 06107l2021 LORENZO CUSTOM Efi 06/07/2021 VENUE and PENA PAD & a Filed BRISENO PARTITION. (Plainfiff) 1N0, a Corporation (Defendant) Proof of Service by Substituted Filed LORENZO CUSTOM gfi \/05/1 3/2021 Service PENA PAD & a BRISENO PARTITION, (Plaintiff) INC.. a Corporation (Defendant) Notice of Case Assignment - Filed E 7'? /05/06/2021 Unlimited Civil Case a / Civil Case CoverSheet Fixed LORENZO CUSTOM 1‘15/06/2021 PENA PAD & a BRISENO PARTITION, (Plaintiff) INC., a Corporation (Defendant) Filed I 1:; ‘gfiitus Date Name f/06/2021 Summons on Complaint ‘ Complaint . \/05/06/2021 ,. ‘gk: 7 ;"vv.-:- ~ Filed By As To View , ---,__ -.~ww--..«-~ ,_ ._. .. - LORENZO CUSTOM "fi PENA PAD& a BRISENO PARTITION, (Plaintiff) lNC.,a Corporation (Defendant) LORENZO CUSTOM @fir PENA PAD & a BRISENO PARTITION, (Plaintiff) INC., a Corporation (Defendant) SUPERIOR C‘"~"RT OF CALIFORNIA ‘ " COUNTY ,_ " LOS ANGELES FILED Su Brim Court ofCaIflumia PLAINTIFF: LORENZO PENA BRISENO UfltVOf LOSAHQBIBS 08/222021 QlafiR Cm. EmmimOEml Cosmmxm DEFENDANT: CUSTOM PAD 8. PARTITION, 1N0, a Corporation By. M, 3am, Dem RE l T SM TTE CASE NUMBERCE PT FOR $225k: D RECORD 2 1 C v 38 5 9 8 I, the undersigned, acknowledge receipt of the following: Other: Transfer fee m the amount of $435.00 Check Number 4005223 Sent To. wrfi‘sntan? Cl a Count 06/07/2021 ?Upflld’ 0636 mDUSE Fees Paid: Reclassification/Transmittal fees paid 50.00 ST-2021-0350998.1 Date:06/22/2021 By M. SalazarOm“ q Depu Clérk PLEASE INDICATE THE NEW CASE NUMBER BELOW AND ' - COURT LOCATION: NEW CASE NUMBER COURTrAODngfirSSOf Cali‘omie1 I@flcmssgsfl 3”” C tCounty of Santa Clara R. TIEN RECEIPT FOR TRANSMIWED RECORD LACIV 049 (Rev. 09/13) LASC Approved 07-04 For Opiional Use SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES COURTHOUSE ADDRESS: 111 NORTH HILL STREET LOS ANGELES CA 90012 PLAINTIFFIPETITIONER: LORENZO PENA BRISENO DEFENDANTIRESPONDENT: CASE NUMBER: 2484193444462- SECUSBSQBE CUSTOM PAD a PARTITION, |NC.. A CORPORATION DEPARTMENTIUNIT TRANSFERS-1 12C CLERK’S CERTIFICATION OF REPRODUCED COURT RECORDS ELEPHONE NUMBER (213)633-2057 l. SHERRI R. CARTER, Executive Officer/CIerk of the Superior Court of California, County of Los Angeles, certify that the reproduced court records attached hereto are a true and correct copy of the original documents contained in the original file or are of record, consisting of 42 pages from this office. Seal ofthe Supen‘or Court of California, County of Los Angeles ofl‘fi‘fi‘ij‘,“ I t... 3M”...0“'- g An original seal is stamped herein in black Ink. SHERRI R. CARTER, Executive Officer/Clerk Dated? JUNE 22, 2021 MARIAHSALAZARL/MQL By:DepuU ADM 079 (NEW 05/15) I LAsc AppwvedW CLERK S CERTIFICATION 0F Gov. Code § 63150“) . REPRODUCED COURT DOCUMENTS For Optional Use “ ‘ Firm J a / SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA Reserved for Clerk‘s File Stamp COUNTY 0F LOS ANGELES Supemrgg'rtEoloCafirorma Counlyot LosAngaIas COURTHOUSE ADDRESS: 08]22[2021 Stamey Mosk Courthouse Ei‘lc'riRcm£mEmOECGICcmafCoufl ¢ . M 58MB? .111 North HIII Street, Los Angeles, CA 90012 BWW 0am 55’ a L E F n . PLAINTIFF(5): fig] LORENZO PENA BRISENO Ea JUN 2 8 2021 DEFENDANT(S): CUSTOM PAD & PARTlTiON, |NC., a Corporation Clerk of the Court Superior Coun oi CA Coum- o! Santa ClamBYUEPUTY NOTICE 0F OUTGOING TRANSFER CASE NUMBER: V VW TO THE BELOW NAMED PARTIES AND THEIR ATTORNEYS OF RECORD: 2EOV385981 Pursuant to the provisions of Code of Civil Procedure Section 399, you are hereby notified that the papers and pleadings in this case have been transferred to santa Clara CO'DowntOWH 3U as of 06'22'2021 Sherri R. Caner, Executive Officer! Clerk o . 1 ‘ .Date; 06/22/2021 By M 88azarfi/mwm NOTICE OF OUTGOING TRANSFER LACIV XXX LASC Approved XX-XX Deputy Cle , V = ”i SUPERIOR g'bURT 0F CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES COURTHOUSE ADDRESS: Stanley Mosk Courthouse 111 North Hill Street, L05 Angeles, CA 90012 Reserved {or Clerk's File Stamp FILED Su erior Conn of Cafrlomia unlyo! LosAngales 081222021 PLAINTIFF/PETITIONER: Rum R. Gama EmimOSm-a cmalCau-t LORENZO PENA BRISENO By. M- sam‘ Depuw DEFENDANTIRESPONDENTZ CUSTOM PAD & PARTITION, [NC., a Corporation CASE NUMBER: CERTIFICATE OF MAILING 213ch17162 l. the below-named Executive OfficerIClerk of the above-entitled court, do hereby certify that l am not a party to the cause herein, and that on this date I sewed the Notice of Outgoing Transfer upon each party or counsel named below br placing the document for collection and mailing so as to cause it to be depos ted in the United States mai at the courthouse In Los Angeles, California, one cow. of the original filedientered therein in a separate sealed envelope to each address as shown below w the postage thereon fully prepaid, in accordance with standard court practices. Brent Marlis Emily J. Tripodl Marlis Park, P.C. Marlls Park, P.C. 3600 Wilshire Boulevard 3600 Wilshire Boulevard Suite 1815 Suite 1815 Los Angeies. CA 90010 Los Angeles. CA 90010 Susan E. Bishop Berliner Cohen. LLP 10 Almaden Boulevard Eleventh Floor San Jose, CA 95113-2233 Young Park Marlis Park, P.C. 3600 Wilshire Boulevard Suite 1815 Los Angeles. CA 90010 Sherri R. Carter, Executive Officer I Clerk of Court Dated: 06/22/2021 By: M. Salazar Deputy Clerk CERTIFICATE 0F MAILING Supmlm' Cmnt 0f California County clr Les Angalas I11 Norm Hill Slreel L05 Angelas. CA 80012 Receipt No; 8T~2021 -035()998.1 Favor: LORENZO PENA Date: 0612-H2021 Time: 12:27 PM “fimmmmw gficvaesgal LORENZO PENA BWSENO vs CUSTOM Change OfVenuet Pmcesslng 50.00 fee change of Vsnua- GC 70618 Case Total: 50.00 Check #z 4005222 50.00 635574 V ‘iolal Payd: 55.65 . Clmngo ODD 21STCV17162 Balance : 0.00 r SUPERIOR COURT 0F CALIFORNIA Resewedf°wjewsm°swmp COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES COURTHOUSE ADDRESS: ( FILED . Stanley Mosk Courthouse , ‘ sugfiiygfiuggfiggga 111 North Hill Street, Los Angeles, CA 90012 Dem-l-Eom PLAINTIFF/PETITIONERI Snmm emmfimmoacm owamam LORENZO PENA BRISENO By: E- Pam Dem DEFENDANT/RESPONDENT: CUSTOM PAD & PARTITION, INCL, a Corporation CASE NUMBER: CERTIFICATE 0F MAILING W62. 2 fl. C U 38 5 9 8 :5. l, the below-named Exacutive Officer/Clerk of the above-entitled court, do hereby certi that I am not a party to the cause herein, and that on this date I served the Minute Order (Court Order egarding Stipulation and Order to Change Venue) of 0610772021 upon each party or counsel named below by placing the document for collection and mailing so as to cause it to be deposited In the United States mall at the courthouse in Los Angeles, California, one COfiy of the original filedlentered herein in Fjsepargp sgaled envelope to each address as shown below wit the postage thereon fully prepaid, in a :ciowaquce \‘gflh f standard court practices. +55 . ( E3 JUN 28 2021 cm Susan El Bishop Young K Park C Clerk 0f the COLIN Berliner Cohen. LLP Marlis Park. P.C. "wen” CW" 0’ CA CQUW 0f Santa Ciara 1o Almaden vad 3600 Wilshire Blvd BVMWMLEAL DEPUTY 11th Floor Ste 1815 San Jose. CA 95113 Los Angeles. CA 90010 Sherri R. Carter, Executive Officer I Clerk of Court Dated: 0617/2021 By: E. Perez Deputy Clerk CERTIFICATE OF MAILING SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA, COUNTY 0F LOS ANGELES Civil Division Central District, Stanley Mosk Courthouse, Department 20 fisqzew-Ha QEGV385981 June7,2021 LORENZO PENA BRISENO vs CUSTOM PAD & 11:05 AM PARTITION, INC., A CORPORATION Judge: Honorable Kevin C. Brazile CSR: None Judicial Assistant: E. Perez ERM: None Courtroom Assistant: C. Cortez Deputy Sheriff: None APPEARANCES: For Plaintiff(s): N0 Appearances For Defendant(s): No Appearances NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS: Court Order Regarding Stipulation and Order t0 Change Venue The Court reviews the Stipulation and Order to Change Venue received on May 27, 2021 , and now orders as follows: Venue is not proper pursuant to Code of Civil Procedure section 395. Preper venue lies in Santa Clara County. Matter is ordered transferred to said county upon payment of the transfer fee in the sum of $50.00 payable to the Los Angeles Superior Court and the submission of a separate check for the filing fee in the sum of $435.00 payable to Santa Clara Superior Court; within 30 days by LORENZO PENA BRISENO (Plaintiff) in the Clerk's Office at the Los Angeles Superior Court. The Order is signed and filed this date and incorporated herein by reference to the court file. Clerk is to give notice. Certificate of Mailing is attached. Minute Order Page 1 of 1 g""I E 1 SUSAN E. BISHOP, CA STATE BAR N0. 1E§g§3 g a «:3 BERLINER COHEN, LLP ‘1 s4 FILEDgj- 2 TEN ALMADEN BOULEVARD {53 m. Calm Gr Camamjaa ELEVENTH FLOOR g JUN 2 8 H A “”1ny mgAngagag g 3 SAN JOSE, CALIFORNIA 951 13-2233 2021 - flsmwmma TELEPHONE: (408) 286-5800 , f9: 4 FACSIMILE: (408) 998-5388 Clerk f%fAtChe kaguwjxmm mics; aura amam' ' Superior Coud o cunty o! Santa rara E . 5 susan.blshop@berhner.com BY R. T F By. E. Perez flaw? g ATTORNEYS FOR DEFENDANT CUSTOM PAD AND g 6 PARTITION, INC. ~ g E B 7 SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA, COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES 0: . :5. g 2 21 C U 38 5 9-, 8 1U E LORENZO PENA BRISENO, an individual, CASENOW} “g 10 Plaintiff, STIPULATIKON AND ORDER T0 CHANGE m VENUE 11 V. 12 CUSTOM PAD AND PARTITION, INC., a Corporation; and DOES 1 through 50, 13 Defendants. 14 15 IT IS HEREBY STIPULATED and agreed by and betWeen Defendant CUSTOM PAD 16 AND PARTITION, INC. (“Defendant”) 0n the one hand, and Plaintiff LORENZO PENA 17 BRISENO (“Plaintiff”) on the other hand, through their respective counsel, as follows: 18 WHEREAS, 0n or about May 6, 2021, Plaintiff filed a Complaint against Defendant in the 19 Superior Court of California, County of Los Angeles. Plaintiff effectuated service of process on 20 Defendant 0n 0r about May 7, 2021, and 21 WHEREAS, Plaintiff agrees that the Superior Court of California, County of Santa Clara 22 is the proper place for trial of this matter, and has agreed t0 stipulate to a change of venue of theElectronically Received 05/27/2021 03:22 PM 23 above~entitled action t0 Santa Clara County. 24 WHEREFORE, IT IS HEREBY STIPULATED, by and between the parties, through their 25 respective counsel, that the place for trial of this action be changed from the Superior Court of 26 California, County ofLos Angeles t0 the Superior Court of California, County 0f Santa Clara, that 27 payment 0f the costs and fees for such transfer be made by Plaintiff, and that Defendant’s 28 -1- 4824- 88 1 9-044 3V1 STIP TI N RDERT AN Esmsmmamooa ULA 0 ANDO OCH GE VENU 4824-881 9»0443v1 SBESHOPQBXSEIOOE OOQO‘UIhUJN KO 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 23 responsive pleading will now be due 30 days afier the notice of completion of the transfer of the above-entitled action to Santa Clara County. SO STIPULATED. Dated: May 27, 2021 BERL ER OHEN, LLP BY: Ll SUSAN E. BISHOP ATTORNEYS FOR DEFENDANT CUSTOM PAD AND PARTITION, INC. DATED: May 27, 2021 MARLIS PARK, RC. By: WWW Young ark ‘ Emily J. ripodi Attorneys for Plaintiff, LORENZO PENA BRISENO [ORDER APPEARS ON FOLLOWING PAGE] -2- STIPULATION AND ORDER To CHANGE VENUE 10 11 12 l3 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 ‘27 4824-881 9-0443“- SBlSHOPQSiGSGG?) 28 QRDEB The court having considered the stipulation of the parties, and good cause appearing therefore, IT IS ORDERED that the action of the above-entitled case is hereby tranSferred to the Superior Court of California, County 0f Santa Clara on payment by Plaintiff of all the necessary fees required by law, and that Defendant’s responsive pleading is'due 30 days afier the notice of completion 0fthe transfer 0fthe action to Santa Clara County. The clerk ofthis court is authorized and directed t0 transfer all the pleadings and papers in this matter to Santa Clara County. DATE” 06mm02 1 Kevin C. Brazile IJudge -3- STIPULATION AND ORDER T0 CHANGE VENUE . flecgmgisauy FILED by Superior Court of CalifornIJ nty of Los Angeles on 05/1312021 04:41 PM Sherri R. Carter. five Officer/Cletk of Court. by J. So,Deputy Clerk ' ' POS-O1 0 ATTORNEY OR PARTY WITHOUT ATTORNEY (Name, Stare Ber number, and address): Brentmarl'ls. 284654 MARLIS PARK, P..c "ta a LE: rm FOR COURT USEONLY .__. 3:“ 3600 Wllshire Blvd. Suite 1815, Suite 1815 1g Los Angeles. CA 90010 " TELEPHDHEW: 323-922-2000 :33 JUN 2 8 on ATTORNEYFORIName}. Plaintiff L SUPERIOR COURT oF CALIFORNIA. COUNTY 0F Clerk 0f the Court Superior Court of California. L08 Angeles County Supeflor Court Df CA Cuuniy Of Santa Clara. 111 N. Hill Street BY-mmfikb-DEPUTY Los Angeles, CA 90012-3117 n A A pmnmpennoweaz LORENZO PENA BRISENO, an individual mama 2 1W U 38 5 5:) 8 11 I W DEFENDANT/RESPONDENT: CUSTOM PAD & PARTITION. |NC..etaI. Ref. No. or File No.2 PROOF OF SERVICE 0F SUMMONS 90010 1. At the time of service l was a citizen ofthe United States, at least 1B years of age and not a party t0 this action.BY F} OK 2. 1 Served copies of; Summons; Complaint; Civil Case Cover Sheet; Civil Case Cover Sheet Addendum; Voluntary Efficient Litigation Stipulations; Alternative Dispute Resolution Information Package; FirstAmended General Order; Notice of Case Assignment - Unlimited Civil Case 3. a. Party served: CUSTOM PAD & PARTITION. lNC., a Corporation b- Person Served: ANTHONY JONES - Person Authorized to Accept Service of Process 4. Address where the party was served: 1100 Richard Ave Santa Clara, CA 95050 5. l served the party b- by SUbStltlflEd SBWICB- 0n (date): 0510712021 at (time): 3:24PM l left the documems 113th §n Stem 2 wi‘h or in the presence 0f: John Doe (55 M W 5'8" 160) - Person In Charge 0f Office (1) (business) a person at least 18 years of age apparently in charge ax {he office or usual piace of business of {he person to be served. | informed him or her of the general nature of the papers. (4) A decfiarafion of maiIing is attached. 6. The "Notice to the Person Served" (on the summons) was completed as followa: d. on behalfo CUSTOM PAD 8: PARTITION, INC. a Corporation under: CCP 41 6.10 (corporation) 7. Person who served papers a. Name: Stefan Fahrner D. Address: One Legal - P-000618-Sonoma 1400 North McDoweIl Blvd. Ste 300 Petaluma, CA 94954 c. Telephone number. 415-491~0606 d. The fee for service was: $ 145.58 e. lam: (3) registered California process server. (i) Employee or independent contractor. (ii) Reaistration N04: PS1676 (iii) County Santa Clara 8. I dedare under penalty of periury under the laws of the United States of America and the State of California that the foregoing ls true and correct. Date: 05/10/2021 Yk Stefan Fahrner (NAME OF PERSON WHO SERVED PAPERS) (SIGNATUfl Form Adapted tar Mammary Use Jucfidal Council of Cafifomla POS-Om [Rav.Jan 1.2007] PROOF 0F SERVICE OF SUMMONS Coca at Civ‘n Pmceduva‘ §A17.1D OL# 16274951 1-2 ‘ ‘ AfiéhNEY 0R PARTY WITHOUT ArroaNEY (Name truss): TELL: -. V_. ._= N0; FOR COURT USE ONLY Brent marIiS, 284654 323-922-2000 MARLIS PARK. P.C. 3600 Wilshire Blvd. Suite 1815 Los Angeles. CA 90010 Rfif-NM'FHB N°- ATTORNEY FOR (Name): Plaintiff ’ 9001 0 Insert narm dmumjudldnl dlshuor bianm mun. lfany. Central District 111 N. Hill Street Los Angeles. CA 90012-31 17 PLAIrmFF: LORENZO PENA BRISENO, an individual DEFENDANT: CUSTOM PAD & PARTITION, INC, et al CASE NUMBER PROOF 0F SERVICE BY MAIL 21STCV1 71 62 BY FAX l am a citizen of the United States, over the age of 18 and not a party to the within action. My business address is 1400 N. McDowell Blvd, PetaIuma, CA 94954. On 05/1 112021. after substituted service under section CCP 415.20(a) or 415.20(b) or FRCP 4(e)(2)(B) or FRCP 4(h)(1)(B) was made (If applicable), | mailed copies of the: Summons; Complaint; Civil Case Cover Sheet; Civil Case CoverSheet Addendum; Voluntary Efficient Litigation Stipulations; Alternative Dispute Resolution Information Package; First Amended General Order; Notice of Case Assignment- Unlimited Civil Case to the person to be served at the piace where the copies were left by placing a true copy thereof enclosed in a sealed envelope, with First Class postage thereon fully prepaid, in the United States Mai] at Petaluma, California, addressed as follows: CUSTOM PAD & PARTITION, INC., a Corporation ANTHONY JONES 1100 Richard Ave Santa Clara. CA 95050 I am readilyfamiliar with the firm's practice for collection and processing of documents for mailing. Under that practice, it would be deposited within the United States Postal Service. on that same day. with postage thereon fully prepaid. in the ordinary course of business. I am aware that on motion of the party served. service is presumed invalid if postal cancellation date or postage meter date is more than one (1 ) day afler date of deposit for mailing in affidavit. Fee for Service: $ 145.58 I declare under penalty ofperjury under the laws of the United States of America and the State of California that the foregoing is true and correct and that this declaration was executed on 0511 1/2021 at Petaluma, California. One Legal - P-DODB18-Sonoma 1400 North McDoweiI Blvd, Ste 300 XJ 5’" Petaluma, CA 94954 . Travxs Carpenter OL# 16274951