Default EnteredCal. Super. - 6th Dist.March 30, 202121CV381513 Santa Clara - Civil A. Villanueva on 8/5/2021 2:50 PM Reviewed By:A. Villanueva Env #7005609 CN-‘lflG Amway GR ?ARW wlmou-T Aflonnant mare EAR No: The Moore Law Group, APC, FORmum ”SE mm, ”mg. Adam Brumage (283180) Maria Bradish (288384) Don Phan-Huy (309853) Ryota ‘ Isozaki (321040) Derrick Uhri (321 161) Matthew W. Keim (331020) Eric Marquez Fm“ ”WE: (331023) Fabiola Rivera (334563) PO Box 25145, Santa Ana, CA 92799, 3.710 S. MEET wDRasss Susan Street, Suite 210 Santa Ana, CA 92704 em: STATE ZIP CODE: mEFHGNEum 300_506_2652 m: x0; E-MAILABDRESS: 3310mm FDR mama); Plaintiff SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA. COUNTY OF Santa Clara smasmnmzss: 191 North First Street mmmmmissr San Jose CA 951 13 cmmn ZIP mag; Santa Clara County - San Jose Courthouse lama.” NAME: PlaintiffiPefifioner. Discover Bank Defendanthespondeat: LanN Dang REQUEST FOR E Entry of Defafili E Clerk's Judgment (Application) [jig Court Judgment 210V381513 Rot for'use in actions under the Fair Debt Buying Practices Act (Civ. Code, § 1?88.50 ei seq.) {see Clv-105) CASE NUMBER: i- TO THE CLERK: On the complaint or cross-complaint filed a. on {date}: 03/30/2021 b. by {name}: Discover Bank c. m Enter default of defendant (names): LanN Dang (names): LamN Dang (Testfmony required Apply to the ciark for a hearing dare, unless (he court will enter a judgmenf on an affidavit under ~ Code Civ. Pros" § 585M),) ' e. :3 Eater clerk‘s judgment (1) m for restitufion of the premises {3me and issue a writ of execution on the judgment. Code of Civil Procedure section 1174(6) does no: apply. (Coda Civ. Prom, § 1 159-) [:3 Include in the judgment all tenants, subtenanis, named claimants, and oiher occupants of {he premises- The Prejudgment Cfaim of Right (a Possessfm was served in compliance with Code of Civil Procedure section 4'1 5.46. (2) m under Code of Civil Procedure section 585(3)- (Complete the declaration under Code CI‘v. Prom § 585.5 on the reverse (ifem 5}.) (3) a far defaul: previously entered an {date}: 2- Judgment ta he entered. Amggn: Qrediis acknnw griggd Ba an a. Demand 0f complaint _____________ S 27108 24 3 0-00 $ 27108-24 b. Staiemeni cf damages (1) Special .................... $ S S (2) General .................... $ 5 s c. Inéerest ........................ 5 S S d. Costs {see reverse) .............. 3} 502-00 3 S 502-00 e. Attorney fees ................... $ S S f_ TOTALS ______________________ 5 27610.24 s 0_00 3 27610.24 g. Daily damages were demanded in complaint at {he raie 0f: S gar day beginning (dais): (‘ Persona} injuq; or wrongful death actions; Code Civ. Proa, § 425. 1 1‘) 3. 1:3 (Check if flied in an unlawfua‘ detainer case fLegal-document assistant or un. a reverse (camglheie item 4). Adam Brumage_ Maria Bradish Do han-Huy Ryota Isozaki_ DerrickUhW- Matthew W. Keim_ Eric Marqu-ez_ Fabiola Rivera- detainer assistant informaiian is on the Date: AUG 0-5‘21321 FOR COURT (1) E Default entered as {equested on {date}: “35 ONLY (2) Eff] Default NOT entered as requested (state reason): [?YFE QR ?RINT‘éAHEi (SIGNATURE 0F PLAINTIFF OR AWORNEV FDR PLAINTIFF} Clerk, by ' ,Dfipufy Em 1 a:a- §m§i€3fii§fl§fi§§£§§zm REQUEST FOR ENTRY 0F DEFAULT W“”“‘“"“‘°““1§éf§fi§l£§i [Ram Jamar; mm; - (Application to Enter Default} FILED County of Santa Clara Superior Court of CA Clerk of The Court 21CV381513 By: ychavez FILED County of Santa Clara Superior Court of CA Clerk of The Court 21CV381513 By: ychavez FILED County of Santa Clara Superior Court of CA Clerk of The Court 21CV381513 By: ychavez 08/05/2021 ychavez X 08/05/2021 CIV-1 00 CASE MUMBER:PlainiififPefiiiouer: Discover Bank 2 1CV3 8 1 5 l3DefsndantiRaspondam: Lan N Dang 4- Legal document assistant er unlawful detainer assiaant (Bus. & Prof. Code, § 6406 et seep). A legal document assisianz or unlawml detainar assistamW did m did not 0r compensation give advice or'assistance with this form- If deplarant has received any help or advice forpay from a legal docament assistant or unlawful detainer assistant, state: a. Assistant‘s. name: . c. Telephone nu: b. Street address, city, and zip code: d. County of registration: - e. Registration no; f. Expires on (date): _ m Declaration undér Code Civ. Pram, § 585.5 (for entry ofdefault under Code Cisc Prat: §585(a}} This action a. [j is m is not on a cantract or installmentsale for goods or services subject to Civ. Cede, § 1801 at seq- (Unruh Act}. ' b. E. is Wx? is mat 0n a conditional sales contract subjeci {o Civ. Code, § 2981 ei seq. (Rees-Le‘vering Motor Vehicle Sales ' and Finance Act}. C- {E is é is not on an obligation far goods‘ services, loans, or extensiqns 0f credit subject to Code Civ- Pros“ § 385$}. 6- Declaration of mailing (Code (23v. Pram, § 637)- A copy of this Request for Entry ofDefaultwas a‘- E not mailmi to the following defendams, whose addresses are unknawn tn: plaintifi or plaintiffs attorney mamas): b. m mailed first-class. postage prepaid in a sealed envelope addressed to each defendant's attorney of record or, if none, 10 each defendant's last known acidmss as follows: (1)} Mailed on {date}: (2‘) To {specify names and addresses shown on ihe envelopss}: Lan N Dang AUG fl 5 ZEBZI 1033 s Park Victoria Dr Milpitas CA 95035-6908 l declare u: der penalty of penu underthe laws, of ihflate of California that the foregcing items 4, 5 anti 6 are true and curred. Daze Jose Herman ez_ Victor Ochoa_ Chadd Patton._ AUG fl 5 2&2] Quang-ThiTran_ Jacqueline Silva__ Kristin -} MW;1%aner Tannnnhna Tron [E??E OR ?RINT NAME! {SIGNATURE Q? BEQLIKRANT‘ 7- Memorandum of casts [required if moneyjudgment requested) Costs and disbursements are as follows (Code Civ. Proc_, § 1033.5): a. Clerk‘s filing’sees .................... $ 43 5,00 b. Process server'sfees 5; 67,00 c. Oiher {specify}: $ cf. $ e. TOTAL ........... 5 502.00 f. g Costs and disbursements are waived- . g. _l am the attorney, agent. or party who claims these costs. To the best of my knnwledge and belief this memorandum of costs is correct and these costs were necessarily :naurred iri (his case- | declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of California that the foregoin ‘ e and correct. Adam Brumage_ Maria Bradis Don Phan-Huy_ mgr . - Ryota Isozaki_ Derrick Uhr tthew W. Keim_ 0 5 2021 Eric Marquez_ Fabiola Rivera_ >WP 0R PRINT NAME) V {SIGNATURE GI: UECLARANI} 8- Declaration cf nonmilitary status (required fnrajudgment) No defendant named‘In Eiem 1c of the application 45 in the military service as that term is defined by either the Servicemembers Civil Relief Act 50 U.S.C. App. § 3911(2), or California Military and Veterans Code sections 400 and 4026). I declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of California that the fore ‘ g-i d correct. Adam Brumage_ Mana Bradis Don Phan-Huy_ AfigeU 5 2023_ Ryota Isozaki_ Derrick Uhri énhewW. Keim_ ’ .1.Eric Marquez: Fabiola Rivera_ mane ca palm mast: C/ {Slammas c1: necmmuir) ' CW!”WWWWW 1W”! REQUEST FOR ENTRY OF DEFAULT (Application to Enter Default} Pagei ofz