Clerk Rejection LetterCal. Super. - 6th Dist.April 1, 2021SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF SANTA CLARA DOWNTOWN COURTHOUSE 191 North First Street San José. California 951 13-1090 (408) 852-2 100 CIVIL DIVISION 0 Public Case lnlomlatlon Webslte: h"QsM/cmgonalscscoun‘org/Portaff Provides access to local cases through online search and retrieval. o MaIn Website: wmmscscaumorg Provides access to rules, self-help information, forms, fees. locations and phone numbers‘ Answer Rejection Letter Case Number: 21 CV331430I 751 2589 Case Title: Harr vs Smith This is in response to your letter regarding the above entitled action. If you wish t0 contest any of the allegations in the complaint: a File: An AnswerlResponse with a Proof 0f Service with the Court o Proof of Service: A copy of the AnsweriResponse must be sewed on the plaintiff or his attorney. The Proof of Service must be sewed and signed by anyone over the age of 18 not a party to the action. o Filing Fee: D due for each defendant (G.C. 72056) Limited-$1 0,000 or Less D due for each defendant (G.C. 72056) Limited-$T0,000 or Over w E 435.00 due for each defendant ((3.0. 72055) Unlimited-0ver $25,000 File within the time noted on your summons.o Time to File: Failure to file an AnswerlResponse may result in a Default entered against you. If you wish to proceed in fom1a pauperis, please request an “Application for Waiver of Court Fees and Costs" from the clerk. Forms to file an Answer/Response and any additional forms may be obtained at the Self-Service Center located at 201 North First Street, San Jose'. CA 95113, or you may find forms at your local library or law library. If you need legal assistance, you may consult the Santa Clara County Bar Association at phone number (408) 287-2557 or your local phone book directory. For Unlawful Detainer actions. you may consult the Legal Aid Society at (408) 998- 5200. Date: 10/21121 Clerk of the Court Clerk, by J. NGO , Deputy Court staffs no! aulharimd Io decide which (egalfornu you need, or r0 advise you how rile [aw might apply :0 your situation, as (his constitutes an unauthorized practice oflawA We d0 recommend {hut you seek appropriate legal assistance. CV-5027 REV 12103115