OrderCal. Super. - 6th Dist.March 29, 202121 CV381425 Santa Clara - Civil EFSFOMuyen ATTORNEY 0R PARTY WITHOUT ATTORNEY: STATE BAR NO.: 93249 FOR COURT USE ONLY NAME: NORA FRIMANN, City Attorney /AARON YU, Deputy City Attorney (304882) FIRM NAME: Office of the City Attorney STREET ADDRESS: 200 East Santa Clara Street,16th floor CITY: San Jose STATE: CA ZIP CODE: 951 13 TELEPHONE No.: (408) 535-1900 FAX NO.: (408) 998-3131 on 8/1 7/2021 9-33 AM E-MAIL ADDRESS: cao.main@sanjoseca.gov ATTORNEY FOR(name): CITY OF SAN JOSE SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA, COUNTY OF SANTA CLARA _ STREETADDREss; 191 N_ 1st Street Envelope. 7075836 MAILING ADDRESS: 191 N. 1st Street CITY AND ZIP CODE: San Jose, CA 951 13 BRANCH NAME: Downtown Reviewed By: R. Nguyen CASE NUMBER: PLAINTIFF/PETITIONER: CITY OF SAN JOSE 21CV381425 DEFENDANT/RESPONDENT: ANTHONY LAWRENCE LEE JUDICIAL OFFICER: OTHER: DEPT: PROPOSED ORDER (COVER SHEET) NOTE: This cover sheet is to be used to electronically file and submit to the court a proposed order. The proposed order sent electronically to the court must be in PDF format and must be attached to this cover sheet. In addition, a version of the proposed order in an editable word-processing format must be sent to the court at the same time as this cover sheet and the attached proposed order in PDF format are filed. 1. Name ofthe party submitting the proposed order: CITY OF SAN JOSE 2. Title of the proposed order: ORDER OF DEFAULT 3. The proceeding to which the proposed order relates is: a. Description of proceeding: Petition for Default b. Date and time: N/A c. Place: N/A 4. The proposed order was served on the other parties in the case. AARON YU, Deputy City Attorney ’ /S/Aal”0n Yu (TYPE OR PRINT NAM E) (SIGNATURE OF PARTY OR ATTORNEY) Page 1 of2 Form Adopted for Mandatory Use PROPOSED ORDER (COVER SH EET) Cal. Rules of Court, Judicial Council of California . . . rules 2.252,3.1312 EFs-ozo [Rev. February 1,2017] (Electronlc Flllng) www.courts.ca.gov EFS-020 CASE NAME: CASE NUMBER: CITY 0F SAN JOSE v. ANTHONY LAWRENCE LEE 21CV381425 PROOF OF ELECTRONIC SERVICE PROPOSED ORDER 1. | am at least 18 years old and not a party to this action. a- My residence or business address is (specify): 200 East Santa Clara Street, 16th Floor, San Jose, CA 951 13 b. My electronic service address is (specify): brandi.Iecomte@sanjoseca.gov 2_ | electronically served the Proposed Order (Cover Sheet) with a proposed order in PDF format attached, and a proposed order in an editable word-processing format as follows: a. On (name ofperson served) (If the person served is an attorney, the party or parties represented should also be stated): Anthony Lawrence Lee 55 East Brokaw Road #134 San Jose, CA 951 12 b. To (electronic service address of person served): ALEERECOVERY@GMAIL_COM c. On (date): August 17, 2021 E Electronic service of the Proposed Order (Cover Sheet) with the attached proposed order in PDF format and service of the proposed order in an editable word-processing format on additional persons are described in an attachment. | declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of California that the foregoing is true and correct. Date: August 17, 2021 Brandi Lecomte } /s/Brandi Lecomte (TYPE OR PRINT NAME OF DECLARANT) (SIGNATURE OF DECLARANT) EFS-020 [Rev. February 1, 2017] PROPOSED ORDER (COVER SHEET) Page 2 of2 (Electronic Filing) O©OON®U1-POOI\J-\ NNNNNNNNNAAAAAAAAAA mem-POONAOCOmNmU'I-POONA NORA FRIMANN, City Attorney (#93249) ARDELL JOHNSON, Assistant City Attorney (#95340) AARON YU, Deputy City Attorney (#304882) Office of the City Attorney 200 East Santa Clara Street San Jose, California 951 13 Telephone: (408) 535-1900 Facsimile: (408) 998-3131 Email Address: cao.main@sanjoseca.gov Attorneys for Petitioner, CITY OF SAN JOSE SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF SANTA CLARA UNLIMITED JURISDICTION CITY OF SAN JOSE, a municipal corporation, Petitioner, vs. ANTHONY LAWRENCE LEE, Respondent. CASE NO. 21 CV381425 (PROPOSED) ORDER OF DEFAULT (WELFARE & INSTITUTIONS CODE §8102) Respondent ANTHONY LAWRENCE LEE having failed to request a hearing in response to City of San José's Petition Re: Disposition of Weapons within 30 days of notice of the Petition, and more than 30 days having elapsed since its filing. IT IS HEREBY ORDERED: That the City of San José Petition for Order of Default is GRANTED due to Respondent's default; and That Respondent’s firearms, which the San José Police Department confiscated for (PROPOSED) ORDER OF DEFAULT Case Number: 21CV381425 1827445 XXXXXXXXX Filed August 26, 2021 County of Santa Clara Superior Court of CA Clerk of the Court 21CV381425 By: lnguyen O©OON®U1-POOI\J-\ NNNNNNNNNAAAAAAAAAA mem-POONAOCOmNmU'I-POONA safekeeping in the above-entitled matter, and further described below, shall be forfeited pursuant to Welfare and Institutions Code §8102. Firearms: 1. Ruger .357 caliber revolver (serial no. 17793222); 2. Six .357 caliber rounds (tag no. SJ332591-1); and, 3. Silver gun case with paperwork (tag no. SJ332591-3). IT IS SO ORDERED. DATED: JUDGE OF THE SUPERIOR COURT (PROPOSED) ORDER OF DEFAULT Case Number: 21CV381425 1827445 20 August 2021 Socrates Peter Manoukian Signed: 8/20/2021 04:16 PM