Default Not EnteredCal. Super. - 6th Dist.March 29, 202121CV381418 on 8/3/2021 2:52 PM Santa Clara-Civu Reviewed By: A. Villanueva Envelope: 6986827 chwanueva ATTORNEY OR PARTY WITHOUT ATTORNEY: STATE BAR NO: FOR COURT USE ONLY NAME: Port J. Parker, SBN 179256; Myles G. Taylor, SBN 298687 FIRM NAME: Parker Law Group Attorneys, APC STREET ADDRESS: 555 Capitol Mall. Ste. 1230 CITY: Sacramento STATE: CA ZIP CODE: 95814 TELEPHONE No: 91 6-995-0400 FAX NO : 916-668-5760 E-MAILADDRESS: port@par| ATTORNEY F0R(name): Bryan Carrera SUPERIOR COURT 0F CALIFORNIA, COUNTY OF Santa Clara STREET ADDRESS: 191 N. First Street MAILING ADDRESS: SAME cmr AND ZIP cone: San Jose. CA 951 13 BRANCH NAME: Downtown Superior Court PIaintiff/Petitioner: Bryan Carrera Defendant/Respondent: John Noori, et al. CASE NUMBER:REQUEST FOR E Entry of Default E Clerk's Judgment 210/3814“ (Application) E Court Judgment Not for use in actions under the Fair Debt Buying Practices Act (Civ. Code, § 1788.50 et seq.) (see CIv-105) 1. TO THE CLERK: On the complaint or cross-complaint filed a. on (date): March 29, 2021 b. by (name): Bryan Carrera c. E Enter default of defendant (names): John Noori d. D l request a courtjudgment under Code of Civil Procedure sections 585(b). 585(0). 989. etc., against defendant (names): (Testimony required. Apply to the clerk for a hearing date, unless the court will enter ajudgment on an affidavit under Code Civ4 Proc., § 585(d).) e. E Enter clerk'sjudgment (1) E for restitution of the premises only and issue a writ of execution on the judgment. Code of Civil Procedure section 1174(c) does not apply. (Code Civ. Proc., § 1169.)E Include in the judgment all tenants, subtenants. named claimants, and other occupants of the premises. The Prejudgment Claim of Right to Possession was served in compliance with Code of Civil Procedure section 415.46. (2) E under Code of Civil Procedure section 585(a). (Complete the declaration under Code Civ. Proc., § 585.5 on (he reverse (item 5).) (3) D for default previously entered on (date): 2. Judgment to be entered. oun m a. Demand of complaint ............. $ $ $ b. Statement of damages‘ (1) Special .................... $ $ $ (2) General .................... $ $ $ c. Interest ........................ $ $ $ d. Costs (see reverse) .............. $ $ $ e. Attorney fees ................... $ $ $ f . TOTALS ...................... $ $ $ g. Daily damages were demanded in complaint at the rate of: $ per day beginning (date): (" Personal injury or wrongful death actions; Code Civ. Proc., § 425. 1 1.) 3. E (Check if filed in an unlawful detainer case.) Legal document assistant or un wful d9 ' ' ation is on the reverse complete item 4). Date: August . 2021 Myles G. Taylor ’ (TYPE 0R PRINT NAME) FF 0R ATTORNEY FOR PLAINTIFF) FOR COURT (1) E Default entered as requested on (date): USE ONLY (2) D Default NOT entered as requested (state reason): Clerk. by . Deputy Pagn of: Commc w , 1, §m§°€25215°¥22fi$§m§§$oo REQUEST FOR ENTRY 0F DEFAULT '“ ’°°°°“'° fifii’fici‘giv [Rev January 1.20201 (Application to Enter Default) FILED County of Santa Clara Superior Court of CA Clerk of The Court 21CV381418 By: ychavez 08/03/2021 ychavezX Item1b - PLT name must match complaint ClV-100 CASE NUMBER: Plaintiff/Petitioner: Bryan Carrera 21CV381418 Defendant/Respondent: John Noori, et al. 4. Legal document assistant or unlawful detainer assistant (Bus. 8. Prof. Code, § 6400 et seq.). A legal document assistant or unlawful detainer assistantD did E did not or compensation give advice or assistance with this form. If declarant has received any help or advice for pay from a legal document assistant or unlawful detainer assistant, state: a. Assistant's name: c. Telephone no.: b. Street address, city, and zip code: d. County of registration: e. Registration no.: f. Expires on (date): 5. E Declaration under Code Civ. Proc., § 585.5 (for entry ofdefault under Code Civ. Proc., § 585(a)). This action a. E is E is not on a contract or installment sale for goods or services subject to Civ. Code, § 1801 et seq. (Unruh Act). b. E is E is not on a conditional sales contract subject to Civ. Code, § 2981 et seq. (Rees-Levering Motor Vehicle Sales i and Finance Act). ‘ c. E is E is not on an obligation for goods. services. loans. or extensions of credit subject to Code Civ. Proc., § 395(b). | 6. Declaration of mailing (Code Civ. Proc., § 587). A copy of this Request for Entry ofDefau/(was l a. E not mailed to the following defendants, whose addresses are unknown to plaintiff or plaintiff's attorney (names): b. E mailed first-class, postage prepaid, in a sealed envelope addressed to each defendant's attorney of record or, if none, to each defendant's last known address as follows: (1) Mailed on (date): 8/3/2021 (2) To (specify names and addresses shown on the envelopes): John Noori - 1295 E. Dunne Ave. Ste. 230 Morgan Hill. CA 95037 | declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of California that the fo ' 4 and 6 are true and Date: August 3, 2021 Myles G. Taylor ’ (TYPE 0R PRINT NAME) “mMcunmm 7. Memorandum of costs (required ifmoneyjudgment requested). Costs and disbursements are as follows (Code Civ, Proc.. § 1033.5): a. Clerk's filing fees .................... $ b. Process server's fees ................. $ c. Other (specify): $ d. $ e. TOTAL ............................. $ 0 f. D Costs and disbursements are waived. g. I am the attorney, agent, or party who claims these costs. To the best of my knowledge and belief this memorandum of costs is correct and these costs were necessarily incurred in this case. l declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of California that the foregoing is true and correct. Date: b (TYPE OR PRINT NAME) (SIGNATURE OF DECLARANT) 8. Declaration of nonmilitary status (required for ajudgment). No defendant named in item 1c of the application is in the military service as that term is defined by either the Servicemembers Civil Relief Act, 50 U.S.C. App. § 391 1(2), or California Military and Veterans Code sections 400 and 402(f). | declare under penalty of perjury underthe laws ofthe State of California that the foregoing is true and correct. Date: b (TYPE OR PRINT NAME) (SIGNATURE OF DECLARANT) C'V“°°IR°V January 1- 202°] REQUEST FOR ENTRY OF DEFAULT Pm 2°” (Application to Enter Default) PARKER LAw GROUP A9534 555 Capitol Mall Sgife 1230 Sacramento. ’ \OOOQONLh-th-d NNNNNNNNwi-Ir-t-‘r-Ar-t-ny-nu-np-a-I OOQO‘xKJl-war-‘OOOOQQUIAWNHO Port J. Parker, SBN 179256 Myles G. Taylor, SBN 298687 Kaitlyn M. Bigoni, SBN 308455 PARKER LAW GROUPATTORNEYS A Professional Corporation 555 Capitol Mall, Suite 1230 Sacramento, CA 958 14 Telephone: (91 6) 996-0400 Facsimile: (916) 668-5760 Attorneys for BRYAN CARRERA SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF SANTA CLARA BRYAN CARRERA, directly and derivatively Case No. 21CV38 1418 on behalf ofAXON DESIGN, INC., PROOF OF SERVICE Plaintiff, v. JOHN NOORI, an individual; AXON DESIGN INC., a California Corporation dba NTERRA GROUP; and DOES 1 through 50, inclusive, Defendants, Complaint Filed: March 29, 2021 and AXON DESIGN, INC., as a Nominal Defendant as to derivate claims PROOF OF SERVICE 1 PARKER LAW GROU P 230 Sacramento, CA 95814 555 Copifo. Mon, Sui?e .b \OMNONU‘I 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 COURT: Superior Court of California, County 0fSanta Clara CASE N0.: 21CV381418 CASE NAME: Carrera v. Noori, et al. I am a citizen of the United States, employed in the County 0f Sacramento. My business address is 555 Capitol Mall, Suite 1230; Sacramento, California 95814. Iam over the age of 1 8 years and not a party to the above-entitled action. I am familiar with PARKER LAW GROUP ATTORNEYS, APC’s practice whereby each document is placed in an envelope, the envelope is sealed, the appropriate postage is placed thereon and the sealed envelope is placed in the office mail receptacle. Each day's mail is collected and deposited in a U.S. mailbox at or before the close 0f each day’s business. On the date indicated below, I served the within: REQUEST FOR ENTRY OF DEFAULT X MAIL --- on the person(s)/entity(ies) listed below by causing a true copy thereof to be placed in a sealed envelope with postage thereon fully prepaid and deposited in the designated area for outgoing U.S. Mail addressed as follows: on the person(s)/entity(ies) listed below based on a court order or an agreement of the parties to accept electronic service, I caused the documents to be sent to the persons at the electronic service addresses listed below: John Noori 1295 E. Dunne Avenue Ste. 230 Morgan Hill, CA 95037 I declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of California that the foregoing is true and correct and that this Declaration is exec ed o August 3, 2021 at Sacramento, California. E. “3 Eryka Wato PROOF 0F SERVICE 2