Proof of Service Summons DLR CivilCal. Super. - 6th Dist.March 26, 202121CV381412 Santa Clara - Civil Attorney 0r Party without Attorney: ' For Court Use Only System System Arthur A. Navarette, Bar #159973 950 S. Bascom Avenue guite11113CA 95128 Electronically Filed an ose, b ' Telephone N0: 408 275-9500 FAXNo: 408 275-9131 FX.§-l:|peornlfo§acrglalréloafraCA’vvuu u , Ref. No. or File No.1 on 6/1 6/2021 3:44 PM Revue ed By: System System Case 21CV381412 Envel tpe: 6664446 Attorneyfor: Plaintiff Insert name ofCourt, and Judicial District and Branch Court: Santa Clara County Superior Court Plaintifit- Irma Soto Defendant: M & B Restaurants, lnc., et al PROOF OF SERVICE Hearing Date: Time: Dept/Div: Case Number: Summons & Complaint 21CV381412 I. At the time ofservice I was at least 18 years ofage and not a party t0 this action. 2. I served copies of the Summons and Complaint; Civil Lawsuit Notice; ADR Information Sheet; Civil Case Cover Sheet 3. a. Party served: Mike Boparai, an individual b. Person served: Mike Boparai 4. Address where the party was served: 2900 Bowers Avenue Santa Clara, CA 95051 5. I served the party: b. by substituted service. On: Tue., Jun. O 1 , 2021 at: 3:17PM I lefi the documents listed in item 2 with or in the presence 0f: Martha Rios, Person Apparently in Charge, Hispanic, Female, 45 Years Old, Brown Hair, Brown Eyes, 5 Feet 2 Inches, 150 Pounds (1) (Business) a Person in charge at least 18 years of age apparently in charge of the office or usual place of business 0f the person served. I informed him or her of the general nature 0f the papers. (4) A declaration of mailing is attached. (5) I attach a declaration of diligence stating actions taken first t0 attempt personal service. 6. The "Notice t0 the Person Served” (on the Summons) was completed asfollows: a. as an individual defendant 7. Person Who Served Papers: Recoverable Cost Per CCP 1033.5(a)(4)(B) a. Mariana Moreno d. The Feefor Service was: $65.00 b. Bender's Legal Service, Inc. e. I am: (3) registered California process server 1625 The Alameda (i) Independent Contractor Suite 511 (ii) Registration N0.: PSI654 San Jose, CA 95126 (iii) County: Santa Clara c. 408 286-4182. FAX 408 298-4484 (iv) Expiration Date: Fri, Jan. 14, 2022 8. I declare under penalty ofperjuty under the laws ofthe State of California that theforegoi g is true and correct. Date.- Wed, Jun. 02, 2021 / f J d'c'al Co n 'I For POS-OIO PROOF OF SERVICE ' ‘(Maf ana Moreno ' Rule 3.1'56.(a)&"b)c'Rev Jg'nuary l, 2007 Summons & Complaint ' ) nav.2/4229