Review Mediation StatusCal. Super. - 6th Dist.March 26, 2021SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF SANTA CLARA DOWNTOWN COURTHOUSE 19 1 NORTH FIRST STREET SAN JOSE, CALIFORNIA 95 1 13 CIVIL DIVISION Tionna Dolin Strategic Legal Practices APC 1840 Century Park East Suite 430 Los Angeles CA 90067 RE: Angelito Delmundo et al vs VOLKSWAGEN GROUP OF AMERICA, INC. et al Case Number: 21CV381404 NOTICE OF MEDIATION STATUS CONFERENCE The above entitled case has been referred to mediation per the parties’ stipulation. Within 20 days of the stipulation to mediation, the parties shall agree on a mediator and a mediation date. Within the same 20-day period, plaintiff’s counsel shall either complete and submit to the ADR Administrator the ADR Stipulation and Order form (Local Civil Rule 2(b)(2), available on the court’s website at www.scscourt.orq/forms and filinq/forms/cv-5008.Ddf. or shall submit the same information by letter. The parties may use the court referral service by contacting the ADR Administrator at (408) 882-2530 or by accessing the court website at http://www.scscourt.orq/court divisions/civi|/adr/searchadr/adr home.shtml. Parties may also make their own arrangements for a mediator, but must submit the name of the mediator and date of mediation within 20 days in any event. The Mediation Status Conference for the above entitled case is scheduled for February 17, 2022 at 10:30 AM in Department 2 located at 191 N. First Street San Jose California 95113. For further information, call the Calendar office at (408) 882-2100. If you, a party represented by you, or a witness to be called on behalf of that party need an accommodation under the American with Disabilities Act, please contact the Court Administrator's office at (408) 882-2700, or use the court’s TDD line, (408) 882-2690 or the voice/TDD California Relay Service, (408) 735-2922. DECLARATION OF SERVICE BY MAIL: | declare under penalty of perjury that | served this notice by enclosing a true copy in a sealed envelope, addressed to each person whose name is shown below, and by depositing the envelope with postage fully prepaid, in the U.S. Mail at San Jose, CA on August 30, 2021. Clerk ofthe Court, by Maria Sorum, Deputy. cc: Kim Shaun 555 S Flower ST Los Angeles CA 90071