Demand Jury TrialCal. Super. - 6th Dist.March 26, 20211 Notice of Posting Jury Fees Rivero v. San Jose Motosport; Case #21CV3813 77 PaulaM Shaw Marissa Nebenzahl Sinha Attorneys for Defendant SAN JOSE MOTOSPORT, INC. dba SAN JOSE BMW McDOWEL 24 DATED: September 3, 2021 25 26 27 28 21 Please take notice that Defendant SAN JOSE MOTOSPORT, INC. dba SAN JOSE BMW, 22 erroneously sued herein as San Jose Motosport, Inc. dba San Jose BMW Motorcycles, is hereby 23 posting jury fees in the above entitled action. I --------------- Defendants. 18 19 20 TO THE COURT CLERK AND TO ALL PARTIES: 15 BMW OF NORTH AMERICA, LLC dba BMW MOTORRAD, a Delaware limited liability 16 company; SAN JOSE MOTOSPORT, INC. dba SAN JOSE BMW MOTORCYCLES, a California 17 corporation; and DOES 1 to 10 inclusive, Action Filed: March 26, 2021 Trial Date: Not Set v. Plaintiffs, 13 14 No. 21CV381377 DEFENDANT SAN JOSE MOTOSPORT, INC. DBA SAN JOSE BMW'S DEMAND FOR JURY TRIAL WITH NOTICE OF POSTING JURY FEES 10 ESTATE OF RAUL BRAGANZA RIVERO, CARLA GARDNER, an individual; ANGELICA 11 RIVERO, an individual; ANA RIVERO, an individual; and RAPHAEL RIVERO, an 12 individual. SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF SANTA CLARA - UNLIMITED CIVIL JURISDICTION 8 9 1 Paula M. Shaw, Esq. [SBN 116946] Marissa Nebenzahl Sinha [SBN 251398] 2 McDOWELL SHAW GARCIA & PATTON 1655 N. Main Street, Suite 370 3 Walnut Creek, CA 94596 Tel.: (925) 210-1300 4 Fax" (925) 210-1366 Email: 5 6 Attorneys for Defendant SAN JOSE MOTOSPORT, INC. 7 dba SAN JOSE BMW 21CV381377 Santa Clara - Civil J. Ngo Electronically filed by Superior Court of CA, County of Santa Clara, on 9/7/2021 10:45 AM Reviewed By:J. Ngo Case #21CV381377 Env #7211669 25 California. David C. Shay, Esq. Siamak Vaziri, Esq. Alfonso Ortega, Esq. Seungjai Oh, Esq. V AZIRI LAW GROUP 5757 Wilshire Blvd., Suite 670 Los Angeles, CA 90036 Tel.: (310) 777-7540 Fax: (310) 777-0373 Email:; 22; 23 I declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of California that the foregoing 24 is true and correct and that this declaration was executed on September 7, 2021, in Walnut Creek, by sending a copy via electronic mail to the person( s) at the e-mail address( es) as set forth below. be sending a copy via Federal Express overnight delivery to the person(s) at the address(es) as set forth below. by sending a copy via Facsimile to the person(s) at the Facsimile number(s) as set forth below. by having a true copy thereof personally delivered to the person(s) at the address(s) as set forth below. 9 xx 10 11 12 13 14 15 xx 16 17 18 19 20 21 by placing a true copy thereof enclosed in a sealed envelope with postage thereon fully prepaid in the United States Post Office box at Walnut Creek, California, addressed as set forth below. 6 DEFENDANT SAN JOSE MOTOSPORT, INC. DBA SAN JOSE BMW'S 7 DEMAND FOR JURY TRIAL WITH NOTICE OF POSTING JURY FEES 8 2 I, Elizabeth Bates, declare as follows: 3 I am a citizen of the United States, I am over the age of eighteen (18) years and not party to 4 this action; and my business address is 1655 N. Main Street, Walnut Creek, CA 94596. 5 On the date set forth below, I served the within: 1 PROOF OF SERVICE Notice of Posting Jury Fees Rivero v. San Jose Motosport; Case #21CV3813 77 2 26 27 28