NoticeCal. Super. - 6th Dist.March 25, 2021ALFRED L RINALDO, JR. (SBN O64521) LAW OFFICES OF ALFRED L. RtNALDO, JR. 1754 TechnoIogy Drive, Suite 120- F San Jose, CaIifomia 95110 Telephone (408) 482- 8262 Atto「neys for Petitioner JIANMIN WANG SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF CAL肝ORNiA FOR THE COUNTY OF SANTA CLARA UN」IM看TED JURiSDiCTION APLUS CONS丁RUCTION COMPANY, a partne「Ship, Piaint冊, ) cas。N。. 21CV381326 凝議灘 NOTICE OF PETITION TO COMPE」 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 ) AGREEMENT DATED JUしY6, 2018; JIANM!N WANG, an individuaI; and DOES) AND TO STAY CIVIL AC丁寒ON PENDING 1-5言ncIusive, ) COMPLETiON OF MED看ATION AND ) ARB看TRAT10N Defendants, TIME: 9:00a,m. DEPT: 19 〉豊里: 9聖ber12夢2021 丁O ALL PARTiES AND TO THEIR ATTORNEYS OF RECORD: PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that on Octobe「 12, 2021, at 9二00 a.m. in Department 19 ofthe Santa Cla「a County Supe「io「 Court, located at 191 N. First St「eet, San Jose, NOTICE OF PE丁I丁iON TO COMPEL MEDIATION AND ARBITRATION; AND TO S丁AY CIVIL AC丁ION PENDiNG COMPLE丁ION OF MEDIA丁ION AND ARBITRA丁ION l Electronically Filed by Superior Court of CA, County of Santa Clara, on 9/16/2021 4:58 PM Reviewed By: A. Floresca Case #21CV381326 Envelope: 7283346 21CV381326 Santa Clara - Civil A. Floresca 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 間 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 CA 951 13, Petitione「 JIANMIN WANG w用Petition this court fo「 an order compe冊ng APLUS CONS丁RUCTION COMPANY, a Partne「Ship, tO mediate and arbitrate a= ciaims of ApIus Const「uction Company against Petitione「 Jianmin Wang, and to mediate and arbit「ate a= cIaims of Petitione「 Jianmin Wang against ReSPOndent Aplus Const「uction Company言ncIuding any b「eaches of cont「act, COnCeming the Home lmprovement Construction Agreement dated JuIy 6' 201 8) befo「e the Ame「ican Arbit「ation Association under its Const「uction lndust「y A「bjtration Rules, aS P「OVided in Pa「ag「aph 22 ofthe Home -mp「ovement Const「uction Ag「eement dated July 6’2018; and for an o「der staying Civi- Action 28CV381326 pending completion of the mediation and a「bit「ation. This petition w用be based on this Notice of Petition, the Memo「andum of Points and Autho「ities fiIed in Support of this Petition, the DecIa「ation of Alf「ed L Rinaido’Jr. fi看ed in Support of this Petition, the pleadings and other pape「S On file in this action) and the argument and documents presented at the hea「ing of this petition. Dated: SEP 16, 2021 LAWOFFICES OF ALFRED L. RINALDO, JR. NOTICE OF PETITION TO COMPEL MEDIA丁ION AND ARBiTRATION; AND TO STAY CIVIL ACTION PENDING COMPLETION OF MEDiATION AND ARBITRA丁ION 2 1 2 3 4 5 !l action; my b詣言ここら二品議了s㍉1754 Tec后uoIogy Drive, S証e 120- F・ San Jose, CA 6 7 APLUS CONSTRUCTION COMPANY V, JIANMtN WANG SANTA CLARA COUNTY SUPER-OR COURT ACTION NO" 21CV381326 PROOF OF SERVICE l am overthe age ofeighteen yea「s and not a party to the within entitied _ . -〇、 〇. 」 《ノヽ ○○ ′ヽ _臆_ - _ _ _ ′“ヽ ^ 95110 On Septembe「 16, 2021, l served the within NOTICE OF PETITION TO COMPEL APLUS CONSTRUCTION COMPANY TO臆 臆 _〇〇 〇 __ -一一○○ . ● 〇〇〇 〇 〇 〇〇〇 ● "i 〇〇〇〇、〇- 〈ヽ 〇〇〇○○●○ ○●○○ 〃i「〇一 10 11 21 22 on the parties in said action, by the fdilowing means二 [] (BY MAIL)臆Py pIacing.中rue copy thereof encIosed,jn f㌢空理-e早竺聖宝聖叫 Leon E, Jew: leon,jew@dahyee"COm 訓諾謙豊智盤豊矧苗措蕊譜霊霊蕊譜悪豊 25 26 27 28 Dated: Septembe「 16, 2021 PROOF OF SERVICE