DeclarationCal. Super. - 6th Dist.March 25, 2021\DOOQONUl-bUJNr- NNNNNNNNNr-tr-tr-tr-tr-tr-tr-tr-tr-tr-t OOQONUl-hUJNi-‘OKDOOQONUl-bUJNi-‘O 21 CV381 326 Santa Clara - Civil LEON E. JEW (SBN: 219298) DAYHEE LAW GROUP 5776 Stoneridge Mall Road, Suite 288 Pleasanton, CA 94588 Telephone: (925) 463-3288 Fax: (925) 463-3218 Attorney for The Company APLUS CONTRUCTION COMPANY SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF SANTA CLARA UNLIMITED CIVIL JURISDICTION APLUS CONTRUCTION COMPANY , a partnership, Plaintiff, VS. JIANMIN WANG, an individual; and DOES 1-5, inclusive, Defendants. I, Leon Jew, declare follows, 1. I am the Attorney duly licensed to practice law in the State of California and the attorney 0f record for PlaintiffAPLUS CONTRUCTION COMPANY. 2. Exhibit A is the Original Contract entered between the Parties. Electronically Filed by Superior Court of CA, County of Santa Clara, on 9/28/2021 3:24 PM Reviewed By: A. Floresca Case #21 CV381 326 Envelope: 7357443 Case N0. 21CV381326 DECLARATION OF LEON JEW IN SUPPORT OF PLAINTIFF’S OPPOSITION TO DEFENDANT’S PETITION TO COMPEL MEDIATION AND ARBITRATION DATE: Oct. 12, 2021 TIME: 09:00 a.m. DEPT. 19 DECLARATION OF LEON JEW A. Floresca \OOOQQUl-bUJNH NNNNNNNNNr-tr-tr-tr-tr-tr-tr-tr-tr-tr-t OOQQUIAUJNHOKOOOQQUI-bUJNHO 3. Exhibit B, which titled “Changed Order”, but also state “New Contract”, was a New Agreement entered between the Parties dated 01/ 1 0/2020 Date: September 28, 2021 025“er LEON E. JEW Attorney for APLUS CONTRUCTION COMPANY 2 DECLARATION OF LEON JEW \DOOQONUl-bUJNr- NNNNNNNNNr-tr-tr-tr-tr-tr-tr-tr-tr-tr-t OOQONUl-hUJNi-‘OKDOOQONUl-bUJNi-‘O EXHIBIT A 3 DECLARATION OF LEON JEW 電⑨障常 HOME m傭)ROVEMENT CONSTRUCTION AGREEMENT 巾偏agreement (個e Agreement”) is entered lnto, On the date ofthe 6 daγ Of川NE , 2018事he 〃E純ctive Date〃), by and between Contractor : APLUS CONSTRUCHON COMPANY at address of l 142 D] NÅPOLI DRIV且SÅN JOSE. CÅ 95129 (〃 the Contractorつand Ow鵬r; JRANMIN 遡坐喧at add記SS Of2018 MENDOCINO叫SAN 」asE, CA 95124 (当he Owne拘Whose pr画v address is 5087 TATRA DRIVE, SAN 」OSE, CA 95136. The A即eem帥t wi= take e飾ect immediately as the Con舶ctくけand the Owner sIgn the Agreement, 富he Co皿t鶴亀ctOr重調冊富m種鱈0耽 The Contractor: AP坦JS COP岬ntact Name: BIYrNG HH Address 51 86 MORIuS WAY, FREMENT, CA 94536 剛肌e Nり細雨 C鏡l Phone N脚血408・7187086 Email Address: KENT3322@GMAIL.COM 鵬c餌縫N鵬b珊996089 An doouments can be sent to血e above address. 「皿e Owner Information: OⅥrm Nane: JIÅNMIN WANG Addres8: 2108 M勘ⅧroCICQ..EN, City: SAN臆JQ豊里S同te: CAL町ORN書生Zip:坐塑 Day Phone Nurfu鎚2T989些重出葛Cell Phone Number:趣堕 Em副Address: WJM8@YAHOO,COM All doouments can be sent to theねove edd鳩ss. l・ HOME IMPROVEMENT CONSTRUCTION SITE AND ADDRESS 藷羅i造詣 2. DESC間門ION OF THE PIr調ECTI MATERmAL? WORK AND EQU皿MENT The Cbntractor win fumish la融, mated哩eq巾pnut s叩ervision. prqiect m蘭genent and contract administration to compl的the剛owing: Remodeling, altera鎚的and eddition congtruction to home of’血e Owner, located at the Site md Addres8伸e `軸巧ect'男as described by sct forth herein鵬Work Details ,紬d by鵬dr州ings, docunents紬d ca軸ationぐⅦ1e Design Dooumen曾’) pr印arcd by Thomas Huankuo Liu, Licen§e# C1 41 74 and Evedisto P. Ou冊ral, Licen§e# C69478/S5447, dated and listed in APPENDIⅩ A珊e Design Documerit listed jn the APPENDIX A are inc叩O鳩ted in弧d made a part ofthis Contract' T鵠materials and equipment to be used in the cons加Ction ofthe PrQject are d的ribed more紬Iy in the印ecifications ofthe D鎧ign Document. Page宣0f調 work Deta軸s! The Contractor agrees to complcte the剛owing wo庇for each stage with §chedule in order to compl鏡e冊e Prqiect. 喜市 �S書種ge, �WORKDE丁AlしSD購C則PTON:TheCont鴫CtO「PrOVides �To書種賞 鳳 �St暮富lD種te, �IaborandmatehaltocompIetefollowIngwork.1f No �Co血中e心強D種te, �mate南lisprov!dedbytheOwne車hematerialw鮒be D叫r種蹄o皿 �SPeC胴edbelow 1 �Demol弛o皿 �a.DemoIishallexterlorandinter書orstructure, �15,000.00 Sta請07Ilα2018 �includingwalしfloo「pIpesconcreteetc.inorderto Co職p霊e触 �compIetecon§truCtlonaccordlngtotheOe§同and 0〃2512018 �Documents. D町議o請:15d紗S �b.Demollshex溺れg航e「iorきe臨g§andw鵡. c.DemoIi§hPartofexterior§tuCCOflnlch. d.Sawcuttheexistln8COnCreteSlabfootlngforthe newadditionperpぬns. e.RemovePartOfexistinglawn,tree§,COnCreteon ProPe巾↓andlandscapefo「thenewfoundatlonper plans. f.Contracto「叩wideRedwoodDebrlsbox g.Removefloori掴vingroom,andpartialwali betweenkitchenanddining. h.Removecabinetlngarage 2 �Foundation �a。Excavatlon,fom!ngthefoundatlo叩e「foundatton �35,000.00 St輝競:07I2u2018 �plan. Co劃plcte: �b.1nstaIIa旧elnfoI.cedbar,anChorboは,and§impson 08I12I2018 Dひ融ion;20d叩S �holdowns 3 �陣ming �a.Rough同00rframing,in§t訓New3x4P,T.Mud‘§ill �45,000.00 S書調t:08I重312018 �Withtie-dow串間t訓S面PSOnStrong-Wallperpians. Co鵬pl鳴 �b.lnst副a冊loor,WaIlandce航gframlngper 0針重2I2018 �Stru龍u輪iplans, Duration:30days �C.In§ta冊IIS面psonsteelstrap§′OSBsheathingfor訓 shea手W副perstluCturalplans. d.1nstaIlaIIwindows,SI輔噂doorsandFrenchdoor, !nte「io「andexteriorwlndo¥可doortrim佃Sing includingreplacingexistIngwindow§anddoors(no grldwindowsofnewadditlonareprovldedbythe Cont胸cto鴨andwindowsfo「repIaclngexisting WIndows,Slidlngdoors,entrydoorandF「enchdoor areprovldeclbytheOwner.) pageまof宣4 e.Bu肘anewb8throom(3印nseCOndf100㌦and � fra面ngoflstfloor. f,FramingofenthehouseacoordingtotheDes!gnand Documents. 4 �P血重心bi機g S請;08/2512018 �Rough・inPIumblng(Labor+Mate問I)画stal剛new �30,000.00 ′′PVC,′(ABS)wastepipeandvent,in§talInew%〃 Co調かle陥 9偲α2018 �diameterhotandcoid∞PPerPIppingwItha=pIpe InsuIationf「omwatermeteratCurbsldeandgaspipe Dur誼on:25days �fromgasmete「Pe「Planiforentl「ehouse' 5 �駁〇〇億ic種l �Rough・ln割ect「ical: �22,000・00 Sta請;08I2512018 �a.DemoII§h訓existingknobandtubeelectrlcaIw柵g′ Co裏町1e晦: 09120I2018 �b・UpgradeexistIngmainpane置fromlOOamptonew 200ampmaInserviceIinst訓§ub-PanelperelectrIcal Du掛Iio虹;25da昨 �pIaれ. c.lnstaIIaIlneweIectricalwlre,OutIets,reCeSSed l印tingorce柵gIights,andswitches(DecroaWhite Standard)fora冊athrooms,bed「ooms,family′ kitchen,bathroom§,liv!ngdining,haIIway声nt「yand garageareas.(TheOwnerp「ovides嶋htsfixture) d.1nstalIexter10rlights, e.I鵬tall副directrv-HDCodeoutIetsforaIl bedrooms川ving,dininga肥さS.(丁heowne「provlde cablematerialofdirectrv-HDCode) 6 �Me劇18鵬io狐 �Rough-1nMechanlcal: �18,000.00 §ta請:08佗α2018 �a.鵬moveex闘hg細「旧le. Comp宣働き: �b.lnstaI12newlOO,000耽uFumaceperplan.Onefo「 0卯20018 �flrstfloo「andtheotherfor2ndfloor. D地軸io虹:25d坤S �c.1nstaIl訓du(鳩andvenetothewholehouse, d.1nsta112newA/C..Oneforfirstfloorandtheother for2ndfloo「. e.mstalI2tanklesswate「heaters.Onefo「flrstfloo「 andtheotherfor2ndfioor. f.lnstaIltwothe「mocontrol§O両stfIoortocontrol temperatu「eoffirstfIoorand2ndfloorseparately Pさgeさ0f14 7 �In測地慣on �lnstal周ewlns南tlonfo「e雨rehouse,lncludingNew �8,000.00 St糾t:0班α2018 �R.互3wa旧nsulatIon,R-19torth印ar的Iflo〇両鵜OIn Comロlete: 09I27I2018 Duration:7days �theattic.(融or+Mate「勘andtworoamswa順一13 on2ndfloor 8 �重競e宣orWa皿 �Inst利光type〃x′′dypsumW訓board,taPingand �17,000.00 S働巾:1α3α2018 �textureforthewhoIeinterlorofthehouse.(CoれtraCtor Complete: 1重/14俄O18 D耽読o虹:15days �WiIIprovIdeallmaterlaIs+Iabor) 9 �ExteriorWall �Stucco軸ish-New7/8,′thlck(3coats〉5tuCco惰nlshfor �18,000.00 St狐を:10I1512018 �e同rehouse.1nst訓allexte「lordoorcさslng/trlmand Co叫l鏡e: 10βα2018 DⅧa叔m:15d吋S �Wihdow働§時頼鵬 10 �Pa血血g �ExteriorPaintlng,lnter!orPa嗣ngofthewhoIehou§e. �15,000.00 Sta競11115俄018 �(Contracto「wmprovldea時日In鵬coats).TWoCOlo鳩 Co創plcte: 宣1I3α2018 D心証on:15da叩 �forinteriorw訓andcelIlngs 11 �R○○】証g �a.1nsta冊ew%〃0§BSheat輔IlgW柵301bbuilding �18,000.00 Stai融09催舵018 �PaPerforenthehouse. Co調ple書e; �b.New(ClassA)帥eratedA印haItShingleroof 1α1512018 �throughout.(Contractorw紺provldeRoofSh朗t師hgs D競融on;25da昨 �40γearSguarantee,AsphaIt).W肌useIightconcrete 刷efo川oo軸g,(TheOwnerwilIpaydl能rence between4Oyearearsgua館nteeA§Phalt§hingles (さbout$300/100sq龍!et)andOwnerselectedroof ma瞭「lal)above5ま80関. 12 �FinishIhtedor �a.lnstalla旧nteriordoo「s,doorca§ing,W弧dow �8,000.00 St利点12/01伍O18 Comple書e: 12βα2018 Du劇ion:30da準 �tr小Icasing,doorknobs,andlock§ ね呂e 4 of宣4 13 �Fi心血i鵬e五〇富of �a.1nstallcera面c刷efloorandwall(TheOwne「W胴 �7,000.00 allba血r○○ms �provldetile)ofa帖athraoms. §ta高12IOl成O重8 C側叩l鏡e: 12I30I2018 D∬a鯖on!30day5 �b.lnstaiI訓坤um師g触ures・Cabinets’mlrrors・ lavatory".CtC.aCOOrdingtoplansmeOwnerW航 sup帥allfinishplumblngf柾u「e胆rallbathroom$‘ c.1nstalla冊terio「doo4doorcasing′doorknoband lock.(CIIentwlll§uPP寒yalldoorknobandlock) 14 �Fi血shKitden Start:12IOl/2018 Co劇p職e: 12I30俄018 Dm撮ion:30d鶴ys �a而Sta冊itcheれCabinetsperca胡netslayout・ �8,000.00 b,lnsta帰i博tchenappliance§,Outletsandswitches‘ Hookupdlshwasherandgarbagedispo§al,andductlng fo「thestovehood.(Clientw時rovlde訓cabinets, 叩p固n亡es...etC.) c.lnstallcablne串OuntertOP,Sink,さPPlねnceand 働xtureinga陶gelrePねcesidedoorofgarage. d両sta=#thlckCDXplywoodsheathingforalIbase cabinetsbeforeinstaIigra柵ecounte「toP. e.lnstaIikitche吊siand f.Inst訓kltchentiIes g.m§書己llki章che調約〇両g 15 �Finish血t跡io富種t �a.lnsta"5%:min.baseboardatIiving,dinIngand �7,000.00 耽読皿g調o調, Diningroomand �famftyroomandkItchen b両StallcrowれmOldingatlivingroomandd!而groom 青郷nily恥om Sta競:12/Oま俄018 �andkitchen c.1nsta"hardwoodflooring(TheOwnerw紺sub.out Complete: 12I3α2018 �materねi$ContraCtO「ProVideslabor) d,Remodelexistingflreplace(lfthestructu「eof Du京種tion:30da叩 �fjreplacewilInotbechanged) 16 �則心血粗1 �a.1nsta帰Il(finish)outlets,SWitches,reCeSSedllghtlng �5,000.00 b節季的o調8 �cove「′heatingregisterIimOkedetectorIcarbon Sta轟:12IOl12018 �monoxideaIarm.(TheOwnerwl‖suppIya"細Sh C飢叩1e晦: 12I3012018 �IighthgcovehSmokedetecto㌦CarboれmOnOXide alarm,dimme「sw鵬hesandface-PIates) D調融on:30days �b.Inst訓woodfIoorsofa冊edrooms,haIIwayand stairsonlstfloorand2ndfloo「. Page与0fま4 17 �Fixa11issues �a.Fixi総uesrepo競edoninapection櫛po競 � r申請edo直 in$pe○的n坤o轟 Co章噌霊e鳩: 07伯5俄018 Du融on江5d櫨雌 �b,Sidewalk紬dpavc狐entsurroundingthehouse 18 � � � 19 � � � 20 � � � TotalConstruC置ionCost �276う000.00 3. CON富職AC富P取【C脇 皿e OⅧ髄血亜p寄y C飢血那加虹髄喰見離遭軌皿〇時獅・側血中丁WO叩哩畢 宣塑哩NTY SI茎THOUSAND臆t握聖的e ``Contraof Pri∞りfor the wo庇to be pedbmed and compledng the Prqject by S弧Jose City approved plan and later plan担justrnelit under血e Agrce請e巧§咄廟的additio購and deductions p聞晒mttO cha唯e ord餅s agreed叩on in writing by the Owner and the Contractor. The Co血act Pri∞ W削be paid by血e Owne両0瓜e CotltractOr by dow請payment and progress payme血The Owner wm issue lO99 Fo肌tO血e Cont融加r for all payments made to血e Co加rack肌 4. DOWN醐T TIle Down payment is $ 1.000.00 USD. ONE HUND随D THOUSAND USD, W鳳血is 開講励めぬe節気i鴫t劃moot p叫調合血 Page 6 0f宣4 5. SCHEDULE OF PROGRESS PAYM珊 皿e Owner agrees to pay the Contractor by inst。血ents at beginning of each stage’at 50% of progress of each stage・ after inspection・ and軸r窮nal inspection is approved as the剛owing $C鵬d鵬. 重te鵬 �S暢ge �P坤men章 �富録y調切直 �P種y調cnt �すot種1 �冒ota書 No ��Due寄書 �Due種書 �DueA倣うr �A請e富5% Reg細れ血g �50% �仇e �D色d皿傭io皿 Of �PrOg富eS3 �賞n§pe融0 �着br胃血種喜 con$機軸c債0 n ��n �mspec働0 n Down P叩調鳩鵬 �$重,000.00 � � �$l,000.00 �$1,000 l �Demolition �$4,433.33 �$4,433.33 �$4,傭3.綿 �$13,300.0 0 �$14,000 2 �Foundation �$1重,083.鵜 �$=,083.33 �$11,083.3 3 �$33,250.0 0 �$3争000 3 �京糊ning �$賞4,250.00 �$14,250.00 �$14,250.0 0 �$俄,750.0 0 �$45,000 4 �Plu血bing �$9,500.00 �$9,500.00 �$9,500.00 �$28,500.0 0 �$30,000 5 �EIcct血cal �$6,966.67 �$6,%6.67 �$6,966.67 �$20,タ00.0 0 �$22,000 6 �Me額la昂ca l �$5,700.00 �$3,700.00 �$5,700.00 �$17,100.0 0 �$18,000 7 �I鵬ul如ion �$2,5綿.33 �$2,綿3.綿 �$2,綿3.33 �$7,600.00 �$8,000 8 �I請cIior W血1 �$5,383.33 �$5,3綿.33 �$5,3綿.33 �$16,150.0 0 �$17,000 9 �Bx融o章 W孤l �$5,700.00 �$5JOO.00 �$5,700.00 �$17,100.0 0 �$置8,000 10 �Pa輔ing �$4,750.00 �$4,750.00 �$4,750.00 �$宣4,250.0 0 �$15,000 11 �R○○範ng �$5,700,00 �$5,700.00 �$5,700.00 �$17,100.0 0 �$18,000 12 �Finish 血te轟or �$2,5鵜.33 �$2,533.33 �$2,533.鵜 �$7,600.00 �$8,000 Pa鯵70f紬 $7,000 13 �耽れish i加餌i耽Of 孤l b社服○○皿§ �$2,216.67 �$2,216.併 �$2,216、67 �$6,650.00 14 �蹄血sh Kit額le調 �$2,533.鵜 �$2,5綿.33 �$2,綿3.33 �$7,600.00 �$8}000 15 16 17 �Finiくれ 喜融Or如 Living 重○○調) Dini孤g 調Oma調d 励調ily Roo耽 � � �$6,650.00 �$6,650.00 �$7,000.00 聯調細事皿 bed調Om3 � � �$4,150.00 �$4,750.00 �$5,000.00 Fix軸l is§ue§ 呼o舶don i競spcc債調 重印o証 � � � � � 18 �Å鮎r撮n証 in§pe血on, p開nit si唯ed � � �$13,750.0 0 � � 富ol確 �$84,283 �$83ま83 �$108鼻33 �綿6左z50 �繊76.000 ● � � � 6.細田N競取賞」EASE The Cont輪ctor agrees to sign dooulnentS OfくくCon‘胱onal Waiver And Rele的e On Progres§ paymen唖d ・Walver And Release On Hinal Payn調理rior to being paid by the Ormer. The Owner cha11 not be required to make any餌血er payment to the Contractor unt胴he Contractor provides仇e Owner with馳unOOnd蝋onal waiver and lien release documents 8igned by血e Con億actor for correspondent payment. 7. PAYMENT METHOD AND INVOICE The Cont融or will issue iAVOice to the Owner for each payme請. The invoice provides請e 剛叩i唯i組めm揃on; p尋鯵80f宣4 (a) Work co皿Pleted, mate融pl血rased’Or Other purposes ofpayment for; や) Narne(s), address and oontact in励mation of sub∞ntraCtor僻) vendorO or ofher (C) Date o醐iv叩of調aterial or services by subcontra融(s) or vendor(s) or other paye鎧; 付) Spe繭ation and quantities ofmaterial or wo血desol坤tion perfemed and date period; 組d ㊥ Unite price弧旺融l amouut ofthe invoice. The Owner血ould pay the Confroctor by d矧k timdy after receive i∬00ice accord血g to the Agreement‘ The Contractor has obligation to pay ifes subcon触融(卵nd its supplier即mcty' The Owner has ri卸v to issuejoiut check to the qontractor arr鵬subcontracto垂) or its suppfier(卵n order to ensure細I p叩Ient made to its stocontractor(s)' 8. S甘AR富賞NG DA甘闘 Construction ofthe PrQject will start by血e day of lOth of JULY, ZO18. 9. COMLETING DATE 珊e Prg蒔ct §hould be totally completed by血e day of 15Th oF JANUARY・ 2019 10. COMPLE冒ION AND DEL霊V闘RY OF THE PROJECT Complefron and Delivery o弛e Prviect is de航ned as ∞l巾etion of (ゆe揃鳩00n如意c章ion of瓜e P塙帥t; @) all items ofAPPENDIX A and change orders, and 811 iuspections w肌chy approval; and (C)ぬe Owner signs Completion卿d Acc印tance docun鈎t after walk throu軌inspection by 血e Ownen The date when the OⅥ肌er Signs the Completion 8nd Acc?PtanCe docunent is 血e date of completion and d融very of the prqject (くくthe Completion Datの. The Owner has ri劇v to hireぬird party inapector to conduct inspeetion in process ofthe P塙e○t. 11. SCH闘DULE OF WORK ’m8 Contractor shall with血a r餌son的le time fo1lowing the St餌ing Date provide a schedule Outl血血g血e捌l〇両ng: (a)血e sequence ofta額購and血e duration ofeach task; の瓜e dates ofcity inspection, and the work, ta§k, in8tallation, Or delivered services to be in紘)ect鞠 (o dcadlines for Owner,s dedsions on matchal selectio鳩;弧d page90fま4 ㈲ tl鳩PrOPOSed dates for delivery of material8 12. MATR榔AL?馴ⅩTU随AN。 APmIANCE PIroV皿ED BY THE OWN服 1.血l関血1i出航t鴫購 2.拙めo重出心b軸綿1○○k. 3.袖p宣Ⅷnbing五抽調鳩 4. au v inyl windows) Sliding doors’French doors and front entry doorg for replacing 鍬i§ti唯doo聴聞血wi組dow8・ 5. dl cabinets for kitchen, ba血的OmS and o鳳er sto船ge. 6.拙蛙仕れ軸坤西独ce・ 7.励め昭e disposal, range I stove hood串t water dispenser. 8.帥融e c飢曲調謝一同p競龍t加肌珊d b細的OmS・ 9. hndwood血00ring. 重0.仙e組o(扇ng・ 1 1 , all finish固血g cove串mOke detec頼, dirmer switche§・ 12. b館e bo軸d 13. I,嘉ST OF DOCUMENTS INCORPORATED INTO THE AG則随MENT The following doouments are incoprated iuto tho Agreement and mede a pa血f the Agreement. (a) The Home Improvem融Cons加ction Agreement @) Change ord餅s agreed by the Cont調ctor孤d the Owner (dy The’Design Dooume血s in APPENDⅨ A (d) All ``Cond随onal Walver Amd Relea§e On耽ogress Paymenr and ``Waiver And Release On H血al Paymen曾, signed by the Cou血ac If Or Other payees 14. REPRESENTATION BY THE CONTRACTOR The Owner has reported to Contractor all conditio雌血own to Owner w址ch may not be appareut to contractor and which mi軸signifi開叫inerease cost ofthe Wbtk or delay oomp畑ion. These concealed conditions include) all edsting con鵬on§ Of血e building and血e lot of血e Site and Address, but are not ]imited to, ha捌rds on the Sito and Address, un$uita心1e soil ∞nditions, Prior Defective Work of others, late鵬Defects in血e Design Docmen扉ts Pl劃s or Spec脆cations, endier attempts to do Sinilar or rctated Wo塙紳rd '調igati側s impooed by govemment. 劇場Contrac同r and its sul co直actors agree: (ゆ融晦珊瑚SOn如青y n閃弼調y約捌y p鳩c靴書ions, a)) all whas.血oontractor8 and血e Contractor are oov粥d by su硫cie龍弧d e罰l融ve insurance with their own oblig融ons and cost. P3ge宣Oof宣4 の棚ke r印orts to the Owner ofany i画vdes or haznd§ On瓜e Property (d) co叩ly with a11 applicable l卿s, Ordinances, regrhations,紬d orders issued by a public 劃ぬo正的Ⅵ血融跡椅d軸al, st細,帥1○○寄l・ ㊥ fumi血all博quired safety equipl脚t and ensure拙ofit$ emPIoyees and sul)contraCtOus’ empIoyees have and wear personal protective equipme血compliance wi血apptioable Sa統y重的ui捌ne舶. 15. CHANGE ORDER OF THE PROJECT The Co血actor is unthorized to mcke minor ch紬g鴇in the Wbck which are in血e interest of 血e Own部, do not materially alter血e qu膚fty or perfoman∞ Ofthe Wbrk, and do not a糊紺 血e cost or time of perfomance,紬d cor岬ly with applicable Law8’codes, Ordinanoes and 岬gulatious. CoⅢtractor Will inform the Owner of crd minor change made in血e Wo庇 A Change Order should be prepared in writing and signed by血c Coutractor and血e Owner prior to comn則CCmut Of any Wock covered by血e now Change Order wheI‖叩ior dr弧ge ofwo血is neoessary靴血cost ofwork ch弧ge§ as Well. The Change Order劇st deschbe the scope ofchange卿d wock needed)血e cost to be added or subtractcd from the contract’and 血e e餓舶血e order will have onぬo schedule ofprogres§ payments, All Change ord㈱ are ParC Ofぬe A蹟eem開t. 16. MECHANIC?S L重EN WA則N賃NG The Co血actor ag嶋関to provide the Owner with list of all血e料ocontractors and material S叫Plie鳩that Wo庇On the PrQject.血case血at s巾co融摘o鰐or S岬哩e膳or l狐o附S i§Sue Or intend to issue mechanic,8 1ien waming agalnst the Owner dre to ddaysd or u町aid payme血 Cau8ed by血e Contractor’s fault,血e Contracfor h綿oblig如fon to resolve probl餌1S and make Payment immedi露dy, 17, INSURANCE, NOT嘉CE OR DOCUMENT 珊e Co血actor agrees to puchase測龍cient illSuranee POlicies and pos雷ess required licenses for the PrQject,卿d to provide the Owner the documents set here below, and agrees to cany e雛ective insur蘭ce pofroies during endre p敬iod of the Pr可ect, and send no龍e or doc脚eut to the Owner timdy. The Co虹actor is li轟ble龍m its workers and sut)cOntractO冒s i亘yury or accidents during血e prQject. The Contractor agrees血at血e Owner has no any鳩印on§ibility and Obligation for紬y l卿ury or acCid融dr血g血e Prqjech (a) Wo虎er Compens誼on hs鵬n∞: Contractor丸all cary e鮎ective wo瓦e舟compensation insurance during whole construcfron pefrod ofthe Pr句eet, Copy ofthe poliey should be a舶血塊書o瓜e A邸eeme巾 (b)慨mmercial General Liability m餌ぬnee. Copy ofthe policy should be劇ached to血e A執制ne巾 (うMe血a証c,s鵬孤Wa調ing (dy General contmcfror license. If the lice鵬holde正s a corporation, LLC or p8血ership, Page宣1 of富4 provide血e虹ic-e ofentity. Cbpy ofthe poliey chould be attached to the Agreement. (匂Driver license ofthe holder ofthe general co加Otor license・ Copy ofthe license s的uld be attached to the Agreeme加. ㈹ W9 fom鯨両x rdated documents. W9 st10uld be拙ached to the Agre孤弧 ㊥ Con龍雨0塙Boa競Notice・ 18. LATE COMPLET霊ON PENALTIESI ALLOWED DELAY ANT) NOTICE 18.1 Penalties. If血e Contractor脚s to complete the P喧ct by血e Completion Date the contrachor agl梯S触the Owner win have su鮪red damag鏑and agrees that血e co血actor Shall pay Owner liquldated d調ages at a rate of$150 per dny. The pa脆es Bgree that liquidated danages are not a pen恥y but rather a reasonable estimate o弛e 紬脚uut Ofdamages也e Own償would料飾er in the eveut of dday 18.2 AIIowable Delay, When dchy is o紺§ed by reason beyond Contractor’s reasonable control, including danage c珊sed by紐e or other c鵜ualty, Strikes, force m砧eue events, or weaぬer cond鵬o雌, the dday is dermed allowable d劇即Wherc there i§孤拙ow如]e d轟y then血e Complefron Date §hall be extended for a period equivalent to the tine lo§t by reason of su瓜d劇のy. 18.3 Notice of Allowable Delay. The Contractor mus岬ovide notice to血e Owner in writing in advance ofits le劃ming ofan Allowa鵬Delay 8nd infom the Owner ofthe addifronal time鳩quired to be added to血e Completion Date. The addifronal days chall be ngreed upon by tl鳩parties purs脚融tO a Glange Order. 19. WA則陣AN富Y The Contractor wa調劃鵬that the Wock ca血ed out in accordance w細山is Agre孤ent shall be free from mat壷al struotu職I de罷cts, The Con億actor agrees血at foundation and fr純血g and roofhave warraflty Period ofTen year§; Smc∞鮒rd windows have wa調anty Pe血od of Five years; and a皿other wo血perfomed, SerViced ddivered, material and equipment Purchased珊d inst拙ed on the Site and Addres§ for the PrQject have w卸間nty Period ofOne year, Starting from瓜e Completion Date of血e Prqject. The Contractor agree8 uPOn nOti∞ provided within the wal間nty period by the Owner or inspectors of any defect or issues of血e Work and M融provided by瓜e Co血ac加〕 to resOlve狐y i請ue or mcke r印融rs to defect by perfoming reworiG ra叩nng Or坤lacing material or equipment without any charg吟tO the Ow重Ier. Ifissue or defeof is cansed by wo轟u or service perfomed by the Contractor,s s同uont隠Ctor Or its supplier, the Con帥ctor sti11 has則1 responsib誰ty to resolve issue and fix de鯨加without any charge to the Owner during the w劃a競y Pedod.調Ie Ow則境うs responsible for the issues caused by瓜e Matedal provided by血e Ownen Pさ幹重富of糾 20. PRODUCT VⅣA職RANTI聯5 Any and a11 prodrcl wa請anties, a絶deemed assigned from Co劇actor to Owner. 2l. T聞tMINATION 21.1冒ermin調on by OwneI. fo富Cau§e:皿e Owner wi11 provide the Co融actor with l O c血endar d種ys notice to oure my de免調It under血is Agreement inchding but not I血血ed to: (a)統Iure to provide su蹄cient maferials or labor @)魚ilure to皿ake due payme血to subcontractors; の鮒ure to comply with a11 app耽able laws or guidelines ㈲ fai重ure to provide Owner,岬On職印est wi血evidence ofAc血al Costs or evidence也at 血e Compl融on Date is likdy to be mct Where the def緬lt i8 nOt oured by the expi重γ Of伽e notice血e Owner is entitled to te調inate 血is Ag朋ment. When the Agreement is terminated by cIause 20. 1,血e Owner may; ㈲ tak8 PO§SesSion ofany撮d all pr叩erty ofthe Contactor remaining on血e Property; (りa○○印t鵜Si即皿e加Ofs同○○調は劃眈掌馳d (匂COmPlete the Services using r餌so捌ble methods. Zl.2 Termin純on by Contractor for Ca皿Se: The Con億actor may provide血e Owner with 10 calender days notice to cure any default under this Ag鵬m創t. Where the defau航s not C関ed by血e expiry ofthe nodce date the Cont贈ctor is eutitled to te調inate this Agreement. 血order to teminate the Agreement, either party should to send両m day$, notice in w融ng to血e other party. The Owner ha8 dblig確on to pay血e Contractor for the woric or services Peめmed’融completed紬d approved by in呼ector or equipment insta11ed and approved by inape加r on血e date oftermination ofthe Agreement. The Owner h的no ob賞i卸ion to pay 血e Colmactor Or any Sul)con紬C如for也e wo血or services which i§ nOt OOmPlcted, or is not approved by in呼ector on the date of血e Agreemer競temination. The owner has no chl鳴afron to pay s岬phier for equipment which has bcen ordered, bu鴫not deliv㈱d to the Site and Address? or is not ins同11ed or叩proved by in謡ector on the date of血e Agreemenl 絶鮒in租髄on. 22. ARBITRA富ION 珊e conhactor劃d the Owner agree to settle any co血oversy) dispute?地m and is那e by medi融ons as flrs書option) and any controv餌sy or c融m arising out ofo持e離ng to the Agreeneut orぬe Agreement’wa脚巾y or the br㈱h the購of which cannot be resoIved by medi飽ons shall be s細ed at Santa Cl雌a Co叫y by ad)itration administered by the Åmerican A轟ui扇fron Association under its Co劇巾ction血dustry A血i調ion Rules, and judgmeut on the Page綿0f宣4 ownd rendered by血e arbitrato重㊥ may be erfered in劃y COurt having jurisdicfron thereof If 劃克t職tor detemines a party ofthe Cont腿ctOr and the Owner is responsまble for the cost of 調融on,血e party should pay for血e cost. Otherwise cost of afoi融on' or medi融ons chould be軸廟between傭鳩Cont輪cto胴nd血e C柄nen 23. ACC曲P富ANC脇 珊is agreement is for immediate accaptance and tcke e鰯ect immediately as血e Owner and the Co観劇c請料糾a書冊e beめw・ 24. THREE DAY?S CANCELLATION RIGHT 皿e Owner h購three days to c弧cd請e agIcemeut by LW The Owner: JIANM喜N WANG 圏園因園 Name: JIANM[N WÅNG The Con血ctor: APLUS CONSTRUCTION COMPANY 職cense Number; 996089 N頃ne; BmNc S如肌e言直 軍he Co血acめで; Na調e; Si餌8同職 Page嘉4 of的 T弛e: G暇NERAL PARTNER D兜:鵬扉仙, 2018 \DOOQONUl-bUJNr- NNNNNNNNNr-tr-tr-tr-tr-tr-tr-tr-tr-tr-t OOQONUl-hUJNi-‘OKDOOQONUl-bUJNi-‘O EXHIBIT B 4 DECLARATION OF LEON JEW Aplus Change Order Date: 01/10/2020 Client: James Wang Location: 5087 Tatra Drive, San Jose We propose the following changes: l. Frame for garage to dining room 8000 • Material 2800 • Labor 5200 2. Beam modification $8,500 • Material 2500 • Labor 6000 (3 people, 6 days) 3. Plumbing at entrance $1,500 • Labor: 1200 • Material: 300 Change Order Number: JWOO l Project Name: 4. Modify plumbing and frame for bathroom upstairs $1,500 • Labor: 1500 5. Place heater and add beam upstairs $2,500 • Labor 2000 • Material 500 6. Add extra plan to walls at first floor $1,200 • Labor 900 • Material 300 7. Add beam to the master bedroom $300 8. Add beam to all the doors upstairs $2,000 9. Add bar iron to all the rooms $3,500 • Labor 3000 • Material 500 10. Modify 3 times for the plumbing for 3x bathrooms upstairs$ 2,900 • Labor 2400 • Materials 5 00 11 . Insulation for living room: Labor and material $1,000 12. Add water pipe outdoor $3,500 • Labor 2000 • Material 15 00 13. House vent $2,500 • Labor. 1900 • Material 600 Estimated price for the changes: $38,000 The new contract amount including this change order will be: $309,800 The contract time will be changed by the following number of days: Dorn~