AffidavitCal. Super. - 6th Dist.March 25, 2021LDOOVOWU'l-hWNH NNNNNNNNNHHHHHHHHHH ooummthHOLooowmmthHO 21CV381318 Santa Clara - Civil Brian Angelini, State Bar No. 234072 E'ec"°"'°a"y F"°d Pouyan Bohloul, Esq., State Bar No. 326980 by SUpenor court Of CA’ PACIFIC ATTORNEY GROUP County 0f Santa Clara: 856 s. Robertson B1Vd., Penthouse 0n 8/6/2021 10:11 AM Los Angeles, CA 90035 Reviewed By: A. Rodrigu Tel: 310.659.6000 Case #21cv331313 Fax: 310.659.4000 Envelope: 7010806 SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA FOR THE COUNTY OF SANTA CLARA Parvaneh Mandegarihassan Abadi, CASE NO_: 21CV3813 1 8 Plaintiff: The Honorable Drew Takaichi, Dep ’t. 2 VS“ DECLARATION OF BRIAN ANGELINI, ESQ. REGARDING COURT CALL APPEARANCE ON Marco Antonio Busio; Fonsecca AUGUST 3, 2021 Construction, Inc.; and Does 1 to 10, inclusive, Defendants' Complaint Filed: March 25, 2021 DECLARATION I, Brian Angelini, declare: 1. I am an associate attorney employed by the Pacific Attorney Group, the attorney of record for Plaintiff Parvaneh Mandegarihassan Abadi. 2. Ihave personal knowledge 0f all the facts stated herein and am able t0 testify to it. 3. On August 3, 2021, I logged 0n through Court Call pursuant t0 the confirmation I received prior t0 the date 0f the Case Management Conference. 4. At approximately 1:20 p.m., I called and spoke With a receptionist at Court Call Who asked for my name, name 0f the judge, and the case name I was appearing for. -1- DECLARATION OF BRIAN ANGELINI LDOOVOWU'l-hWNH NNNNNNNNNHHHHHHHHHH ooummthHOLooowmmthHO 5. In response, I provided the representative With the information and was advised t0 wait until my case was called by the Court. 6. After waiting an extended period 0f time and not hearing anything, I decided t0 call Court Call a little after 2:00 p.m. wherein Ruth, customer representative, advised me that there were n0 more cases being called and she did not know what happened except that I was placed into the wrong que. 7. Thereafter, I immediately called the Department directly and spoke With Gigi about What happened. Gigi stated she was the Court Clerk but only temporary and that she would place a note in the file that I called and explained what happened. 8. Gigi advised me that there was an OSC hearing set for January 6, 2022. I advised the Court we would appear accordingly. 9. My apologies t0 the Court but I was available and did in fact attempt t0 10g in to the Court Where my case was being called. 10. I declare under penalty 0f perjury under the laws 0f California that the foregoing is true and correct, and that if I am called as a Witness I can and will testify competently thereto. This declaration was executed on August 3, 2021. By: Brian Angelini, declarant -2- DECLARATION OF BRIAN ANGELINI