Proof of Service ElectronicCal. Super. - 6th Dist.April 27, 202121CV381279 Santa Clara - Civil POS-OSOIEFS-OSO ATTORNEV 0R PARTY WITHOUT ATI'ORNEY: STATE BAR N0: 296544 FOR COURT USE ONLY NAME: . . FRM MME°bert T” Tang' Esq" Electronically Flled smeemnaess: 255 N. Market 8L, Suite 244 by Superior Court of CA, cm: San Jose STATE: CA 2w cone: 95110 County of Santa Clara, TELEPHONE No.: (408) 816-8098 FAX N04: on 7/1 9,2021 3:57 PM E-MAIL ADDRESS: roberttlaw‘l; ATTORNEV FOR(name): Liem Bui SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA. COUNTY 0F SANTA CLARA STREETADDRESS:191 N. First Street MAIUNG ADDRESS: 1 91 N. First Street CITY AND ZIP conasan Jose 951 1 3 BRANCH NAME: Reviewed By: A. Rodriguez Case #21CV381279 Envelope: 6877762 CASE NUMBER: 2 1CV38 1279 JUDICIALOFFICER: Commissioner Erik S. Johnson PLAINTIFF/PETITIONER: 1402 Camden LLC DEFENDANT/RESPONDENT: Liem Bui DEPAR‘IMENT: 4 PROOF 0F ELECTRONIC SERVICE 1. I am at least 18 years old. a. My residence or business address is (specify): 255 N. Market St, Suite 244 San Jose, CA 951 10 b. My electronic service address is (specify): annie@robertt[ Returned from the Court: 2. l electronicallx served the followinqdocuments (exact titles): NOTICE OF MOTION AND MOTION TO SET ASIDE DEFAULTNACATE DEFAULT JUDGMENT; AND POINTS AND AUTHORITIES E The documents served are listed in an attachment. (Form POS-050(D)/EFS-050(D) may be used for this purpose.) 3. l electronically served the documents listed in 2 as follows: a. Name of person served: Kirkman Hoffman. Esq. On behalf of (name or names of parties represented, if person served is an attorney): 1402 Camden LLC b. Electronic service address of person served : c. On (date): 07/19/2021 E The documents listed in item 2 were served electronically on the persons and in the manner described in an attachment. (Form POS-O50(P)/EFS-050(P) may be used for this purpose.) Date: 07/1 9/2021 l declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of California that the foregoing is true and correct. Annie Lu ’ W Lw (TYPE OR PRINT NAME OF DECLARANT) Page 1 of 1 Fonn Approved for Optional Use Judiual Comcfl of Califomla PososoIEFs-oso (Rev. Feoruary 1. 2017] PROOF OF ELECTRONIC SERVICE (Proof of ServiceIElectronic Filing and Service) Cal. Rules of Court, rule 2251 www.counacagov For your protection and privacy, please press the Clear This Form button after you have printed the form. I Print this form I I Save this form]