Proof of Service MailCal. Super. - 6th Dist.May 3, 2021J l'UD-U‘I'U ATTORNEY OR PARTY WITHOUT ATTORNEY: STATE BAR N01 FOR COURT USE ONLY NAME; Michael Panetta HRM NAME; smEETAnoRess: 101 WWeddell DrApt 353 F f L F DCITY: Sunnyvale STATE: CA ZIP CODE 94089 " TELEPHONE N0; 408-480-1162 FAX N0.: E-MAILADDREss: I Hm JUN - I ‘ A 1' 53 A‘I‘I’ORNEY FOR (name): SUPERIOR COURT 0F CALIFORNIA, COUNTY 0F SANTA CLARA Q91??? (Eff “figa '7 LANA smeemnaess: 191 N FIRST STREET ' COW L 'N ‘ MAstNG ADDRESS; E‘s; CITY AND ZIP CODE: SAN JOSE, CA 9511 3 BRANCH NAME: MAIN COURTHOUSE CASE NUMBER; Plaintiff/Petitioner. Discover Bank 21CV381231 Defendant/Respondent: Michael Panetta and DOES 1-1 0. inclusive PROOF OF SERVICE-CIVIL Check method of service {only one):E By Personal Service E By Mail E By Overnight Delivery DEPARTMENT:E By Messenger Service D By Fax JUDICIAL OFFICER: Do not use this form to show service of a summons and complaint or for electronic service. See USE OF THIS FORM on page 3. 1. At the time of service | was over 18 years of age and not a party to this action. 2. My residence or business address is: u6M3 m%mWe‘- éan gem” 0905\3‘? 3. E The fax number from which | served the documents Is (complete ifservice was by fax): 4. On {date}: Cg )10‘ \102.‘ | served the following documents (specifiz): Answer to Plaintiff‘s Complaint E The documents are listed in the Attachment to Proof of Service-Civil (Documents Served) (form POS-O40(D)). 5. l served the documents on the person or persons below. as foilows: a. Name 0f person served: Jessica M. Garcia, Esq. -Zw1cker &Associates, P.C. b. E (Complete if service was by persona! service, mail, ovemight delive/y, or messenger service.) Business or residential address where person was served: 1320 Willow Pass Road, Suite 7'30 Concord. CA 94520 c. E {Complete if service was by fax.) Fax number where person was served: E The names, addresses, and other applicable information about persons served is on the Attachment to Proof of Service- Civil (Persons Served) (form POS-O40(P)). 6. The documents were served by the following means (specify): a. E By personal service. | personally delivered the documents to the persons at the addresses listed in item 5. (1) For a party represented by an attorney, delivery was made (a) to the attorney personally; or (b) by leaving the documents at the attorney‘s office, in an envelope or package clearly labeled to identify the attorney being served, with a receptionist 0r an individual in charge of the office; or (c) ifthere was no person in the office with whom the notice or papers could be left, by leaving them in a conspicuous place in the office between the hours of nine in the morning and five' in the evening. (2) For a party delivery was made to the party or by leaving the documents at the party's residence with some person not younger than 18 years of age between the hours of eight In the morning and six in the evening. Page 1 of 3 Forrn Approved for Optiona1 Use _ Code of Civil Procedure §§ 1011 1013. 1013a, Judidal Coundl of California PROOF OF SERVICE CIVIL 2015 5: Ca! Rules 01' COLIN. rule 2.306Drawn mm, rnhnmnm 9n171 fDrnn‘F nf anirn\ mum". m: pg mu I'UO'U‘l-U CASE NAME: CASE NUMBER: DISCOVER BANK V. MICHAEL PANETTA and DOES 1-10. InCIUSIVe 2.1 CV381 23.1 6. b. E By United States mail. I enclosed the documents in a sealed envelope or package addressed to the persons at the addresses in item 5 and (specify one): (1) E deposited the sealed envelope with the United States Postal Service, with the postage fully prepaid. (2) E placed the envelope for collection and mailing, following our ordinary business practices. | am readily familiar with this business's practice for collecting and processing correspondence for mailing. On the same day that correspondence Is placed for collection and mailing. it is deposited in the ordinary course of business with the United States Postal Service, in a sealed enveIope with postage fully prepaid. l am a resident or employed in the county where the mailing occurred. The envelope or package was placed in the mail at (city and state): c. E By overnight delivery. | enclosed the documents in an envelope or package provided by an overnight delivery carrier and addressed to the persons at the addresses in item 5. l placed the envelope or package for collection and overnight delivery at an office or a regulady utilized drop box of the overnight delivery carrier. d. E By messenger service. | served the documents by placing them in an envelope or package addressed to the persons at the addresses listed in item 5 and providing them to a professional messenger service for service. (A declaration by the messenger must accompany this Proof of Service or be contained in the Declaration ofMessenger below.) e. E By fax transmission. Based on an agreement of the parties to accept service by fax transmission. l faxed the documents to the persons at the fax numbers listed in item 5. No error was reported by the fax machine that I used. A copy of the record of the fax transmission. which | printed out. is attached. | declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of California that the foregoing is true and correct. Date: fig \9 \ ’3 7-094 ABM ?mcm maxQA (hPE 0R PRINT NAME 0F DECLARANT) Q (SIGNETURE'OF DECLARANU‘on m(if item 6d above is checked, the declaration below must be completed or a separate declaran‘ a messenger must be attached.) DECLARATION 0F MESSENGER E By personal service. | personally delivered the envelope or package received from the declarant above to the persons at the address‘es listed in item 5‘ (1) For a pany represented by an attorney. delivery was made (a) to the attorney personally; or (b) by leaving the documents at the attorney's office, I'n an envelope or package clearly labeled to identify the attorney being served. with a receptionist or an individual in charge of the office; or (c) if there was no person in the office with whom the notice or papers could be left, by leaving them in a conspicuous place in the office between the hours of nine in the morning and five in the evening. (2) For a party, delivery was made to the party or by leaving the documents at the party‘s residence with some person not younger than 18 years of age between the hours of eight in the morning and six in the evening. At the time of service, I was over 18 years of age. | am not a party to the above-referenced legal proceéding. l served the envelope or package, as stated above, on (date): | deciare under penalty of perjury under the laws ofthe State of California that the foregoing is true and correct. Date: I D (NAME OF DECLARANT) (SIGNATURE OF DECLARANT) POS-O40 [Rem February 1. 2017] PROOF 0F SERVICE-CIVIL Page Z 013 [Drnnf nf Ramihn\