Proof of Service Summons DLR CivilCal. Super. - 6th Dist.May 3, 2021ATTORNEY OF PARTY WITHOUT ATTORNEY (Name, STaLe Bar nuldcer, and AddrCSS) : TODD F. HAINES L44429 TODD F. HAINES * !! C 30495 CANWOOD STREET, SUITE 1OO AGOURA HILLS, CA 91301 TELEPHoNE: (818) 597 -2240 ATTORNEY FOR: PLAINTIFF SANTA CLARA SUP. CRT. /SAN ,JOSE , srREEr ADDRESS: p€r rul-e 2 . 150 (a) ( 8 ) : MATLTNG ADDRESS: the address Of the court is not, reguired CITY AND ZIP CODE: BRANCH NAlVlE: ptainriff CITY OF PALO ALTO CASE NUMBER: Defendant PENSKE TRUCK LEASING CORPORATTON 21CV381210 Clt. Ref. or File No. PROOF OF SERVICE OF SI'MMONS 236-2009 (SeparaLe proof of service is required for each parry served.) 1. At Lhe time of service I was aL leasc 18 years of age and noc a parEy to this actjon. 2. T served copies of: SUMMONS; COMPLAINT; CfVIL CASE COVER SHEET; CIVIL LAWSUIT NOTICE - RULE 3.740 COLLECTIONS CASE 3. u. [XX] Party served PENSKE TRUCK LEASING CORPORATION, A CORPORATION b. [xX] person (other than Ehe parEy in iEem 3a) served on behaff of an entiLy or as an auLhorized agent (and noL a person under item 5b on whom subsEiEuEed service was made) (specify name and relationship Eo the party named in iEem 3a) : CSC LAWYERS/REGISTERED AGENTS, NICOLE STAUSS 4. Address where Ehe party was served: 2710 GATEWAY OAKS DR. STE 150N Sacramento, CA 95833 ^ r c.ytra.l rhF n:rts\/ lchenk nrnnnr bnv) a. [XX] by personal service. I personally deLivered the documents list in ibem 2 Lo the party or person authorized to receive service of process for t.he part.y (1) on (date) | 05/12/2L (2) at (Lime): 9:00 am. (4) [_ I ch.r".fter mailed (by first-class, postage prepaid) copies of the documents to the person Eo be served at lhe place where the copies were left (Code Civ. Proc., 4]-5.20). I mailed the documents POS-010 EOR COT'RT USE ONT'Y on (date) : Frnm /ai trr'l or [ ] a declaration of mailing is attached (5) [_ t attach a declaraEion of diligence stating actions taken first to aEtempt personal service. Paqe L oT z anmn'r-Fr-nFnFraiFai form Judicial Council of California PROOF OF SERVICE OF SI'MMONS Code of Civil Procedure, 41"7.10 POS-010 (Rev. January L, 2007) GO: ll- richardf | ill|il ril ililil ililililililuilr|rilxl|uuru ilil illil lllil lllil lil llil Electronically Filed by Superior Court of CA, County of Santa Clara, on 6/14/2021 12:40 PM Reviewed By: System System Case #21CV381210 Envelope: 6642857 21CV381210 Santa Clara - Civil System System CITY OF PALO ALTO PENSKE TRUCK LEASING CORPORATION CASE NUMBER: 21CV381210 Lhe documents f.isted first-class malf, c. [ ] by mail and acknowfedgmenc of receipt of service, r mailed in iLem 2 Eo the party, t.o Ehe address shown in Item 4, by h^eiada n,anaid. ,ro, L (1) on (date) : (2) from (ciEy): i - \ f I --r -L n^r-*^..r ^^^-^-F ^4 D^^^l,\J/ L r wr ' uwv uvpr€s of the Notice and Acknowledgmen! of Receipt (form 982(a) (a) and a postage paid return envel-ope addressed to me. (Attach completed Notice and Acknowledgement of Receipt (form 982(a) (a).) (code of civ. Proc.,415.30).) (4) [_] to an address outside ca]ifornia viiLh return receipt requested. (Code Civ. Proc. , 4l-5.40) I hv other pp6nc spncifw ncans nf serviee and arrrhorizino eode secEion):J !I vLrrL! 99.00 (recoverable under ccP1o33.5 (a) (a) (B) ) The " to the Person served" (on the summons) was compl"eted as follows: a. [_] as an individual, defendants. b. [_] as the person sued under the fictitious name of (specify): "- [ ] .. oc.roant/tenanc.. .llilrd. Lu1'.^.l On Denall oI : PENSKE TRUCK LEASING CORPORATION, A CORPORATION under t.he following code of civil Procedure section: [XX] ccp 416.10 (corporation) [-l +re .60 (minor) [_J ate .20 (defunct corporat.ion) [_J +re .70 (ward or conservacee) [_J +re.3o (joint suock or company association) [_J +re .90 , (authorized person) [_J +re .40 (associarion or parEnership) [_J +rs .46 (occupanL/Lenant) [-J +re .50 (pubric entity) [-J other, [-J cce 415.95 (business organizaEion, form unknown) Person who served papers a. Name: A. LEZAMA b. Address: 5632 Van Nuys Blvd., # 240 Van Nuys CA 91401 c. refephone number: (21-3) 928-7247 7- d. The fee for service was: $ e. I am: lf ) f I not a reoistercri e:l i fnrnia nr^.Aqq Server.\r/ l (2) | ] exempt from registration under Business and Professions code section 22350 lb) . {j) IXXl reoi srered Cal i fnrni a nrn.Fqq qFr\rFr : (i) [_] owner t__{-"T,n.b{"? r,.,!I*, rndependenE conrracror. (ii)negist.r4cion No.: (JL | - .U l"* / ( i r i ) county L\ x.-0.{r \4.#fl...o tXXl 'declare under nanalf\/ ^F narirrrrr rrnd41 the faws of the Slate of California C.hattr:.1 J r t.he foregoing is true and correct. or 9. [ ] f a* a California sheriff or marshal and I certify thaE the foregoing is Erue and correct. oare, 0k{rO lrl A. LEZAMA (NAIVIE OF PERSON WHO SERVED PAPERS/SHERIFF OR MARSHAL) D^da a ^F ) a^Tnrrtar-d^nFr^f Fd f ^rm Judiciaf council of Cafifornia POS-010 (Rev. January L, 2007) PROOF OF SERVICE OF SI'MMONS GO:11 code of civil Procedure, 417.10