Affidavit Proof of PublicationCal. Super. - 6th Dist.May 3, 20211042 w. Hedding St. Suite 250 San Jose, CA 95126 (408) 938-1700 or (408) 457-1054 r- 3 aw Space Below for Use byréllrif'othCourt ZBZI JUL -q A HI 25 SUPERIOR COURT 0F THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA FOR THE COUNTY ' 0F SANTA CLARA State of California County of Santa Clara, I, the undersigned, stale Lhall am, and at all times herein mentioned, was a citizen 0f the United States 0f America, over the age 0f eighteen years and not a pany 10 or interested in the above matter, that I am the principal clerk 0f the publisher 0f E1 Observador, a newspaper published in the City of San Jose, and adjudged a newspaper 0f general circulation for the City of San Jose and the County ofSanta Clara, State 0f California, 0n September 9, 1988, Cake N0. 659080, and that the notice 0f which the annexed is a printed copy, has been published in each regular and entire issue of said newspaper and not in any supplement thereof, on the following dates to-wit: Insenion Dales: May l4, 2], 28 and June 4, 2021: I' certify (0r declare) under the penalty of pexjury that the foregoing is true and corrch OWL R Executed on June 4,2021 , in San Jose, Califqgfia ' OBDERJ'O SHow CAUSE FOR CHANGE OF NAME TO CONFOHM TO GENDER IDENTITY ' N0. 21CV3B1185 TO ALL INTEQESTED PERSONS: Supe- rior Court of CaJifom'Ia, County of Santa CIara-ln the matter of the applicafion bf. Cassandra Michelle Forfinv 1.‘Petifiqner(s) Cassandra I Michelle ‘ Forfin‘filed a petition w’rlh this court for a decree changing name as follows a. Cassandra. Michelle Foru‘n to Jufian Ca] Form 2THE COURT ORDERS mat any person objecting to - the name changes de- scnbed above must file awr‘rtien objection that ' indudes the reasons ~ for me objecfion wrth‘ in six weeks 0f the date I this order is issued tf ' n9 wn'tten objécfion is timery med, me oour: will gran} the, petitjon I Objections '“Mmofii‘afie’a‘fin-fiTA'T hearing date may be _, setontyifanobjecfionis ‘ I ti'mesy filed end shows goodcauseforoppos- ing the name change. ' based solely on concerns that the proposed change is not the person’s actual gender identity or gender a‘ssigned at bIrrh shan. not constitute good cause: (See Code Civ. Proc.‘ Secfion 1275(0)) 6/30/2011, &45am @PROBATE NOTE When a pefifion has , been filed to change. the name of a minor to conform to gender idenfityandthepefifion does not include the ' signatures 0f both fiv- ing parents, the petition and this order tc‘: show -.' cause shall be sewed Affidavit of Publication: Case No. 21CV381185 on the parent who did not sIgn the pefifion, under section 41310, 41410.0r 41540, w'rmjn 80 days from the date on which the order is made by the court May 3, 2021 JulieA Emede Judge 0f the Superior I Court May 14. 21,28 and I June4,2021